Phaahla welcomes budget allocation

Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana has announced an allocation of R848 billion for the Department of Health over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), a move that has been welcomed by the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla.

The money includes an additional R11.6 billion to help cover last year’s wage agreement, R27.3 billion for infrastructure, and R1.4 billion for the National Health Insurance (NHI) grant over the same period.

‘The allocation for the NHI is a demonstration of the government’s commitment to this policy,’ Godongwana said when tabling the 2024 Budget in Parliament on Wednesday.

READ | NHI receives in excess of R1 billion allocation

He said that activities such as upgrading health facilities and improving the quality of care are necessary to ensure that they meet the minimum accreditation criteria for contracting under NHI.

They are also, according to Godongwana, key enablers in improving the public healthcare system and should be undertaken.

‘Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, we
lcomes the decision by the National Treasury to favourably consider that the current shrinking budget allocations have a negative impact on the effective functioning of the public health system in the country.’

The department has announced that they also have been allocated an additional budget of R3.7 billion for the 2024/25 financial year to compensate employees in the sector.

This will help address the increase in the wage bill as well as the recruitment of more staff, including nurses and medical doctors.

Phaahla has been in consultation with Godongwana on implementing plans to strengthen the health system, including the recruitment of essential health workers like medical doctors and other professionals.

‘Although the budget may not address all health service delivery challenges at once, it will go a long way to enable the department to respond to the immediate and key priority needs to strengthen the health system. These include activating vacant but unfunded essential posts,’ said the Health depart

The department will soon outline plans with timelines for recruiting and appointing health workers, including recently graduated health professionals and unemployed medical doctors.

Source: South African Government News Agency