Police in Gauteng remain resolute in addressing essential infrastructure related crimes

PARKTOWN – Provincial Commissioner of police in Gauteng, Lieutenant General Elias Mawela applauded the detective members who recently ensured convictions on two cases related to essential infrastructure crimes.

Late last month, the Kempton Park Magistrates’ court sentenced 41-year-old Thabang Moyo to six years’ imprisonment of which two years are suspended for five years. Moyo was found guilty on charges that include tampering with essential infrastructure, theft, possession of presumed stolen property and housebreaking implements.

Members of SAPS Norkempark were out on a routine crime prevention patrol on 12 January 2022 when they caught Moyo in the act of stealing cable belonging to Telkom. The case was assigned to Sergeant Molaiwa of SAPS Norkempark for further investigation.

On another case, the same Magistrates’ court sentenced 28-year-old Thulani Ludidi and 29-year-old Tshweni Maenetja to 10 years’ imprisonment each for tampering with essential infrastructure.

Ludidi and Maenetja were arrested for stealing copper cable at the Kempton Park train station on 11 August 2020. The case was assigned to Sergeant Senyolo of SAPS Kempton Park for further investigation.

In both cases the detectives meticulously collected all the evidence to ensure the state had a solid case against all the accused in court.

“Essential infrastructure related crime has an impact on the economy of the country and ultimately on the citizens. Our members are dedicated in the fight against crime,” said Lt Gen Mawela.

Source: South African Police Service