President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses Local Government Summit, 28 Sept

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Wednesday, 28 September 2022, address the National Local Government Summit which is hosted by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

The Summit takes place at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Boksburg, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 27 and 28 September 2022, under the theme “DDM in Action – Towards an Ideal Municipality”.

This platform will bring together close to 2 000 senior officials and leaders across all spheres of Government, legislature, business, academia, traditional leaders, civil society, women, youth and persons with disabilities to deliberate on a collective programme of action for an Ideal Municipality.

Delegates will include Mayors, Speakers, Whips, Municipal Managers and Chief Financial Officers.

The Summit follows the session of the South African Local Government Association’s Council of Mayors on 8 September 2022 as well as a National Conference on Local Governance hosted by the South African Human Rights Commission and the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities.

Source: Government of South Africa

Phoenix Software Delivers a Faster JES3plus® with V1R2

Phoenix Software releases updates to its product line in September 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Phoenix Software International, Inc., today announced its intention to make JES3plus V1R2, a derivative work based on IBM’s z/OS® JES3, generally available effective September 30, 2022. This release provides new functionality and integrates continuous delivery items made available over the past twelve months. Thanks to Phoenix’s JES3plus Customer Advisory Council, organizations that migrate to JES3plus can reap the benefits of new features that were ranked in terms of providing true business value to their fellow customers.

JES3plus V1R2

Functional Highlights:

  • Parallel SPOOL I/O – Takes full advantage of the Parallel Access Volumes technology supported by modern mainframe DASD through support for up to eight STARTIO channel programs running concurrently for a single SPOOL extent. This is a major improvement over the traditional JES3 approach of allowing only one STARTIO at a time per SPOOL extent.
  • Reduced Local Lock Contention – Now intrinsic to the way JES3plus operates, multiple I/O completion SRBs execute simultaneously by acquiring the local lock only if and when needed. In addition, if the completing I/O contains requests from only a single address space, the SRB is scheduled directly to that address space rather than to the JES3plus address space.
  • Improved WLM Batch Initiator Balancing – Enabling this facility results in JES3plus placing batch jobs into idle initiators across the JESplex using a target percentage derived from WLM’s initiator allocation counts. Until now this behavior occurred on JES2 systems only.

“Switching to JES3plus is the obvious choice for existing IBM JES3 customers,” said Ed Jaffe, Chief Technology Officer at Phoenix Software International, “and we have reinforced that point by improving performance with empirical results so dramatic they speak for themselves. SPOOL I/O-intensive benchmarks conducted on our z15 showed JES3plus running nearly twice as many jobs as IBM JES3 while simultaneously reducing FICON channel utilization by 92%! Similarly-favorable results were observed when comparing against JES2. And, because our roadmap for enhancements is 100% customer driven, we believe a migration to JES3plus is not only the easiest and least risky choice, it’s the one that just makes sense.”

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, the latest release of Phoenix Software’s modern z/OS JESplex management tool, includes enhancements for viewing and managing Coupling Facility connections and structures, WLM scheduling environments, job class/groups, sysplex members, and z/OS UNIX mounts. Additionally, support has been added for a filter repository that provides end user ability to save filters and reload them.

Phoenix Software Product Releases: September 2022

Phoenix Software is refreshing its product line this month. Product downloads will be available to customers via the Phoenix Software International Support portal. Visit New product releases include:

  • (E)JES V6R2
  • CONDOR® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • CYGNET® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Entrypoint® 16.3
  • FALCON® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Falcon64® 11.2
  • JES3plus V1R2
  • Key/101® 9.2
  • PHX-Adders®/PHX-Guest® 7.4
  • PHX-BDT® V1R2
  • PHX-KeyPlus® 5.4
  • PHX-ODE® 7.4

About Phoenix Software International

Phoenix Software International, Inc., ( is a systems software development company providing advanced software applications to enterprises around the globe. The company offers a wide range of solutions to modern business challenges.

Press contact:
(310) 338-0400
[email protected]

Analysis summary and raw benchmark SMF data available upon request.

Phoenix Software lança um JES3plus® mais rápido com V1R2

Phoenix Software atualiza sua linha de produtos em setembro de 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Califórnia, Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Phoenix Software International, Inc., divulgou hoje a sua intenção de lançar o JES3plus V1R2, trabalho derivado do z/OS® JES3 da IBM, em 30 de setembro de 2022. Esta versão oferece novas funcionalidades que foram disponibilizados nos últimos doze meses. Graças ao Conselho Consultivo de Clientes JES3plus  da Phoenix, as empresas que migram para o JES3plus podem se benefícios dos novos recursos que fornecem valor comercial real para seus clientes.

JES3plus V1R2

Destaques Funcionais:

  • E/S de SPOOL paralelo – Aproveitamento máximo da tecnologia de Volumes de Acesso Paralelo com suporte DASD de mainframe moderno para até oito programas de canal STARTIO em execução simultânea com uma única extensão de SPOOL. Esta é uma grande melhoria em relação à abordagem JES3 tradicional de permitir apenas um STARTIO de cada vez por extensão de SPOOL.
  • Contenção de Bloqueio Local Reduzido – Agora como parte da operação do JES3Plus, vários SRBs de conclusão de E/S são executados simultaneamente, com bloqueio local apenas se e quando necessário. Além disso, se a E/S de conclusão contiver solicitações de apenas um único espaço de endereço, o SRB será agendado diretamente para esse espaço de endereço, em vez do espaço de endereço JES3 plus.
  • Balanceamento aprimorado do Iniciador em Lote WLM – Com o JES3 plus colocando trabalhos em lote em iniciadores ociosos em todo o JESplex usando uma porcentagem alvo derivada das contagens de alocação de iniciadores da WLM. Até agora este comportamento ocorria apenas nos sistemas JES2.

“A adoção do JES3plus é a escolha óbvia para os clientes JES3 da IBM”, disse Ed Jaffe, Diretor de Tecnologia da Phoenix Software International, “e reforçamos esse ponto por meio do aprimoramento do desempenho com resultados empíricos muito impactantes. Os benchmarks intensivos em E/S da SPOOL conduzidos no nosso z15 mostraram que o JES3 plus executou quase o dobro dos trabalhos executados no JES3 da IBM, reduzindo simultaneamente a utilização do canal FICON em 92%! Resultados igualmente favoráveis foram observados na comparação com o JES2. E, como nosso roteiro de melhorias está 100% voltado para o cliente, acreditamos que uma migração para JES3plus seja a escolha mais fácil e menos arriscada, e a que faz mais sentido.”

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, a mais recente versão da moderna ferramenta de gerenciamento JESplex z/OS da Phoenix Software, inclui melhorias para visualização e gerenciamento de conexões e estruturas de instalações de acoplamento, ambientes de agendamento WLM, classe/grupos de trabalho, membros sysplex e montagens z/OS UNIX. Além disso, adicionamos suporte para um repositório de filtros que fornece ao usuário final a capacidade de salvar e recarregar filtros.

Lançamentos de Produto da Phoenix Software: Setembro de 2022

A Phoenix Software está atualizando sua linha de produtos este mês. Os downloads de produtos estarão disponíveis para os clientes através do portal de suporte da Phoenix Software International. Visite Novos produtos:

  • (E)JES V6R2
  • CONDOR® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • CYGNET® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Entrypoint® 16.3
  • FALCON® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Falcon64® 11.2
  • JES3plus V1R2
  • Key/101® 9.2
  • PHX-Adders®/PHX-Guest® 7.4
  • PHX-BDT® V1R2
  • PHX-KeyPlus® 5.4
  • PHX-ODE® 7.4

Sobre a Phoenix Software International

A Phoenix Software International, Inc., ( é uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software de sistemas que fornece aplicativos de software avançados para empresas em todo o mundo. A empresa oferece uma ampla gama de soluções para atender os desafios das empresas modernas.

Contato de Imprensa:
(310) 338-0400
[email protected]

 Resumo da análise e dados brutos de SMF de referência disponíveis mediante solicitação.

Phoenix Software offre une version plus rapide de JES3plus® avec V1R2

Phoenix Software sort des mises à jour de sa gamme de produits en septembre 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Californie, 27 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Phoenix Software International, Inc. a annoncé aujourd’hui son intention de rendre JES3plus V1R2, un produit dérivé basé sur z/OS® JES3 d’IBM, généralement disponible à partir du 30 septembre 2022. Cette version offre de nouvelles fonctionnalités et intègre les articles de livraison continue mis à disposition au cours des douze derniers mois. Grâce au Customer Advisory Council (comité consultatif client) de JES3plus de Phoenix, les organisations qui migrent vers JES3plus peuvent récolter les fruits de nouvelles fonctionnalités en termes de provision d’une véritable valeur commerciale à leurs clients.

JES3plus V1R2

Fonctionnalités marquantes :

  • E/S SPOOL parallèles – tire pleinement parti de la technologie Parallel Access Volumes soutenue par le mainframe moderne DASD grâce à la prise en charge de huit programmes de canaux STARTIO pouvant opérer simultanément pour une seule extension SPOOL. Il s’agit d’une amélioration majeure par rapport à l’approche traditionnelle de JES3 consistant à n’autoriser qu’un seul programme STARTIO à la fois par extension SPOOL.
  • Réduction des conflits de verrouillage locaux – élément désormais intrinsèque à la façon dont JES3plus fonctionne, plusieurs SRB de complétion E/S s’exécutent simultanément en acquérant le verrou local uniquement si et quand cela est nécessaire. En outre, si la complétion E/S contient des demandes provenant d’un espace d’adresse unique, le SRB est programmé directement dans cet espace d’adresse plutôt que dans l’espace d’adresse de JES3plus.
  • Amélioration de l’équilibrage de l’initiateur de lots WLM – cette fonctionnalité permet à JES3plus de placer des tâches de lots dans des initiateurs inactifs à travers JESplex à l’aide d’un pourcentage cible dérivé des comptes d’allocation de l’initiateur de WLM. Jusqu’à présent, cela n’était possible que sur les systèmes JES2.

« Passer à JES3plus est le choix évident pour les clients existants d’IBM JES3 », a déclaré Ed Jaffe, directeur technologique de Phoenix Software International. « De plus, nous avons renforcé ce point en améliorant les performances avec des résultats empiriques si spectaculaires qu’ils parlent d’eux-mêmes. Les tests intensifs en E/S SPOOL réalisés sur notre z15  ont montré que JES3plus exécute près de deux fois plus de tâches qu’IBM JES3 tout en réduisant simultanément l’utilisation des canaux FICON de 92 % ! Des résultats tout aussi favorables ont été observés lors de la comparaison avec JES2. Et comme notre feuille de route pour les améliorations est axée à 100 % sur le client, nous pensons qu’une migration vers JES3plus  constitue non seulement le choix le plus simple et le moins risqué, mais aussi le plus logique. »

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, la dernière version de l’outil de gestion z/OS JESplex moderne de Phoenix Software, comprend des améliorations pour la visualisation et la gestion des connexions et structures de Coupling Facility, des environnements de planification WLM, des groupes/classes de tâches, des membres sysplex et des montages z/OS UNIX. En outre, une prise en charge a été ajoutée pour un référentiel de filtres qui offre à l’utilisateur final la possibilité d’enregistrer des filtres et de les recharger.

Nouvelles versions des produits Phoenix Software : septembre 2022

Phoenix Software met à jour sa gamme de produits ce mois-ci. Les téléchargements de produits seront disponibles pour les clients via le portail d’assistance de Phoenix Software International. Rendez-vous sur Les nouvelles versions de produits comprennent :

  • (E)JES V6R2
  • CONDOR® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • CYGNET® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Entrypoint® 16.3
  • FALCON® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Falcon64® 11.2
  • JES3plus V1R2
  • Key/101® 9.2
  • PHX-Adders®/PHX-Guest® 7.4
  • PHX-BDT® V1R2
  • PHX-KeyPlus® 5.4
  • PHX-ODE® 7.4

À propos de Phoenix Software International

Phoenix Software International, Inc. ( est une société de développement de logiciels de systèmes fournissant des applications logicielles avancées aux entreprises du monde entier. La société propose une large gamme de solutions aux défis professionnels modernes.

Contact auprès de la presse :
(310) 338-0400
[email protected]

 Résumé de l’analyse et données SMF brutes de référence disponibles sur demande.

Conagen unveils commercial production of high-purity non-GMO salidroside

Ideal for adaptogen supplement solutions and natural preservatives in food and beverages.

Bedford, Mass., Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conagen announced the commercialization of its 99% high-purity salidroside made by bioconversion technology, an active ingredient from the herbal plant Rhodiola rosea (golden root). Its strong antioxidant properties as an adaptogen are associated with reducing inflammation, protecting against oxidative stress in cells, and providing relief from depression, fatigue, and stress. Salidroside has also been used to alleviate high altitude sickness.

Unlike other salidroside products currently on the market, Conagen’s salidroside is non-GMO. Conagen leveraged its industry-leading bioconversion technology to produce clean, sustainable salidroside, identical to the compound naturally found in the Rhodiola rosea plant — the same technology used to produce non-GMO Rebaudioside M, other steviol glycosides, and bitter blockers for sugar reduction solutions which are available from their pipeline partner, Sweegen.

Conagen’s 99% high-purity salidroside, made by bioconversion, is ideal for non-GMO supplement solutions to formulate products with a sustainable and natural consumer appeal. It is readily soluble in water and is very formulable in food and beverage applications.

“We’re reimagining the way in which rare ingredients are sourced to make them safer and higher-quality for use in health-promoting products,” said Casey Lippmeier, Ph.D., senior vice president of innovation at Conagen. “Our bioconversion technology enables us to deliver non-GMO products. Through this technology, we’re unlocking salidroside’s great potential as a powerful active health ingredient and as a tool for food and beverage producers to adopt a more natural way to preserve food and beverages.”

Food and beverage producers benefit from Conagen’s salidroside as it also possesses antimicrobial properties, making it useful as a natural preservative solution for brands seeking alternatives to artificial preservatives. Salidroside expands Conagen’s portfolio of natural preservatives, such as Taxifolin BC-DHQ® and Rosavel™ rosmarinic acid, currently available from another pipeline partner, Blue California.

Stress reduction is popular among consumers, typically addressed by exercise or indulgence in food and beverages. More consumers are taking a holistic approach to their health, including their mental well-being and sleep. They are exploring adaptogens as one of the additional positive ways to add an edge to their diets and lifestyles.

“Salidroside is one of the rare, natural molecules with proven adaptogenic activities which correlates to stress reduction,” said Lippmeier. “Initially identified in botanical extracts, adaptogens are promising new options in the quest to relieve the stress of our daily lives. This trend opens new opportunities for supplement brands and food and beverage manufacturers to adopt a health-focused profile for their products.”

Conagen accelerated salidroside production by leveraging one of its proprietary molecular platforms, which have also been used to produce the clean antioxidants hydroxytyrosol and p-coumaric acid. Salidroside is a glucoside of tyrosol. Conagen’s antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds, hydroxytyrosol and p-coumaric acid are also now available through Blue California.

The inputs of fermentation are tightly controlled, dramatically reducing the chance of contamination with heavy metals, fungal toxins, and other unsafe materials that may be found in traditional medicine preparations. Rhodiola rosea extract is most commonly used in Europe and Asia. Its medicinal use for reducing stress and depression can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty in the classic medicinal scripture Compendium of Materia Medica.

About Conagen

We’re making the impossible possible. Conagen is a product-focused synthetic biology R&D company with large-scale manufacturing capabilities. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop high-quality, sustainable, nature-based products by precision fermentation and bioconversion technologies. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries.


Ana Arakelian



[email protected]

Investment Migration Provides Gateway to World’s Best Schools and Universities

LONDON, Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Henley & Partners has seen a significant increase in enquiries from affluent families looking to access premium international education opportunities for their children via investment migration. The surge in demand and competition for places at Ivy League, Oxbridge, and other leading universities post-Covid has heightened interest in investment programs that offer a pathway to residence rights or citizenship acquisition in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and several European countries that are home to the world’s leading educational institutions.

Over 70% of the Top 1,000 tertiary institutions ranked in the recent Times Higher Education World University Ranking are in countries that host investment migration programs, with 18% in the US and 10% in the UK. Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO of Henley & Partners, says securing the best possible education for their children has become a key motivation for investors considering residence and citizenship by investment program options. “Our children are our most precious assets and providing them with the best international schooling and university options is the greatest gift we can give to them and one of the best investments we can make as parents. We predict 2023 is likely to see the largest millionaire migration flows on record with over 125,000 affluent investors and their families on the move. Our new Henley & Partners Education division is designed to provide clients with all the support and assistance they need to access the best educational institutions in their new country.”

Securing greater access rights

Recent research shows that attending an Ivy League university can boost mid-career earnings by as much as 28.7% and that your child is three or four times more likely to gain admission to the world’s leading schools and universities if they are a resident or citizen of the county.

John Milne, Group Head of Education Services at Henley & Partners, says the firm has engaged a network of specialist consultants in the UK, North America, Australia, and Europe who can offer local expert and impartial advice to global clients. “Our new team provides school placement and bespoke concierge services such as assistance with obtaining student visas, language lessons, tutoring, entrance exams and childcare. It also offers a unique online evaluation of academic skills for children aged between six and sixteen — the Henley Academic Profiling Assessment — to provide a snapshot of a child’s academic skills. The results can be used to demonstrate their performance to future schools as well as to monitor their academic progress and identify possible areas for improvement.”

Education investment options for high-net-worth families

For those who wish to acquire permanent resident (‘green card’) status in the US, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program is the most efficient pathway, requiring an investment of USD 800,000. For entrepreneurs with the UK in their sights, the Tier 1 Innovator visa is aimed at those who can demonstrate relevant experience in business and have at least GBP 50,000 in investment funds. If Canada appeals, the Start-Up Visa Program provides permanent residence to entrepreneurs and active investors in companies and expanding businesses that seek to establish a presence in the country.

Australia currently offers four visa streams under its Business Innovation and Investment Program, while its Global Talent Independent Program provides a fast track pathway to permanent residence for highly skilled executives, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Investors can also secure residence in New Zealand as well as Singapore through its Global Investor Program.

Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, Dominic Volek, says the European golden visa programs such as those offered by Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, are also extremely attractive for investors looking to secure premium education and employment opportunities for their children across the EU. “The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program is our most popular residence program as it provides the quickest, most defined, and now proven pathway to citizenship, subject to the eligibility criteria of course. As a citizen of the EU, your child will have access to education at any of the EU countries’ universities on the same basis as a domestic student. Malta is also an attractive option as its regulations provide for a residence path that may lead to the granting of Maltese citizenship through exceptional services by direct investment.”

Notes to Editors

About Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm’s highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 35 offices worldwide.

The concept of residence and citizenship planning was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.

The firm also runs a leading government advisory practice that has raised more than USD 10 billion in foreign direct investment. Trusted by governments, the firm has been involved in strategic consulting and in the design, set-up, and operation of the world’s most successful residence and citizenship programs.

Media Contact

For further information, please contact:

Sarah Nicklin

Group Head of Public Relations

[email protected]

Mobile: +27 72 464 8965