The ‘Poor People’s Organisation’ held a peaceful protest in Opuwo on Tuesday, challenging President Nangolo Mbumba to enhance citizens’ confidence in the government and provide once-off assistance of N.dollars 5 000 to each unemployed person.
The group, led by its chairperson Dirk Kavandiimuine Makove, made their voices heard when they delivered their petition to the Kunene regional governor’s office.
Makove said impoverished people encounter rejection when looking for work and are referred to as being uneducated.
‘The organisation also believes the government to be biased. This is one way in which the government favours the rich and dignified while limiting the upward mobility of destitute people,’ he said.
The poor, he said, have long been deprived of sanitary water supply and decent electricity supply and called for the nationalisation of natural resources.
‘We are requesting that our natural resources such as minerals, fish and many others be locally furnished only within the borders of Namibia and t
hat outside counterparts only buy directly from us… this will enable us all as a country to sell our locally produced minerals at a great price to the outsiders,’ he said.
According to Makove, the group is not affiliated with any political body and was founded to represent all underprivileged Namibians.
The petition was received by Kunene Regional Council Control Administrative Officer Gabes Kavetu who asked the group to be patient. He said the government is well aware of the challenges Namibians face and is working on methods to address them.
He pledged to forward the petition to the appropriate authority for review.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency