Suspects arrested with illicit cigarettes

HARRISMITH – The Harrismith N3 Roadblock Team members arrested two suspects from Lenasia in Gauteng with counterfeit cigarettes worth about R586 000.

On 30 July 2021, at about 21:45, the joint law enforcement agencies during the N3 roadblock stopped a silver Grey Nissan NP300.

It was searched and police found 28 sealed boxes containing 50 cartons of cigarettes and another lose 100 cartons. Each carton consisting of 10 packets were found loaded at the back of the bakkie.

The suspects failed to provide any proof of purchase nor a delivery invoice. They were both arrested and will be expected to appear before the Harrismith Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 02 August 2021 on a charge of possession of counterfeit goods.

Source: South African Police Service

Suspects arrested for possession of drugs

BUTTERWORTH – SAPS VISPOL and Mounted Unit members conducted an operation yesterday, 30 July 2021, at Silvertown and at the Informal Settlements. Two suspects aged 35 and 36 were arrested for possession of drugs.

Police conducted stop and searches as well as drug posts raiding. While they were busy with the operation, members received information about drug related activities. Members swiftly operationalized and proceeded to the identified premises from where drugs are allegedly being sold. Upon searching, members recovered thirty five Tik straws, four boss tablets, three halves of boss tablets and six quarters. The two suspects were arrested and charged for possession of drugs.

These suspects are due to appear at Butterworth Magistrate Court on Monday, 08 August 2021.

Source: South African Police Service

Transnet IT security back on track

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan has commended Transnet employees for their hard work to have managed to restore full operations at the ports after a security breach on Thursday.

Transnet has managed to fully restore operations at the Ports which enables the country supply chain and logistics system to resume normal operations.

The return to operations is good news for the economy, as the Transnet ports and rail system are the backbone of the economy.

The preliminary assessment of the cyber-attack indicates that Transnet and its customer data has not been compromised.

Cyber-attacks have been on the increase in the country and globally. Investigations are underway into the events and due process will take place.

The main system responsible for the container operations, the NAVIS N4 terminal operating system has been fully restored and customers are now able to access the customer links to facilitate imports and exports.

The remaining systems will continue to be brought up in a staggered manner to minimize further risks and interruptions.

“Transnet Port Terminals, in collaboration with the shipping lines is facilitating the evacuation of urgent containers for the automotive, FMCG and agricultural sectors,” Transnet said in a statement.

As of last night, the Durban container terminals were fully functional on NAVIS with a few other interface systems progressing well.

This has brought back both the waterside and land-side operations and the truck booking system has been activated on Wednesday.

The vessels are operating alongside the berths and the shipping lines and cargo owners have partnered with the terminal management to ensure efficiencies are increasing.

In the Eastern Cape, the container operations working with some of the IT functionalities are still being restored and the vessels are working in parallel with the manual processes.

The Western Cape is fully restored and some of the IT functions are still being restored.

By today, the stack registration will be complete, and this will speed up the evacuation of containers in the Cape Town terminal.

Data has not been compromised in all the Transnet operations.

The Bulk, Break Bulk, Automotive sectors which include Iron Ore, Coal and Manganese, cars and some of the agricultural commodities that use the General Cargo system (GCOS) switched immediately to manual.

This resulted in minimal operational disruptions in these operations across the port system.

Rail operations also continue to run on schedule, as per the train plan. Business continuity plans are in place to ensure safe operations during this time.

Platform for engagement

Minister Ghordan started interactions with customers jointly with Transnet management and they established a platform for engagement with CEO’s and senior representatives of affected companies.

This platform enabled timeous communications and feedback from both customers and Transnet and enabled exchange of information and of similar experiences faced by other countries and how they resolved such challenges.

As feedback to the daily meetings held between customers and Transnet port management, the customers have expressed their satisfaction on how the process of recovery and contingency planning has been executed.

The shipping lines, accounting for 70% of the cargo moving across the ports, have given the assurance that the South African Ports will not be by-passed and they will continue to work with Transnet during this recovery period.

“Government commends the leadership of the affected companies for their patience while Transnet worked to restore full operations. Credit goes to the Transnet IT teams who have ensured that the systems is restored within a week,” Transnet said.

Transnet is accelerating the work on strengthening the weaknesses identified in the IT environment. The force majeure is currently in place and under review with the intention to lift it in the coming days.

The speedy recovery has mitigated against the possible job losses that may have been threatened by a prolonged disruption to the IT systems.

The Minister and Transnet management would like to thank the industry players who have taken the time to engage, offer support and collaborations during this difficult time.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Mantashe monitors North West COVID-19 vaccination sites

As government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is underway, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, has visited the Sibanye-Stillwater mineworkers’ vaccination sites in the North West.

The Minister’s visit formed part of the mining sector’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan.

Though the country has been placed on Adjusted Alert Level 3, the mining sector remains operational as part of government’s overarching approach to saving lives whilst protecting livelihoods.

The vaccination of mineworkers – adding to the sectors’ vigorous screening and testing programme – seeks to ensure that mineworkers are protected against the pandemic whilst they convert investments into wealth and contribute positively to the country’s economy.

“Sustainability of the country is dependent on economic section of the population. We are in Rustenburg and Marikana to monitor the vaccination of mineworkers. We must ensure that the youth is vaccinated as the future belongs to them,” Mantashe said on Thursday.

The Minister declared the mining sector’s support for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

“It is encouraging to have the mining sector leading the country’s economic reconstruction and recovery programme. We must save lives whilst protecting livelihoods. As we vaccinate, we must ensure that we continue adhering to health protocols, which include social distancing, wearing a masks, regular handwashing with soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser on our hands.”

South Africa’s vaccination rollout programme is accelerating, with over seven million vaccine doses administered to date.

According to the Department of Health, the country has now distributed 7 065 432 COVID-19 jabs, of which 194 891 people received their shot on Wednesday.

The recent statistics show that the total cumulative number of the administered Johnson & Johnson shots now stands at 1 386 580 and 5 678 852 for the Pfizer jab.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Taking vaccines to the people

President Cyril Ramaphosa, who visited two COVID-19 vaccination centres in Gauteng on Thursday, says South Africa is banking on mass vaccination sites to reach as many people as possible.

He said he was pleased the province was opening drive-through vaccine sites, where more people can be inoculated.

“The objective of coming here was to encourage South Africans to come forward and be vaccinated. We want as many of the age groups that are eligible to come through and be vaccinated,” he said on Thursday.

The President said these cohorts must register on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) and get an appointment or they can walk in at the centre nearest to them.

The First Citizen visited a public health facility in Tembisa and a private-public partnership centre at Gallagher Estate.

He said the Gallagher Estate centre can take up to 4 000 people a day, while the waiting period is no more than 30 minutes. It is also open on weekends.

“It’s been a good day in the office to come visit Tembisa and Gallagher Estate as well.”

He was pleased the vaccination numbers were increasing, as the country reached the milestone of over seven million administered vaccines on Wednesday.

The President told journalists that acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi has promised him that the Department of Health will meet the target of 300 000 administered shots per day and even exceed it.

“We’re in full steam when it comes to vaccinations. I think we’re doing well and we now have a good surplus of vaccines.”

President Ramaphosa added that great work is being done in Gauteng and other areas.

Mobile sites

In addition, he said Gauteng will now look to set up mobile sites that will go where the people are.

“One of the complaints is a number of our people have to spend money to travel to the vaccination centres and I’ve said that I want the vaccination points and centres to go to our people,” he added.

“We’re all learning. This is a new process for all of us. This is the biggest campaign we’ve had in the history of this country, to vaccinate so many people at one go.”

Source: South African Government News Agency

Phoenix murders remain top of mind, says President

President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his condolences to the families and friends of the people who lost their lives in Phoenix, north of Durban, in the past few weeks.

Speaking at the Gallagher Estate vaccination centre on Thursday, President Ramaphosa said the Phoenix matter is being examined.

“Obviously, we’re very worried about what happened in Phoenix. It has evoked a lot of feelings on all sides. People’s lives were lost.”

In total 330 lives were lost during the unrest in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

Of these deaths, 23 were in Phoenix, north of Durban, were suspected vigilantism trumped communities protecting their properties from the looting that left many businesses and buildings gutted.

President Ramaphosa acknowledged the deep hurt that many people are feeling and said government empathises with them.

“Some of the incidents that took place in Phoenix are simply what we don’t want to have in our country, where there was a measure of vigilantism and targeting of people.

“And so, I also pay my condolences to the people who have lost their loved ones.”

The looting and arson attacks are said to have cost the KwaZulu-Natal economy more than R20 billion, while 150 000 jobs are on the line.

He assured citizens that government was attending to the Phoenix matter at a political level and security and criminal justice structures.

“The Phoenix matter remains front of mind and we want to examine it in all its aspect to see precisely what type of way forward we chart.”

Digital Vibes report

In addition, the President said he has received the report by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) on an investigation into a contract between the Department of Health and Digital Vibes.

“Have I finished reading the report? Yes, I have. Certain aspects need to be completed and once those are completed I’ll be able to come out and give my view on it,” he told the journalists.

The matter relates to the R150 million COVID-19 and National Health Insurance communications service contract scored by Digital Vibes.

Last month, President Ramaphosa placed Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, on special leave.

Source: South African Government News Agency