LEBOWAKGOMO – The Police in Lebowakgomo have launched a search operation for a missing woman, Ngobeni Tsakani aged 26 years from Malemang village. She was last seen by her boyfriend on Saturday 28 January 2023 at about 20:30.
According to the reports the boyfriend alleged that he was with her at around 20:30 when they had a fight and separated Tsakani as she was going to her sister’s place to fetch her baby.
It is further alleged that Tsakani didn’t reach her sister’s residence nor her place of residence.
Anyone with information of her whereabouts may kindly contact the Investigating Officer Captain Kekana on 0824142698, contact the Crime Stop number on 0860010111, the nearest police station or send information via MySAPSApp for anonymous tip offs.
Police investigations continues.
Source: South African Police Service