President appoints acting Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed Minister Maropene Ramokgopa to act as the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture until a permanent appointment is made under the new seventh administration.

This comes after Zizi Kodwa’s resignation as Minister and member of Cabinet on Wednesday.

The Minister appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday in connection with allegations that he received about R1.7 million in bribes. Kodwa challenges charges against him, which he has denied.

‘President Ramaphosa accepted Minister Kodwa’s resignation and thanked Kodwa for his service to the nation in his capacity as Deputy Minister of State Security from 2019 to 2023 and Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture from March 2023,’ the Presidency said on Friday.

Ramokgopa is also the Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

Source: South African Government News Agency