SAPS donates school uniform to Phalesane Primary School

GAUTENG – The Deputy Provincial Commissioner Policing Major General Tommy Mthombeni, The station commander of Temba SAPS Brigadier Martha Mokobori, joined by Department of Community Safety and Community policing forum when they donate school uniform to Phalesane Primary School learners at Suurman in Temba today.

When outlined the background and the purpose of the visit, Major General Tommy Mthombeni said he was approached by some of community members who needed assistance from the SAPS to assist learners who are struggling with school uniform and who are from the poor families, and that is when he took initiative to kick start the project.

More than 36 identified learners received uniform from SAPS management which includes shoes, shirts, trousers, skirts, socks, ties and jersey.

Phase two was the handing over of the house at Eersterus F4 where a 20 year old woman living with her siblings was handed the key of the house by Major General Mthombeni. It was also a task for SAPS to assist the little girl after the tragedy struck the family which left them without a place to stay after their house burned down and killed the breadwinner.

Food parcels also donated to the family. Major General Mthombeni applauded everyone who spend sleepless nights working around the clock to assist the family, from face one for school uniform donation and handing over of the house that was outstanding job by the SAPS and other stakeholders.

Source: South African Police Service

Three suspects arrested for hijacking a truck

BLOEMFONTEIN – Parkweg police arrested three suspects, including an employee of the SAPS, earlier today on M30 road near Lengau farm. This after information of a truck hijacking was disseminated to all vehicles on patrol to look out for a white Toyota Dyna truck that was allegedly hijacked on the N8 near De Brug army base. The police on patrol then spotted the static truck and approached it. Three males and a lady were found in the truck.

One of the males claimed to be the owner of the truck and identified the other two as a technicians who were there to fix the truck. The police searched the males and found, in possession of the one who identified himself as the truck owner the South African Police Service appointment certificate.

The three suspects, 34-year-old admin clerk at the SAPS, and two 30 year old males were arrested for possession of presumably stolen property.

The 40-year-old truck driver alleged to have been hijacked whilst driving with a lady, assaulted then robbed of his Samsung S10 and a wallet with bank cards. He was then dropped off late at night at an unknown location after being forced inside the boot of a vehicle that forced him off the road.

A case of hijacking, armed robbery and kidnapping is being investigated by Mangaung Metro Detectives. Any member of the public who might have information concerning the case should please call Crime Stop 08600 10111. Alternatively the information can be submitted through MYSAPS.

Source: South African Police Service

Phillipolis and Petrusburg police stations closed for decontamination

FREE STATE – Communities served by Phillipolis and Petrusburg police stations are advised that the stations are closed after positive cases of Covid-19 virus were confirmed.

The Community Service Centres will on the interim operate as follows:

Phillipolis CSC will operate from Town hall in Kok Street. The following alternative numbers are to be used: 082 781 6695 The Station Commander, Captain Jolingana can be contacted at 08 455 6105.

Petrusburg CSC will operate from the Detective offices in President Street, and alternative number to be used are 053 574 9929. Station Commander can be contacted at 082 467 6693/0635041409.

The buildings will be disinfected for the duration of the closure and members will be subjected to necessary Covid-19 related protocols.

The community will be informed once the stations are functional again.

Source: South African Police Service

Crime awareness campaign conducted in Alexandra

GAUTENG – Alexandra SAPS Sector Managers payed a special visit to the residents of 16th Avenue Alexandra, educating the residents regarding Gender Based Violence, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, Abduction and Kidnapping.

Gender Based Violence pamphlets tips, Drugs and Alcohol Abused, Children’s Rights, Abduction and Kidnapping were distributed to many people at 16 Avenue Alexandra.

The residents were advised that if they feel angry or potentially abusive in a relationship, step away to clear your head. If they need someone to talk to, they must call 0800 428 428.

Alexandra residents were also encouraged to report all forms of Gender Based Violence to GBVF on 0800 333 177

Alexandra residents appreciates Police Visibility in the area.

Source: South African Police Service

Outgoing Men For Change committee hands over the reigns

EAST LONDON – The outgoing Provincial Executive for the Men For Change officially handed over the reigns to the newly elected structure as they wrapped up a three day successful annual general meeting (AGM) held-from 26 – 28 May 2021, in the International Convention Centre, East London.

This was the inaugural AGM where the districts delegates elected the new Provincial Executive Committee that is going to oversee all the activities falling within the mandate of Men for Change in the SAPS.

Earlier on Thursday during the proceedings, speeches from different speakers were delivered, by the Premier of the Eastern Cape, Mr Oscar Mabuyane, MEC for Community Safety Weziwe Tikana – Gxothiwe and SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga. All of the expressed happiness at great enthusiasm demonstrated by delegates over the three day gathering.

As one of the speakers on the last day of the AGM, Brigadier Xawuka who is a station commander at Bethersdorp congratulated the new committee and encouraged reduction of GBV, change of social attitudes and stereo-types in our communities as well as an environment that is free from harassment in the work place.

“Let’s comply with the objective of redefining the essence of father wood. Elections are now behind us, now what lies ahead is to operationalise these noble ideas and work towards bringing about change in the service and in our communities,” he added.

More speakers delivered their messages of support to the newly appointed executive and equally to the outgoing structure.

These included the National PRO for Men for Change, Captain Jika who commended the Eastern Cape province for making sure that the AGM becomes a success as well as the newly elected structure for willingly taking more responsibility by agreeing to lead the Men for Change.

The outgoing MFC Chairperson, Sergeant Nojavu handed over to the newly elected MFC Chairperson, Colonel Nqaphi.

In closing, the custodian of the Men for Change, Deputy Provincial Commissioner General for Corporate Services, Ma Gen TD Kunene delivered a few words of support and motivation to the newly elected structure and thanked everyone for thier unwavering efforts to ensure the success of the three meeting. “Your positive attitudes, passion and humility are the reason behind this resounding success. Today our Province is trending in social networks for good reasons.” said General Kunene.

Source: South African Police Service

Police Ministry to engage Olievenhoutbosch community on policing concerns

Police Minister General Bheki Cele will on Monday, 31 May 2021, lead a Ministerial Imbizo in Olievenhoutbosch in Gauteng.

This Crime Prevention Imbizo will see Minister Cele and the SAPS’s management provide the community with a platform to discuss and engage them on various crime concerns, including Gender-based violence and other crimes plaguing this community.

This Imbizo also gives the residents of the area and opportunity to also report policing-related service delivery shortcomings in Olivenhoutbosch.

Minister Cele and senior SAPS management from both National and the Province will also outline a policing plan to respond to the identified crime problems in the area.

Members of the media are invited to attend the event.

Date: 31 May 2021

Time: 10:00

Venue: EXT 37 Sports Complex; Olievenhoutbosch

Source: South African Police Service