TransNamib appoints Van Jaarsveld as new CEO

Desmond Ernst Van Jaarsveld has been appointed as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of TransNamib.

Van Jaarsveld replaced Johny Smith, who left the company last year.

A press statement issued by TransNamib on Monday indicated that Van Jaarsveld takes up office as from 17 April 2024.

TransNamib Chairperson Theo Mberirua congratulated Van Jaarsveld on his appointment, saying he is an excellent addition to TransNamib. He said TransNamib and rail infrastructure play a critical role in positioning Namibia as a logistics leader in the region, and the board is confident that Van Jaarsveld will lead TransNamib towards sustainable growth.

He added that Van Jaarsveld has proved he is fit for the role and current challenges that TransNamib faces.

‘I am confident that his leadership at TransNamib will further strengthen our industry and benefit the company,’ Mberirua said.

The statement said Van Jaarsveld brings extensive experience in business and leadership to his new role at TransNamib, with over 30 years of
professional experience in various industries, including over 25 years which has been at senior executive leadership level within the transportation, logistics and distribution sectors within the Southern African region.

Van Jaarsveld holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from the University of Stellenbosch. He has also completed a Management Development Programme with the University of Stellenbosch Graduate Business School, amongst various other management and coaching certificates.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency