UNFPA seeks end to female genital mutilation in Lagos

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has appealed to parents and community leaders to desist from female genital mutilation (FGM) practices.

Ms Ulla Mueller, Nigeria Country Representative, UNFPA, said this during a sensitisation walk against FGM and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at Ashogbon community in the Bariga area of Lagos on Tuesday.

The programme was organised by the UNFPA in collaboration with Action Health Incorporated (AHI), an NGO dedicated to promoting young people’s health and development.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional harmful practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

Mueller said that FGM was one of the forms of GBV deeply rooted in traditional understandings of purity and chastity but causes irreparable pain and health problems to women and girls.

She noted that United Nations data estimated that over 200 million girls and women have undergone FGM globally.

According to her, FGM remains widespread in Nigeria with an estimated 20 million survivors, and Nigeria accounts for the third-highest number of women and girls who have undergone FGM worldwide.

Mueller said that the FGM/GBV walk aimed to increase public awareness of FGM practices, laws, and risks associated with FGM, and dissuade community members from FGM practices.

“There’s no health benefit in FGM. We came to Ashogbon market and its environment to sensitise the people about the health impact of FGM.

“The community is one of the communities with the highest prevalence of FGM in Lagos State,” she said.

Mueller said that FGM has physical, mental health impact on women and girls, noting that it could lead to infection or future complications.

She added that FGM was a violation of women’s right, stating that the sensitisation would empower members of the community with the various ways to respond to and prevent GBV.

Also, Mrs Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi, Executive Secretary, Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team, said Lagos has zero tolerance for FGM and GBV.

Vivour-Adeniyi said that the state government had demonstrated the political will to eradicate the malaise of FGM and GBV from the state.

“We have put in support systems to ensure that in the unfortunate event that it does occur, survivors are able to access quality care, however, we believe greatly in prevention.

“And one of the ways you can prevent it is by creating awareness. And that’s why we are very glad to partner with UNFPA and AHI for this programme,” she said.

Similarly, Mrs Adenike Esiet, Executive Director, AHI, said in spite of the severe short-term and long-term physical and psychological consequences of mutilation, FGM was often practised in the belief that it was beneficial for the girl.

Esiet said that changing gender and social norms that encourage FGM was critical.

“Ending GBV is a public good that benefits individuals, families and communities in many ways,” she said.

She noted that the goal of the programme was to contribute to the elimination of FGM in Lagos and Nigeria, and assist achieve the target of ending FGM by 2030.

The Baale of Araromi/Ashogbon Community, Chief Patrick Moleyin, commended the organisers, saying that community leaders would intensify efforts in sensitising the residents on desisting from FGM practices.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Presidency on Deputy President Paul Mashatile allegations by News24

Statement of the Office of Deputy President Paul Mashatile on allegations by News24

Deputy President Paul Mashatile has noted a report by News24 focusing on the Deputy President and his past. The story contains a number of potentially damaging, yet unsubstantiated allegations against the Deputy President.

Left unchallenged, these could create the impression that the Deputy President does not respect or seek to uphold his oath of office, the dictates of the constitution and national law, or is not mindful of the concerns of ordinary South Africans about corruption and unethical conduct from those who hold public office.

As such, the Deputy President would like to assure the nation that he is committed to his oath of office and the principles of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The Deputy President would also like to reiterate his commitment to fighting corruption and building an ethical and competent developmental state. In line with these commitments, the Deputy President has always conducted himself in ways that comply with the letter and spirit of the law and Executive disclosure requirements throughout his career spanning nearly 30 years of service to the people of South Africa. Any allegation or insinuation that he has ever betrayed this commitment is categorically denied.

While the Deputy President denies any and all allegations of wrongdoing, we note that News24 fails to offer any real evidence of misconduct on the part of the Deputy President, choosing instead to rely on innuendo, suggestion, and guilt by association. This is a regrettable approach to journalism and it has the potential to hinder rather than help the cause of accountability in public life.

For the record, the Deputy President has, throughout his life as an activist and public representative, met many people from different walks of life, including the individuals mentioned by News24. Naturally, some of the people he has interacted with throughout that long time have become close personal associates. There is nothing wrong or unusual about this, and the attempt to scandalise such associations is unfortunate.

The Deputy President has never awarded, influenced, or in any way caused any state or public sector contract to be awarded to the individuals and companies mentioned by News24. Nor does the Deputy President have ownership or permanent use of any properties bought by these individuals and companies. The Deputy President would challenge anyone to prove otherwise.

One of the most unfortunate parts of the News24 report hit on the Deputy President, is the gratuitous suggestion that the Deputy President is “working hard behind the scenes to ascend to the office of president”, supposedly by some underhand means. This is strenuously denied.

The primary mandate of The Presidency is to provide support to the President and Deputy President in leading the Executive and to assist them in the coordination and supervision of Government. The Presidency translates and implements the commitments of the President as outlined in the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The Deputy President supports the President overall and specifically executes various responsibilities as delegated by the President. Central to the responsibilities of the Deputy President is to address the factors which impede service delivery and implementation of the Government programme, including departmental and local government capacity, red tape, governance, poor contract management, long turn-around times and corruption.

The specific program for the Deputy President is to focus on fixing local government, by prioritising some of the 66 identified dysfunctional municipalities, intervening, setting milestones and showing success cases in order to replicate them nationally. All of this work is mandated by and supported by the President, aimed exclusively at enhancing the capacity of the state to deliver to the people. None of it is in service of some political machinations against or in favour of any Government leader. To allege otherwise, based only on the say-so of nameless sources, is irresponsible in the extreme.

The Deputy President will not be distracted from the work entrusted to him by the President and the people of South Africa, and will continue to conduct himself in public office based on the ethical dictates that have guided him through a long career in politics: integrity, respect for the law and constitution, and an unwavering commitment to service and to the primary interests of the people of South Africa.

Media enquiries: For more information, please contact Vukani Mde, Spokesperson for the Deputy President, on 081 307 9233

Source: Government of South Africa

Home Affairs on judgment relating to Zimbabwe Exemption Permit

The Department of Home Affairs statement on the judgment relating to the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit

The Minister of Home Affairs is aware of the two full-court judgements issued by the High Court, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, delivered today, 28 June 2023.

The Minister is still studying the two judgements and taking legal advice on them. He will, in due course, respond fully to them. In the ensuing communication he will outline further steps that will be taken, including appeals (if any).

Source: Government of South Africa

Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni addresses Black Business Council Summit, 29 Jun

Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni to address the Black Business Council Summit

Minister in the Presidency, Ms Khumbudzo Ntshavheni will deliver a keynote address at the Black Business Council (BBC) Summit on:

Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023

Time: 09:00

Venue: Radisson OR Tambo and Convestion Centre, Kempton park.

The BBC Summit will be attended by the members of the Black Business Council, members of the business community, business association and professionals.

Source: Government of South Africa

Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform and ECSSEC host workshop on development of Integrated Aquaculture and Fisheries Strategy, 29 to 30 Jun

Workshop of the Development of an Integrated Aquaculture and Fisheries Strategy for the Eastern Cape Province

The Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) in collaboration with the Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council (ECSSEC) will host a two (2) day workshop to deliberate on the development of an Integrated Aquaculture and Fisheries

Strategy for the Eastern Cape Province.

As the custodian of rural development and food security programs in the province, the department plays a key role towards the development of the aquaculture and fisheries sectors.

Aquaculture and fisheries have the potential to meaningfully contribute towards food security, economic development, job creation, and rural development.

To support the sectors‘ sustainable growth, the Department needs to develop a strategy for the province in consultation with stakeholders from government and its agencies; organized labour, industry and associations; and community constituency.

The strategy will be inclusive in addressing the challenges of the sectors and support initiatives required for a sustainable development and management.

It will also nurture economic growth and investment, as well as other development opportunities within the sectors.

The Strategy will focus on setting goals and priorities; determining the actions required to achieve such goals; and mobilizing resources to accomplish the actions.

The Department invites members of the media to join this workshop, where government in collaboration with its entities and private sector will deliberate on how they will develop the sector collectively.

Source: Government of South Africa

Namibians encouraged to promote cultures

Prime Minister (PM) Saara Kugongelwa-Amadhila has called on Namibians to support the preservation, promotion and development of the county’s cultures.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said this when she delivered the keynote address at the official opening of the Second Edition Ehao Cultural Expo organised by the Okahao Town Council in the Omusati Region on Tuesday.

The Second Edition Ehao Cultural Expo is held under the theme ‘Connecting Businesses Towards Creating the Future’.

The expo aims to bring businesses together to create a brighter future for these businesses and the town with focus on growth and sustainability.

“Cultural exhibitions such as this, are important for our society, because they help preserve and promote our Namibian cultures, safeguarding our identity as a society and also attracting local and international tourism to the town of Okahao,” she said.

She said cultural products are also important contributors to business growth and that the different cultures boast a wide range of cultural products that are unique and can attract premium prices in international markets.

“Government policies seek to support the research and development of indigenous knowledge, including protection of copyrights of indigenous products and technologies,” the PM said.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila encouraged Namibians to support the preservation of its cultures and also ensure that the country optimises benefits from its cultures and traditions through generations.

She said the expo is being held in line with Government’s goal to promote the development of growth poles around all 14 regions and optimise the potential of the rural economy to national economic growth and development.

She further encouraged exhibitors to optimise their participation at the expo to increase their trade and forge new partnerships.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency