Upington highway patrol seizes abandoned dagga on N10

Community policing was displayed today, 04 September 2021 when Sgt Willem van der Merwe from the

Upington Highway patrol unit received information from a community member who noticed two suspicious bags lying next to the road.

At 14:00 Sgt van der Merwe followed up on the information and drove out on the N10 road between Upington and Groblershoop as indicated by the informant.

Upon further investigation he discovered two black bags containing a large amount of dagga with an estimated street value of R253 000-00. An enquiry was opened and no arrests were made as the dagga was found abandoned.

“This is a clear demonstration of the community being the eyes and ears of the police. This exchange of information prevented the drugs from reaching the streets and being sold to innocent persons. The police will continue to squeeze the space for drug dealers to operate,” said the ZF Mgcawu Acting District Commander, Brig Johnny Besnaar.

Source: South African Police Service

Help police to trace the family of an African woman found near stadium swimming pool

The police at Parkweg Police Station are looking for the family, relatives or friends of an African female who was found murdered at an open space near Stadium Swimming pool: corner of Park Road and First Avenue, Willows.

On Friday 3 September 2021 at about 21:20 the police received a complaint of the body of a female estimated to be between 20 and 30 years. A patrol vehicle was despatched to attend and on arrival at the scene the police found a lifeless body of a woman with two stab wounds lying on its back.

The deceased was wearing black pair of jeans, black hoodie inside black and red jean jacket and Nike sneakers. A Capitec bank card and house keys with orange key holder were found inside her pockets. A murder case was later registered for further investigation.

Any member of the public who might have information that might help the police to identify the deceased and trace her family is requisted to call Captain Yaliwe Mokoena at 082 526 2653, or call Crime Stop at 08600 10111, alternatively send information via MySAPS App.

Source: South African Police Service

Provincial Media Center commends partnership policing through air-waves

On Friday 03 September 2021, the Saps Limpopo Provincial Commander of Media Relations, Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe visited Maruleng FM in Sekororo under Maake Policing area of the Mopani District.

As part of the ongoing media engagement across the Province, the focus area was on partnership policing where community members particularly, in and around the Maake, Tzaneen and Hoedspruit areas were commended for supplying the Police with quality and reliable information which led to the arrest of more criminals linked to house robberies, bussiness robberies and carjackings.

Colonel Ngoepe further encouraged members of the community to participate effectively in the community based crime prevention structures such as the Community Police Forums, Sector Forums, Street Committees and the neighborhood watch to get rid of serious and violent crimes.

He then concluded the interview by sharing the relevant contact details of the mentioned Police Stations management including the District Commissioner to the listeners.

Source: South African Police Service

Acid throwing women gets 15 years Imprisonment for Murder

On 11th March 2019, the accused Precious Ngidi, 28-year-old went to the deceases, Noxolo Mkhwanazi aged 26-year-old, place of work in Tongaat.

She confronted the deceased about having an affair with her husband. They got into an argument and the accused removed a container from her bag, containing acid and threw it on the deceased.

In the process some of the acid spilled on the accused. A reaction officer immediately attended the scene and transported the accused to Tongaat police station, as the community members wanted to assault her at the time.

She was handed over to Detective Warrant Officer S. G. Naidoo who then arrested her for Attempted Murder. At the time she had a one month old child.

He seized both the clothing of the deceased and accused and with his partner Detective Sgt. T. S. Mazwayi, drove to Pretoria Forensic Trace Analysis Laboratory to establish what acid was used.

The laboratory report confirmed that the acid found on the clothing was Sulfuric Acid that penetrates the skin and flesh causing organ failure.

In June 2019 the deceased was declared dead at Albert Luthuli hospital and the charge was then changed to Murder.

An entire trial was run and unfortunately had to be delayed, due to the accused falling pregnant and mothering another child, currently aged three months old.

During the trial and even after being convicted, the accused maintained that she acted in self-defence. Even in mitigation of sentence, she said she was remorseful but still claiming self-defence, although the evidence at trial proved otherwise.

Today, on 2021/09/03 the accused was sentenced to direct imprisonment of 15 years.

The deceased’s family was in court and commended both the investigators and were pleased with the sentence.

The prosecutor Mr Myeni also commended the investigators for a job well done. He commended the detectives for being at Court for the entire trial, even until judgment and sentencing. He was also well pleased that the detectives ensured all witnesses were in court timelessly.

Acting Ethekwini District Commissioner, General M.R Chirwa commended the detectives for an outstanding investigation, showing professionalism and commitment to the grieving family and the decease, herself.

Source: South African Police Service

Life sentence for police murder accused

The Polokwane High Court sentenced Phuthi William Mehlape (34) to life imprisonment and a total of 43 years in jail for charges relating to the death of a police officer, Constable Pieter Delange (30).

Constable Delange was attacked and killed on the night of 8 November 2018 between Bulawayo and Witklip Streets in Westenburg. De Lange was on duty together with a CPF member keeping an observation with regards to drug dealings in the area when two vehicles, a white BMW and a white Mercedes Benz stopped next to his vehicle and started shooting at him. De Lange retaliated unfortunately, he succumbed to the injuries on his way to hospital. A hijacked BMW that was used by the assailants was found abandoned in the vicinity.

The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation team in Polokwane commenced their investigation. In January 2019, the team arrested Mehlape, Peter Mswazi (31) and Betty Mmamosibudi Maphotho (41) where an unlicensed firearm and a stolen vehicle were recovered. During the investigation, Mehlape and Mswazi were linked to a hijacking incident that occurred on Compensate Street in Polokwane, the day on which Constable De lange was killed.

After numerous court appearances, the accused were convicted and sentenced. Mehlape was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing De Lange, 15 years for possession of firearm, 15 years for robbery with aggravating circumstances, eight years for kidnapping and five years for possession of stolen vehicle. Mswazi was only sentenced to 15 years for robbery with aggravating circumstances and eight years for kidnapping. Maphotho received a three-year suspended sentence for defeating the ends of justice.

The National Head for Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya welcomes the life imprisonment imposed on Constable De Lange’s murderer by the High Court. He further applauded the investigation and prosecution team for their unrelenting efforts during investigation which led to several linkages of the accused whilst investigating the murder and follow-up prosecutions. “I hope that this sentence will serve as a deterrent to those who might be thinking of attacking law enforcement officials,” General Lebeya said.

“The Police Ministry welcomes this sentence, especially as the country marks September as the start of police safety month. This life sentence emphasises the point that there should always be the harshest punishment handed down to criminals who commit crimes against the state, such as killing of police officers.”

Source: South African Police Service

Additional unrest interventions help sustain millions of jobs

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the additional interventions that have been implemented following the recent devastating civil unrest have helped to sustain millions of jobs.

“The interventions that we have implemented have sustained millions of jobs, prevented the closure of a number of businesses, and provided relief to the most vulnerable in our society.

“Thus far, close to 12 million people have applied for the social relief of distress grant, and SASSA has started processing these and paying out,” the President said on Friday.

He was responding to oral questions during a hybrid sitting of the National Assembly.

The President said government has provided a security net for many South Africans in the wake of riots and destruction to property and the pandemic, including the reinstatement of the Social Relief of Distress Grant until March 2022.

“We are also providing support to businesses who were affected by the unrest through grant funding and additional support from the Unemployment Insurance Fund, as businesses take time to reopen.

“We have also committed to back SASRIA, our state-owned reinsurance company, to ensure that it is able to honour all valid claims in full.

“We have had the Employment Tax Incentive, which has worked extremely well in providing jobs to young people. This has now been expanded for a period of four months, and payment of PAYE and excise taxes has been deferred to help businesses to recover.”

The President said these measures are funded primarily through additional revenue received as a result of the strong performance of our mining sector and other exports.

“However, we have a long way to go in our economic recovery.

“The statistics released for the second quarter of this year are a reminder of our unemployment crisis and the extent of poverty in our country.”

He said while the interventions contained in government’s Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan are necessary and significant, these are not enough.

“The time has now come for us to assess how far we have come, to reflect on the choices that confront us as a nation, and to take bold actions to achieve economic progress.

“That is the singular focus of my mission and the mission of this government, and we will be articulating this in time to come.”

Source: South African Government News Agency