Public Works, Cape Town commit to using public buildings for public good

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson and City of Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis have committed to work together to use public-owned buildings across the city for the public good.

The Minister and Mayor committed to forming a technical committee to work together between the department and the city during an oversight visit to derelict State-owned buildings in Cape Town and the Hout Bay Harbour on Friday.

The two leaders have since agreed to track the progress achieved with these properties every month.

‘As Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, I have always committed to using assets for the public to ensure that they contribute to the economic growth of their respective regions and help to create jobs.

‘In many cities, our buildings have become a burden for the cities they are in, often attracting criminal elements and affecting property values. This has to change,’ Macpherson said.

At a time of fiscal constraints, the Minister believes it is important that government find
innovative solutions to dilapidated State-owned buildings to ensure that they become an asset to communities.

‘The State is simply unable to maintain and secure all of its buildings in the current fiscal environment, and therefore, partnerships will be essential.’

With regards to the Hout Bay Harbour, Macpherson stressed that as the custodian of small harbours across the country, the department should consider partnering with competent local and provincial authorities and entities.

This, he said, would help to manage, maintain and upgrade these assets to ensure that they contribute to economic growth in the municipality and province they are located.

Meanwhile, Hill-Lewis said the new joint technical committee would help fast-track resolutions to problem buildings owned by the State.

‘There are several rundown State-owned buildings in Cape Town that are a source of crime, and a blight on neighbourhoods. We are encouraged that the collaboration with the… Minister will… yield positive results for Capet
onians, and the neighbourhoods and businesses surrounding these buildings.

‘Some of these buildings and land parcels could be released for affordable housing, while others should simply be demolished or sold so that they can be put to more productive use,’ said Hill-Lewis.

The Mayor said he would like to like to see Hout Bay Harbour reach its full economic and tourism potential.

‘We are excited about the prospects of a partnership with national government to improve the infrastructure, safety, and local economic activity around this harbour,’ Hill-Lewis added.

Source: South African Government News Agency