Gourma/Finale jeux olympiques : La population soutient l’athlète Hugues Fabrice Zango

Ouagadougou: La population de Fada N’Gourma avec les autorités, se sont retrouvées autour d’un écran géant hier 09 août 2024, pour soutenir leur héros national, Hugues Fabrice Zango, en phase de finale aux jeux olympiques 2024.

Dès 16 heures 30, jeunes, femmes et hommes accompagnés des autorités administratives de la région et de la province se sont retrouvés devant un écran géant, le vendredi 09 août 2024, pour manifester leur encouragement et leur soutien indéfectible à leur athlète national en phase de finale en triple saut des jeux olympiques 2024.

Dès que le héros national s’est placé pour un essai, les spectateurs se sont mis à crier et à scander le nom de Fabrice Zango.

A la fin des différents essais, les spectateurs étaient loin de leur attentes, mais demeurent toujours avec leur athlète.

Selon le secrétaire général de la région, Siaka Ouattara, ces jeux auxquels leur héros a pris part étaient de grand niveau.

«Avec la performance de 17,50 m, Hugues Fabrice Zango ne sera pas sur le podium mais il
n’a pas démérité», a-t-il ajouté.

Siaka Ouattara a souhaité que l’ensemble des sportifs qui ont part à ces jeux olympiques redoublent d’efforts afin de décrocher des médailles pour les compétitions à venir.

Sékou Sidibé, de l’UNICEF Fada N’Gourma, a renchérit qu’ils sont venus soutenir Hugues Fabrice Zango parce que c’est l’ambassadeur qui accompagne leur structure dans des questions liées aux enfants et à l’eau.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: SONATUR offers infrastructure worth more than 431 million to the populations of Dogona

Ouagadougou: The National Urban Land Development Company (SONATUR) offered yesterday, Friday, community infrastructure worth more than 431 million FCFA to the populations of the reception area of Dogona, in the town of Bobo-Dioulasso.

Community infrastructure, including a health center, a school and drinking water works, estimated at more than 431 million FCFA, were handed over by the National Urban Land Development Company (SONATUR) to the inhabitants of Dogona in Bobo-Dioulasso.

According to the Minister in charge of Urban Planning and Housing, Mikaïlou Sidibé, these achievements fall under the societal responsibility of SONATUR. They reflect the company’s commitment to contributing to sustainable development and the well-being of local communities, he added.

The minister also indicated that these infrastructures are in addition to the government’s efforts in the areas of health, education and access to drinking water.

The Minister in charge of Health, Dr Robert Kargougou, welcomed a gesture which will
improve the geographical and financial accessibility of beneficiaries to health services.

Dr Kargougou also promised to make the health center operational as soon as possible for the benefit of the populations.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zondoma: Red Stars win the 10th Peace and Fraternity Cup

Ouagadougou: The Red Stars won the final of the 10th edition of the peace and fraternity tournament, played on Saturday August 3, 2024 at the Place de la Nation in Gourcy, under the presidency of the top – commissioner of the Zondoma province, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé.

The 10th edition of the Cup of Peace and Fraternity delivered its verdict on Saturday August 3, 2024 on the grounds of the Place de la Nation in Gourcy.

Placed under the theme: ‘Sport and youth entrepreneurship’, this edition saw the participation of ten teams.

But ultimately, it was the teams ‘Les Red Stars’ and ‘Les Frères Unis’ who managed to snatch their tickets for the final.

The opposition of these two teams turned in favor of the first, which won by the smallest mark of 1 goal to zero.

‘The Red Stars’ thus won the title of the 10th edition, endowed with a trophy, an envelope of one hundred thousand francs, a set of jerseys, a ball and medals. Third place went to ‘Caïmans FC’.

For promoter Habila Sawadogo, beyond football, which is a u
nifying factor, this tournament is intended to be a springboard for the development of the city of Gourcy.

It is in this dynamic that the organizers laid the first stone for the renovation of the city’s only roundabout, located near the Gourcy market.

Known for his love for the sport king, the high commissioner of the province of Zondoma, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, president of the event, praised this initiative of young people, while indicating his availability to accompany them in their activities.

An appointment has been made for the 11th edition, which will be coupled, according to the organizers, with the inauguration of the roundabout, work on which has just been launched.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zondoma: SONAGESS selected for the delivery of food for the school canteen

Ouagadougou: After the withdrawal of the delivery of food to schools by the municipalities in favor of the Ministry of Literacy, a mission from the department met, on Wednesday August 7, 2024 in Gourcy, the actors of the education of Zondoma in order to discuss with them the new provisions implemented for providing schools with food and school supplies.

The government of Burkina decided, last April, to remove from the hands of the municipalities the delivery of food intended for the school canteen as well as the minimum school bag, and to entrust it to the ministry in charge of Education.

It is with a view to implementing this new prerogative that a team from the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate for the Allocation of Specific Means to Schools (DAMSE), initiated, on Wednesday August 7 2024 in Gourcy, an information meeting with education stakeholders.

According to the members of the DAMSE team, made up of Konseimbo/Nikièma Irène and Bondé/Yé Véronique, it will be a question of explaining to th
e actors the arrangements made by the ministry for the implementation of these two activities of a on the one hand, and on the other hand, to collect their recommendations for the success of future operations.

‘Defects and/or delays in delivery of food by local authorities, difficulties linked to quality controls, failures of service providers, etc., are, among other things, the reasons which led to this decision by the State’ , explained the representatives of the DAMSE, who also reassured the participants that arrangements have already been made to provide schools with food and supplies on the right date.

‘It is the National Food Security Stock Management Company (SONAGESS) which will be responsible for delivering food to the twelve regions other than the Center,’ they specified. They added that school supplies will be available in the Basic Education Districts (CEB) by the end of September 2024 at the latest.

After all the explanations, the participants, made up of agents from the provincial directorate
in charge of Education (DPEPPNF), those from the CEBs of Gourcy 1 and 2, parents of students, and teachers, firstly welcomed this decision by the government before hoping that the ministry will do everything possible to do better than the municipalities.

They then made a commitment to play their part, while recalling the need to emphasize monitoring and control at the base by providing provincial directorates and CEBs with substantial resources.

The members of the mission were surrounded by the Provincial Director in charge of Education, Karim Sawadogo, and the heads of the CEBs of Gourcy 1 and 2.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kaya: A lesson in civics given at the remand center

Ouagadougou: The bodies of the Center-North region sacrificed this Tuesday to the traditional rise of national colors. Under the chairmanship of the secretary general of the region, the Kaya remand and correctional center hosted the said ceremony on August 6, 2024.

The solemn raising of the national colors and the sharing of information marked the ceremony held on Tuesday August 6, 2024 within the confines of the Kaya remand and correctional center.

‘This rise of colors, the day after the independence day of our country, marks our attachment to our dear homeland,’ declared Inoussa Kaboré at the end of the rise, to the sound of the national anthem sung in chorus by the participants.

Inoussa Kaboré congratulated the participants on this day commemorating the 64 years of struggle for true independence of Burkina Faso.

A framework for civic expression, the monthly raising of colors ceremony is also a moment of information sharing for the region’s constituent bodies.

The occasion was a great opportunity to pr
esent victories and congratulate the actors who have distinguished themselves in one way or another in their respective fields.

The Center-Nord emerging sports school presented the second prize in volleyball in the 5th edition of the ‘Efforts’ competition, held in Tenkodogo in early July.

The Kaya university center presented the 1st prize pétanque trophy of the National Week of Arts and Culture of the Universities of Burkina (SENAC-UB).

The National Confederation of Culture (CNC) chose this opportunity to thank all the actors who contributed to the success of the fundraising for the peace effort that it initiated in April 2024.

Under the flag, certificates of recognition were given to personalities from the region, including the governor and His Majesty Naaba Sigri, king of Boussouma.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Koubri: The special delegation clears the gutters of their waste

Ouagadougou: The special delegation from the commune of Koubri organized a cleaning of the gutters on Saturday and took the opportunity to raise awareness among the population on the importance of sanitation.

‘People have understood that their health depends on themselves. They thus participate in cleaning the gutters of the commune, which were completely blocked,’ declares Samadé Léonard Gougou, President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Koubri.

For him, the inhabitants of the rural commune of Koubri are doing their part to clean up their town because they know that their health depends on it.

Mr. Gougou spoke on Saturday morning in Koubri, during the sanitation activity organized by the municipality.

The rainwater drainage ditches were mostly blocked. Some were even barely visible, overgrown with sand, earth or other waste.

The inhabitants of the 26 villages of Koubri came out en masse to empty the gutters of their harmful contents.

‘This activity will allow the gutters to be unblocke
d and rainwater to flow towards the dam. It will also make it possible to fight against diseases such as dengue and malaria,’ says the first head of the municipality.

According to Léonard Gougou, this activity is part of the presidential initiative for endogenous development.

Kokoro Kobori, Kadiogo provincial infrastructure director, called on residents of Koubri to properly maintain the gutters.

‘Some gutters are not made of concrete. We will pass this information on to whoever it may concern, and for future projects, they will be made of concrete,’ he promises.

For Sibiri Compaoré, president of the town hall’s sanitation commission, the cleaning will be continued and awareness-raising will be carried out among users.

‘I invite all residents of Koubri to participate in the sanitation activities of the municipality. This will also help cultivate social cohesion between residents,’ underlines Mr. Compaoré.

Martin Kaboré, resident of Koubri, welcomes the initiative of the special delegation.

‘We apprecia
te the desire of the special delegation to fight against diseases and floods by cleaning the gutters,’ says Martin Kaboré.

Every first Saturday of the month is reserved for sanitation activities in Koubri.

Source: Burkina Information Agency