NSFAS releases 2022 funding lists for eligible students

NSFAS releases the 2022 funding lists for NSFAS eligible students

The NSFAS Board welcomes the commitment by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande to fund all qualifying students on the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) bursary scheme who have been admitted for funded programmes as public TVET colleges and universities in 2022.

For the 2022 applications cycle, NSFAS has received 906 429 applications. To be eligible for NSFAS funding – an applicant must be a South African citizen, come from a family with a combined annual household income of not more than R350 000 per annum (in the case of students with a disability the combined annual household income may not exceed R600 000 per annum). 30 % (276 748) of the applicants have received a real-time decision, when submitting an application via myNSFAS Portal.

The funding list, of NSFAS eligible students who intend furthering their studies in any of the 26 public universities and 50 TVET colleges, has been released to higher education institutions, effective today. The list contains names of students who qualify for the NSFAS funding, according to the NSFAS funding criteria.

All NSFAS eligible students, with a successful funding status, are advised to proceed to their respective institutions, where they have been admitted, to register for the 2022 academic year. Registration fee for NSFAS student has been waived, in line with the subsidised higher education policy. This means that no NSFAS funded student whose name appears on the funded list should be asked to pay registration.

NSFAS has put in a new process, that has been enhanced to manage the appeal process. Students who have not met academic eligibility criteria may lodge an appeal with NSFAS (noting that these appeals should no longer be directed to the institution).

Students/applicants can lodge appeals on myNSFAS Student Portal – www.nsfas.org.za(link is external). Appeals will open from tomorrow, February 03, 2022. Students wishing to appeal must upload all required supporting documentation to substantiate the reasons for appeal. Appeals should be submitted within 30 days of having been assessed as unsuccessful.

N.B. Appeals that are supported by an affidavit will not be accepted.

Source: Government of South Africa