ODEC opens doors to underprivileged learners

Education , Arts and Culture Minister Anna Nghipondoka has emphasised the importance of ensuring that all Namibian children , regardless of their financial circumstances , have access to quality education . She said this in a speech delivered on her behalf at the inauguration of the Tangeni Shilongo Namibia ( TSN ) Open Doors Education Centre ( ODEC ) in Swakopmund on Friday . ODEC is a primary school serving children from informal settlements which follows the Namibian curriculum while integrating specialised subjects such as computer science , music , and languages like German and Afrikaans . The centre will provide quality education to children from financially disadvantaged backgrounds . ‘ At the heart of this remarkable centre is a vision that speaks directly to the soul of our ministry ; to provide every Namibian child , regardless of their family ‘ s financial situation , with access to quality education and a brighter future ,’ she stated . Nghipondoka highlighted the critical role of early childhood
education in reducing school dropouts and improving completion rates , citing research that links a strong early learning foundation to future success . ODEC ‘ s journey started in 2014 , when two then volunteers from Germany , Volkan Sazli and Malina John , arrived in Namibia with a vision to make a lasting impact . Inspired by their time working on the DRC school project and community centre , Volkan and Malina sought to extend their contributions beyond their initial year of service and established TSN , a foundation aimed at providing long – term material and financial support to sustain and expand the school project . In his speech , Sazli reflected on his first visit to Namibia , describing the warmth , hospitality , and solidarity he experienced upon arriving in Namibia . ‘ There was no other country in my life that welcomed me from day one , as if I had always been one of them , and despite being a stranger the community welcomed me and made me fee at home ,’ he explained . The school currently regist
ered close to 300 learners and employs 25 Namibians . German Ambassador to Namibia , Dr Torsten Hutter applauded the remarkable progress of the ODEC project , emphasising its decade – long journey from humble beginnings to becoming a vital educational hub . ‘ What started with managing a school project in this informal settlement led to identifying the need to enable young people to pursue studies ,’ the ambassador remarked .

Source: The Namibia Press Agency