Voters talk about changes they want to see in SA

While government has made significant strides in improving the lives of South Africans since 1994, voters have expressed some of the changes that they would like to see in the country after the 2024 General Elections.

This is as eligible voters across the country are today exercising their right to vote in the country’s seventh democratic elections, which comes 30 years after South Africa held its first democratic election.

‘We need to improve the quality of education. The country needs change the curriculum to be more skills based in order for the youth to have access to job opportunities or even start businesses. Creating more employment opportunities is key,’ Sbongakonke Shelembe said.

The 41-year-old, who is voting in Pietermaritzburg today, called on government to focus on uprooting corruption in the public service.

‘Focus should also be on running efficient municipalities to attract investment. The government also needs to control the influx of undocumented foreign nationals. Various town are run do
wn because there is no proper zoning of businesses,’ he said.

Kopano Moumakae, 22, expressed concern about inflation and high food prices.

‘If we can control inflation [things would be better for citizens]. Food prices is something that I am very stressed about. I want to see investment into public infrastructure. I would like to see us using what we already have to create more opportunities for people that do not have jobs. Job creation and public infrastructure is something that speaks to me,’ Kopano Moumakae said at a voting station in Montana, Pretoria.

Reflecting on the importance of voting, Moumakae said due to the history of the country, it was important for him to exercise his democratic right to vote.

Shelembe noted the myriad of challenges facing the country as his reason for voting.

‘Voting is important because it presents an opportunity for one’s voice to be heard,’ he said.

Phumla Mugeri, a voter in Pretoria, spoke about the progress government has made to improve lives of ordinary South Af

‘I have seen so many changes since 1994. I come from a rural area; we did not have roads, water and toilets but when you visit the area now you see significant improvements. I believe that in the 30 years of democracy many changes have occurred,’ Mugeri said.

Voting is taking place from 7am until 9pm. The Electoral Commission (IEC) has assured citizens that no eligible voter will be turned away and that every voter in a queue by 9pm will be assisted.

Overall, 70 political parties are contesting the elections, 11 independent candidates, and the national contestants are 52. In total, there are over 14 903 candidates vying for 887 seats in the National and Provincial Legislatures.

Source: South African Government News Agency