Ndama Junior Primary School classes still suspended

Rundu: Classes have not yet resumed at Ndama Junior Primary School in Rundu after being suspended last Thursday due to a lack of water and broken toilets at the school . This was confirmed by Acting Director of Education in the Kavango East Region , Asser Kandere , on Wednesday . Local media reported last week how learners were relieving themselves openly in the school yard for three weeks because of the lack of water , broken toilets and overflowing septic tanks . Following the suspension of classes , a stakeholder meeting was held to discuss the emptying of the septic tanks , fixing of toilets which were in a state of disrepair , and restoring of water services . ‘ So far the septic tanks have been emptied . The water tank was also filled with water on Tuesday . We are now just waiting on the officials from the Rundu Vocational Training Centre , who promised to have the toilets fixed today ,’ Kandere said . The acting director said classes should resume on Thursday providing that the toilets are fixed . Las
t week , Namibia National Teachers Union ( Nantu ) Secretary General Loide Shaanika called on the Ministry of Education , Arts and Culture to do away with constructing septic tanks at schools and to find a more permanent solution . Shaanika said Nantu will not allow teachers to work in such inhumane conditions , adding that the situation at Ndama has not changed since she visited the school in 2020 . ‘ We have forwarded a report to head office and are waiting on a response . While we wait on head office , we are also in discussions with the Rundu Town Council and NamWater to see if there is a way to connect schools to the town ‘ s main sewer ,’ Kandere said.

Source: The Namibia News Agency