WESTERN CAPE – The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation team based in Cape Town arrested two suspects for human trafficking. The suspects aged 23 and 34 are expected to appear in the Cape Town Magistrates Court today, 24 December 2021.
It is alleged that a 22-year-old woman from Tembisa met a guy on social media and started a relationship. Last month, she met with a supposed boyfriend who took her to Cape Town for a ‘visit’.
She was taken to a house in Milnerton where she was allegedly prostituted. She was locked up, drugged, assaulted and raped.
The Hawks arrested a (34) and a 23-year-old suspects yesterday morning in a house at the corner of Lavis and Koeberg Roads in Milnerton.
They were both charged with human trafficking. Investigation continues.
Source: South African Police Service