Motherwell detectives apprehend alleged business robber

GQEBERHA – Determination and commitment towards their vocation paid off when dedicated detectives from SAPS Motherwell followed up on various leads, which led them to the successful apprehension of an alleged business robbery suspect.

It is alleged that the suspect was involved in a business robbery at PEP Stores, at NU9, Motherwell during July 2021. During the robbery more than 60 cellphones and cash were stolen. Detectives worked tirelessly and finally made a breakthrough when they obtained sufficient evidence to link the suspect to the scene. On Friday, 10 September 2021 at about 00:10, detectives pounced on the suspect and arrested him at a residence in Motherwell. Detectives also confiscated cash that was allegedly stolen during the robbery.

The 29-year-old suspect is due to appear in the Motherwell magistrate’s court on Monday, 13 September 2021 on a charge of business robbery. More arrests are expected as the investigation unfolds.

Source: South African Police Service

Experts, State agencies investigate Justice dept IT breach

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development says it is working with State agencies to investigate a ransomware attack on the department’s Information Technology systems.

Ransomware is often in the form of infectious software unwittingly downloaded by a user, which blocks access to a computer usually until a ransom is paid.

In a statement, the department said its IT systems were compromised following a security breach on Tuesday evening.

“This has led to all information systems being encrypted and unavailable to both internal employees, as well as members of the public. As a result, all electronic services provided by the department are affected, including the issuing of letters of authority, bail services, email and the departmental website.

“Child maintenance payments for month-end have already been processed and will therefore not be impacted by the current system outage,” the department said.

The department said that so far, no data has been compromised. It assured the public that its IT teams are working to restore electronic services.

“The department has activated its Business Continuity Plan and put contingency measures in place to ensure that the IT system challenges do not affect court operations around the country. Manual recording equipment will be used to ensure that court sittings continue as scheduled.

“The Office of the Chief Master is currently using a manual process to provide bereaved families with the necessary documentation that they need to bury their loved ones,” the statement said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Public urged to participate in pre-Budget consultations

National Treasury has invited the public to participate in pre-Budget consultations.

South Africa is one of the five pilot countries that are participating in the Fiscal Openness Accelerator (FOA) project that was launched in 2019 by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT), Treasury said in a statement on Friday.

“The project’s overall objective is to build the technical capacity of selected governments, enhance fiscal transparency and to support the implementation of a public participation pilot in the national budget cycle,” it said.

The purpose of the initiative is to, among other things, “enrich the national budget process and/or policy/ies with inputs from non-government stakeholders, and other relevant sectors towards better alignment of national government fiscal policies with citizens’ needs and concerns”.

The department said the initiative is also aimed at improving government practice and policy/ies on public participation and closing the feedback loop on the budget process and increased government responsiveness and public accountability.

Budget 2021, said Treasury, “confirmed government’s fiscal strategy of returning public finances to a sustainable position through ongoing restraint in expenditure growth and implementation of structural reforms to support economic growth”.

In this context, the fiscal strategy aims to narrow the deficit and stabilise the debt-to-GDP ratio, primarily by controlling non-interest expenditure growth.

The strategy also seeks to provide continued support to the economy and public health services in the short-term without adding to long-term spending pressures.

“[It also seeks to] improve the composition of spending, by reducing growth in compensation while protecting capital investment,” Treasury said.

The 2021 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, Treasury said, allows for the opportunity to review this policy position.

National Treasury said it is soliciting the public’s views on South Africa’s Fiscal Policy on what improvements can be made to the Budget to deal with the challenge of long-term fiscal sustainability, and in light of limited resources, how should South Africa finance key priorities.

Written submissions, of not more than three pages, may be made on line.

The Treasury will also host a one-day virtual public consultation meeting to discuss the ideas put forward.

The online format for making submissions may be found on:

The department said while it is its wish to respond to each submission in writing, this is not practically possible, and a summary report will be published. All submissions will be published via the Vulekamali online portal, where they may be viewed.

The outcomes from the public consultation meeting are intended to inform National Treasury’s proposed budget strategy to be considered by Cabinet in the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, which is an important step in the planning phase of the budget process.

The deadline for written submissions is 17 September 2021. The registration for the online public consultation will be opened prior to the meeting, which will be held in the fourth week of September 2021.

Source: South African Government News Agency

FSCA warns against businessman Mandla Lamba

The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has warned the public to tread with caution when doing any financial services with businessman Mandla Lamba.

In a statement, the FSCA on Thursday said it had received information that Lamba was conducting unregistered business and offering shares to members of the public on social media and other broadcasting platforms, promising them unrealistic returns.

Lamba recently received extensive media coverage on his business venture for which he sought investors. He has previously had run-ins with law enforcement agencies.

“The FSCA points out that Mandla Lamba is not authorised in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (FAIS Act) to render any financial advice and intermediary services,” the statement reads.

Flagged companies linked to Lamba include the Mandla Lamba Billionaires Club, Agilitee (Pty) Ltd, Verityhurst Academy (Pty) Ltd, Verityhurst Capital (Pty) Ltd.

“Members of the public should always check that an entity or individual is registered with the FSCA to provide Financial Advisory & Intermediary Services, and what category of advice it is that the entity is registered to provide.

“There are instances where persons are registered to provide basic advisory services for a low-risk product and then offer services of a far more complex and risky nature,” said the Authority.

The FSCA urged consumers who wish to conduct financial services with an institution or person to check beforehand with the FSCA on either the toll-free number 0800 110 443 or on the website as to whether or not such institution or person is authorised to render financial services, and in particular, which financial products they are licensed for.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Gauteng and Limpopo officially exit the third wave

Gauteng and Limpopo have officially exited the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Addressing a media briefing on Friday, Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla said Gauteng has gone down to below 5% — at 4.4% — positivity rate.

Phaahla said he hopes other provinces will follow suit, as there is no room for complacency.

The Minister said the country is steadily getting out of the grip of the third wave, which is driven by the Delta variant.

“Nationally, there has been a 24% drop in new cases, compared to seven days before. Over this period, the highest case incidence has been in the Northern Cape province, followed by the Free State and then KwaZulu-Natal, in terms of cases per 100 000 population,” Phaahla said.

The Minister said that over this period of seven days, hospitalisation has also gone down by 10%, with the Western Cape still the highest per population, followed by Free State and Gauteng.

“In the last 24 hours, South Africa recorded 6 270 new cases, which is consistent with a downward trend of new infections but surprisingly, the highest number of cases were recorded in the Western Cape at 23.6%, KZN 19.5% and the Eastern Cape 17.8%,” the Minister said.

The Minister said the positivity rate has come down from the highest level of 35% in mid-July to 12% on Thursday.

“We are encouraged that the positivity rate is steadily going down every day. As of yesterday, Gauteng was down, making it the only province that reached the recommended World Health Organisation (WHO) level, below 5%. It came out at 4.4%,” Phaahla said.

Extending his gratitude to health care workers, Phaahla said: “We must again thank our health workers for keeping up the gallant task of saving lives on the front line, not only from COVID-19 but from other diseases as well. Sadly, we continue to lose many more South Africans daily,” Phaahla said.

As of yesterday, South Africa recorded 175 new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 84 327.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Government to introduce new digital COVID-19 certificate

Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla says despite South Africa not having gone the route of issuing vaccination passports, the country has commenced with the development of a digital vaccination certificate to confirm that a person has been vaccinated.

“We are aware of the debate around vaccination passports, which is required by some countries for international travel. In our country, we haven’t gone that route. We only require a less than 72 hours old PCR COVID-19 test for people leaving or entering South Africa,” Phaahla said

The Minister briefed the media on Friday on progress regarding government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19 and the national vaccination rollout programme.

Phaahla said government has made sure that this certificate will be protected from fraud and will be uploaded on people’s smartphones and can be printed.

“This initiative is in line with the World Health Organisation (WHO) initiated vaccination certificate. Through this, WHO is attempting to standardise vaccination proof all over the world so that it cannot be defrauded,” the Minister said.

He said this vaccination certificate should be available to those who are vaccinated in just over a week.

Phaahla clarified that the certificate will be made available for those recently vaccinated and those vaccinated several months ago, as long as their personal information is reflected in the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS).

He emphasised that government has no intention to require people in future to produce these certificates to access public services.

“The certificates may be useful for access to entertainment, sports and other events but definitely not essential and public services,” Phaahla said.

Vaccination rollout campaign

Phaahla said the vaccination campaign is maintaining steady momentum but still needs more speed in order to reach the target.

He said workplace vaccinations play a major role in the vaccination rollout campaign.

“Business for South Africa (B4SA) has been coordinating workplace vaccinations. This is an alliance of various volunteers working with government and social partners largely from the business sector to mobilise colleagues in the business side for resources, and also to build capacity in our struggle to combat COVID-19. I must say B4SA has been a very reliable partner working with other social partners,” Phaahla said.

He said when vaccination stations closed on Thursday, the country had administered just over 225 000 doses, including the second doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which is far short of the daily target of 300 000 doses.

To date, the total number of doses administer as of Thursday was 14 367 151, with the total number of individuals vaccinated standing at 10.5 million.

“These are individuals with a minimum of one of either vaccine. This constitutes 26.4% of the total adult population,” Phaahla said.

He said out of the 10.5 million, just over seven million people were fully vaccinated, constituting 17.64% of the adult population.

Phaahla said they still need to reach another 18 million more adults in order to achieve the 70% coverage of the adult population by December.

“The encouraging news is that once we get more doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we should be able to increase the number of those who get fully vaccinated because every single dose will constitute full vaccination,” Phaahla said.

Speaking on the gender proportion in terms of vaccination, the Minister said females are coming out in bigger numbers, with 57.7% of those vaccinated being female, compared to males at 42.3%.

“We still have a lot of work to do to get all the men to come out and receive their jabs,” Phaahla said.

The Minister announced that government has activated the self-booking feature on the EVDS system, where individuals can select a date, time and vaccination site of their choice.

Phaahla raised a concerned over unvaccinated South Africans, saying the vast majority of unvaccinated people end up in hospital.

Source: South African Government News Agency