Young men allegedly hijack taxi and rob cucashops

The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) in the Oshikoto Region have arrested two men aged 20 and 24 for allegedly hijacking a taxi driver ‘ s car and putting him in the boot , and then robbing cucashops in the Oshikoto and Oshana regions . According to the region ‘ s crime investigations coordinator Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo on Saturday , the last incident happened Friday around 03h35 at a bar at Okapuku village in Oshikoto ‘ s Omuthiya Constituency . ‘ It is alleged that the driver of a red Mazda Demio , a taxi driver , was driving in Oshakati on his way home to Oshakati west as he was going to knock off . He stopped near a business premise and loaded two men that asked to be dropped at Ekuku location in the Oshana Region ,’ Ekandjo reported . Upon arriving at Ekuku , the two men demanded to be dropped farther , whereby the driver refused , resulting in a commotion between the men and the driver . They removed him from his vehicle , threatening him with a knife , tied him up with a rope and put him in t
he boot of the car . ‘ They drove around , and somewhere , they picked up another man and drove around ,’ Ekandjo narrrated . On the way , they allegedly broke into different cucashops until they came to Okapuku village in the Oshikoto Region where they broke into a bar using a bolt cutter to break open the padlocks , stealing a jackpot machine , alcohol and money , all worth N . dollars 101 235 . ‘ The bar owner was immediately alerted by the bar lady and upon his arrival , he found the said car parked at his bar , and immediately it started moving away ,’ said Ekandjo . The bar owner fired some shots towards the car with a shotgun , which hit the driver ‘ s door and the suspects fled , leaving the car behind . The police were also alerted and attended to the matter . The driver of the vehicle was found in the boot , assaulted , having a swollen face . All the stolen items from the bar were also found in the vehicle . Cases of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft of business premises were opened agai
nst the suspects . A case of robbery with aggravating circumstances and kidnapping was also opened by the driver of the hijacked car at Omuthiya and it will be transferred to the Oshana Region . Two of the suspects were intercepted at the Ongwediva traffic roadblock in Oshana and investigations continue .

Source: The Namibia Press Agency