Swapo wants at least 1.3 million people to vote

To gain a two-thirds majority in the 2024 Namibian general election on 27 November, the ruling Swapo Party says at least 1.3 or 1.4 million registered voters should go to the polls.

The secretary general of Swapo, Sophia Shaningwa expressed this during the Swapo Party Youth League rally held at Rundu on Saturday.

On Wednesday, President Nangolo Mbumba in a meeting with Electoral Commission of Namibia officials expressed concern over the low turnout of eligible voters to register for the upcoming elections.

Currently only 900 000 out of over 1.6 million eligible voters have registered, with the voter registration period’s end on 01 August in sight.

Mbumba stressed the importance of addressing the issue to ensure a comprehensive and credible electoral process.

‘From today on to 01 August, make sure your girlfriends, wives, husbands, your brothers and sisters all have voter cards. We want to make sure that we sit Comrade Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah comfortably in State House,’ Shaningwa said at the rally.

She c
alled on the party members, many of whom travelled from all 14 regions of the country, to all become information and mobilisation officers.

The SG called on the leadership of the region to mobilise vehicles that will get those that are not registered to the registration points.

Shaningwa said she will not rest until their candidate Nandi-Ndaitwah is president.

‘I will not rest until the Swapo Party wins. Let’s make sure our candidate wins as well as the party while we get a two-thirds majority,’ she said.

She said Nandi-Ndaitwah is a candidate of note who followed in the footsteps of the previous presidents of the country and served in various positions while in exile.

On his part, secretary of the SPYL Ephraim Nekongo called on all youth in the country to vote for Nandi-Ndaitwah who as a mother has their interest at heart.

‘We call on all the workers to rally behind Nandi-Ndaitwah who will never sell them out. We call on the veterans (of the liberation struggle) to walk with this brave leader who will
never compromise the revolution,’ he added.

Nekongo assured Nandi-Ndaitwah that come 21 March 2025, she will be sworn in as Namibia’s fifth president.

Source: The Namibia News Agency