PstBet Oshikoto governor’s cup launched

OMUTHIYA: Oshikoto Governor, Penda ya Ndakolo officially launched the PstBet Oshikoto Region Governor’s Cup at Omuthiya on Friday.

The games officially commence on Saturday and conclude on Sunday at the Omuthiya stadium.

Speaking at the launch, Ya Ndakolo stated that the aim is to bring young people from all the 11 constituencies together through sports, and compete in football, netball, volleyball and athletics. According to Ya Ndakolo, sport is one of the most cross-cutting tools for development and peace, as it unites youth, showcases talent, and has the power to heal old wounds and instil hope.

“The Oshikoto PstBet Governor’s Cup will help develop the intellectual ability and physical aptitude of our youth, as well as assist in talent discovery, which may enable some of the youth to pursue a career in sports,” he said. He added that sport provides a platform for many of their youth to escape the temptations of drugs and crime they encounter in their daily lives in their towns and constituencies.

Ya Ndakolo also stated that despite being a rural region with limited sports infrastructure, the region has produced its own stars, like Frank Kayere and Helalia Johannes. He then called on the regional leadership to explore the best ways to expand the Governor’s Cup and ensure that they introduce other sporting codes for more youth to participate. He stressed that tournaments like these would contribute to producing the next generation of legends.

Speaking at the same event, PstBet marketing team spokesperson, Abner Neputa stated that they are committed to social responsibility. Therefore, PstBet is providing N.dollars 210 000 for the next three years to support the hosting of the tournament for youth development.

“Sport has the potential for economic opportunities, job creation, and having people selling their products at this event will surely bring them income,” he said.

Neputa further mentioned that there are many young people in Oshikoto whose dreams and aspirations are to become the best football players, netball players, athletes, or volleyball players. They cannot realise these dreams unless they have corporate sponsors like PstBet and Government support.

Source: NAMPA