Steenkamp shoots down nepotism allegations in teacher recruitment

Executive Director in the Ministry of Education , Arts and Culture , Sanet Steenkamp has shot down allegations of nepotism in the recruitment process of teachers . Some graduates and teachers have expressed publicly allegations against the unfair recruitment of nepotism and alleged bribery for prospect teaching positions of both promotional and entry level . However , Steenkamp told Nampa recently that the ministry has no records of any complaints of nepotism and bribery within its recruitment process . She said the recruitment process in the ministry is guided by the Public Service Act 13 of 1995 and public service staff rules . ‘ Before an interview is conducted , the human resources practitioner must ensure that all panel members sign an oath of secrecy , and members disclose any conflict of interest ,’ she said . She further indicated that interview questions are prepared the day of the interview both written or oral and union representatives sit in as observers to ensure transparency throughout the inte
rview .

Source: The Namibia News Agency