Parliament Portfolio Committee on Health sends condolences on Prof Mhlanga’s passing

Health Portfolio Committee sends condolences on Prof Mhlanga’s passing

The Chairperson of Portfolio Committee on Health, Dr Kenneth Jacobs, has learnt with shock of the passing of Prof Eddie Mhlanga, the Chairperson of the National Committee on the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths.

Prof Mhlanga was previously Chief Director: Maternal and Women’s Health in the national Department of Health and served on the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, a task team set up to prevent unsafe abortions. He was also instrumental in helping implement the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (1996).

Prof Mhlangu’s death will send shock waves through the medical fraternity, Dr Jacobs said, as he epitomised selflessness and dedication to public service, especially within the field of women’s health. “Prof Mhlanga was an advocate for women’s and child healthcare. The country has lost a man with impeccable qualities,” said Dr Jacobs.

The committee expresses its deepest condolences to Prof Mhlanga’s family during this difficult time.

Source: Government of South Africa