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Nandi-Ndaitwah assures Otweya fire victims of govt support

Vice President Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah on Tuesday assured the residents of Otweya that the government is working on addressing their urgent needs following last week ‘ s fire . Addressing the displaced residents at Walvis Bay , Nandi – Ndaitwah expressed concern over the recurring fires at the harbour town , describing the situation as worrisome . ‘ There is an urgent need to investigate the reoccurring shack fires in Walvis Bay to address the challenges faced by the residents . Community members and authorities should also engage in introspection and investigate the underlying causes of these incidents ,’ she expressed . The vice president said the police should also conduct thorough investigations to understand why fires keep breaking out in the informal settlement . On the other hand , Nandi – Ndaitwah called for calm and patience as the government is coordinating efforts to provide food , shelter , and other forms of relief . She further expressed gratitude to individuals and organisations that have alr
eady assisted , including through the donation of temporary shelters . In an interview with Nampa , Otweya resident Petrus Uri – Khob expressed his concern about the delay in dealing with the Otweya situation . ‘ It is disheartening to see that after 34 years of independence , we still have to fight for the most basic needs such as land and decent housing . This situation ( fires ) occurs every year but somehow the municipality and our government do not seem to have any urgency in addressing it ,’ he expressed . Justina Matheus , a fire victim , said she and her husband lost everything in the fire , including their national documents . She expressed the hope that the government will seriously consider availing land which they can build decent houses on for themselves . ‘ We cannot afford to rent from people as accommodation is expensive . We however also do not wish to keep staying at this place illegally , but what choice do we have if there is no solution for us from our leaders ?’ Matheus said . Close to 2
00 structures said to be constructed on land belonging to NHE were destroyed by the fire , which also claimed the life of one man .

Source: The Namibia News Agency