SA deeply concerned by plight of Palestinians

South Africa remains deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Palestine caused by Israel’s continued occupation, says International Relations and Cooperation Deputy Minister, Alvin Botes.

“The demolition of Palestinians’ properties, continued illegal settlement and expansion by Israel of Palestine territories, forced evictions of Palestinians by the Israeli army from their territories, as well as collective punitive measures, will not bring about peace,” Botes said on Wednesday at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau (CoB) on Palestine in Baku, Azerbaijan.

An operation by the Israeli Defence Forces, which was unleashed this week on the Jenin refugee camp — a Palestinian militant stronghold in the Israeli-occupied West Bank — killed 12 Palestinians during the raid.

Botes described the event as a contravention of international humanitarian law.

“This illustrates the extent that Israel is prepared to entrench its illegal occupation. What is worse is the impunity that Israel enjoys. This has emboldened the Israeli government to do as it wishes, in clear contravention of international law.

“These events, including the alarming increase in illegal settlements and the international response, or lack thereof, clearly shows that the so-called international rules-based system based on international law is selectively applied in some cases and ignored in others.”

Botes stressed South Africa’s “unwavering” support for the freedom of the Palestinian people, which he said was informed by the country’s history and experience in the fight against colonialism and apartheid.

“We remain steadfast to play a constructive role in this regard and ensure that the people of Palestine achieve their right to peace, sovereignty, freedom and justice. Their struggle for freedom has always historically been connected to our own.”

He told delegates that South Africa also backs the initiative to refocus the international agenda on the Palestine and Middle East peace process to achieve the two-State solution and establish a viable Palestinian State, existing side by side with Israel.

“South Africa’s solidarity with the Palestinian people is not rooted in sentimentality but a firm belief in the need for a just and lasting solution that would see the people of Palestine delivered from appalling and oppressive circumstances perpetuated by those who would rather stoke hatred and animosity than seek mutually beneficial peace.”

Botes believes that the situation of Palestinians remains a blight on the global collective conscience and the NAM.

“We all have a responsibility to impress the urgency of the need for an expeditious resolution to the ongoing occupation.”

He called on the movement to do all it can, by following international law, and principled humanitarian action.

“We cannot continue to witness generations of children and youth in the occupied territories and Israel growing up with hatred, which only fuels distrust and perpetual conflict.”

The Deputy Minister stressed the importance of Israelis and Palestinians to go back to the negotiating table to resolve the conflict based on international law, relevant United Nations resolutions and previous agreements.

“In line with the spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation, which demands independence for countries, we owe this to the people of Palestine to become an independent nation, practically, politically, and diplomatically.”

South Africa, he said, remains determined to contribute to reconciliation and peaceful settlement of conflict in the Middle East.

“We reiterate our firm commitment to assisting the parties to this conflict in their genuine pursuit for peace and co-existence.” –

Source: South African Government News Agency