One Sluice Gate Opened at Vaal Dam to Manage Water Levels

Johannesburg: The Department of Water and Sanitation has initiated the opening of one sluice gate at the Vaal Dam to regulate water levels following persistent rainfall. The sluice gate was opened at noon on Thursday to increase outflows due to the dam’s rising water levels.

According to South African Government News Agency, the current water level at the Vaal Dam, which supplies a significant portion of Gauteng, stands at 106.14%. The department aims to maintain the dam’s water level at approximately 105% by increasing the outflows through the opened sluice gate. This gate is expected to release between 110 to 130 cubic meters per second and will remain open throughout the long weekend. The department has stated that it will continue to monitor the water levels closely to determine any further necessary action.

All previously opened outlet valves at the Vaal Dam, which were releasing 60.1 cubic meters per second, have been closed. These valves lacked the capacity to release the required water volumes, necessitating the opening of the sluice gate. The department assured that the water release remains within safe operational limits and is not expected to cause any flooding downstream.

At Bloemhof Dam, outflows were also increased to 250 cubic meters per second starting at 10 am, in anticipation of extra flows from the Vaal Dam expected in three to four days. This action aims to keep the Bloemhof Dam’s water level below 100%, as it currently stands at 97.6%. The department continues to closely monitor the water levels at both dams to ensure effective water management.