Le plus grand festival de cocktails au monde dévoile Jacob Martin comme meilleur bartender du monde

Le concours hautement anticipé apporte des expériences de cocktails colorées et des collaborations inédites dans la ville de São Paulo

SÃO PAULO, Brésil, 30 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Jacob Martin, du Canada, a été désigné World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 par les légendes de l’industrie. Il a remporté le concours face à plus de 10 000 autres bartenders de haut niveau qui se sont essayés à l’Everest du bartending de cette année.

Dans le cadre du concours, Jacob a passé une série de défis sur une période de quatre jours. En plus de concocter des cocktails classiques et de les élever à un niveau supérieur avec le gin favori des bartenders Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob a également osé aller plus loin avec la polyvalence de saveurs de Johnnie Walker Black Label, avant de créer un cocktail Ketel One Garnished with Good qui a non seulement impressionné les juges de par sa créativité gustative, mais a aussi eu un impact positif sur leur communauté locale au Canada.

Après sa victoire, Jacob a déclaré : « C’est un incroyable honneur de gagner World Class. Non seulement parce que cela représente le sommet de l’industrie, mais aussi en raison des géants que j’ai eu le privilège d’affronter cette semaine. La communauté du bartending est incroyable et cette semaine me l’a constamment rappelé. Nous nous sommes tous poussés les uns et les autres, avons appris les uns des autres et avons puisé dans la fantastique énergie de cette ville incroyable. Le niveau du concours était extraordinaire, mais pour l’instant, j’ai juste hâte de déguster un cocktail préparé par quelqu’un d’autre ! »

Dans le cadre du concours, São Paulo a vu des bartenders de renommée mondiale comme Monica Berg (de Tayer + Elementary à Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (du meilleur bar du monde, le Paradiso à Barcelone) ou encore Ago Perrone (de The Connaught Bar à Londres) investir la ville pour juger l’événement et accueillir des expériences « World Class » spéciales dans certains des établissements nocturnes les plus emblématiques de la ville.

Le concours marque également le début du World Class Cocktail Festival, avec de formidables collaborations de bars dans toute la ville, notamment le Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan et le Guilhotina Bar.

Globalement, le World Class Cocktail Festival s’étend dans plus de 1 000 établissements à travers le Brésil, offrant à des centaines de milliers d’amateurs de cocktails des expériences uniques de la part de marques telles que Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN et Don Julio.

Le World Class de cette année a également vu l’inclusion de l’Industry Forum, une chance de s’engager, d’éduquer et d’inspirer la communauté du bartending avec des séminaires et des tables rondes de juges et d’invités World Class. Parmi les points saillants du forum, on peut citer « From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them » (D’Insta à la vraie vie : tendances et comment les maîtriser) avec Kaitlyn Stewart, lauréate du concours World Class 2017, et Giuliana Pe Benito, directrice mondiale de la culture chez Diageo Reserve, ainsi que « Behind the Scenes of the World’s Best Bars » (Dans les coulisses des meilleurs bars du monde) avec des propriétaires de bars comme Monica Berg, Thiago Benares et Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, directrice mondiale de Diageo World Class, a déclaré : « Après le succès du World Class à Sydney l’année dernière, les équipes World Class du monde entier, l’équipe du Brésil et, bien sûr, nos formidables 54 compétiteurs ont tous mis les bouchées doubles et vraiment assuré cette année. Le niveau d’énergie sur le terrain ici est incroyable et après de nombreux mois de planification, c’était formidable de tout voir se concrétiser comme cela. C’est vraiment palpitant de voir une ville prendre vie avec des cocktails de qualité et des expériences exceptionnelles.

« Jacob a véritablement porté le concours à un niveau supérieur. Il a excellé dans tous les domaines et les commentaires des juges étaient extrêmement positifs. Jacob mérite largement sa victoire et je suis impatiente de travailler avec lui au cours des 12 prochains mois – il ira loin. »

Depuis son lancement en 2009, Diageo World Class joue un rôle significatif dans l’inspiration d’une expérience de consommation d’alcool plus raffinée et la transformation de la culture du cocktail à l’échelle mondiale, en soutenant plus de 450 000 bartenders dans le monde à travers des formations et l’éducation.

Pour en savoir plus sur World Class et vous tenir au courant des dernières créations, tendances et formations, rendez-vous sur www.diageobaracademy.com/en_zz/world-class-/ et suivez @WorldClass sur Instagram.

Contact :
Sarah Deller
[email protected]

Des photographies accompagnant ce communiqué de presse sont disponibles aux adresses :




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Maior Festival Mundial de Coquetéis Revela Jacob Martin como Melhor Bartender do Mundo

Competição altamente esperada leva experiências de coquetéis coloridos e colaborações inéditas para a cidade de São Paulo

SÃO PAULO, Brasil, Sept. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, do Canadá, foi reconhecido pelas celebridades da indústria como o Melhor Bartender do Mundo de 2023. Ele eliminou uma concorrência de mais de 10.000 bartenders de elite que tentaram conquistar o Everest de bartending deste ano.

Jacob participou de uma série de desafios ao longo da competição de quatro dias. Desde a criação de coquetéis clássicos até o famoso TEN com o favorito dos bartenders, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob também ousou com os sabores do Johnnie Walker Black Label, além de criar um coquetel Ketel One Decorado com Good que não apenas impressionou os jurados com a criatividade do sabor, mas também teve um impacto positivo na sua comunidade local no Canadá.

Ao vencer, Jacob disse: “É uma honra inacreditável ganhar o World Class. Além de ser o ponto mais alto da indústria, também pela oportunidade que tive de poder competir com os gigantes do setor esta semana. A comunidade de Bartenders é incrível e me lembrei disso durante toda a semana. Nós nos incentivamos, aprendemos uns com os outros e pudemos vivenciar a incrível energia desta cidade fantástica. O padrão da competição foi excepcional e agora estou louco para experimentar um coquetel feito por outra pessoa!”

Como parte da competição, São Paulo contou com bartenders de renome mundial, incluindo Monica Berg (da Tayer + Elementary de Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (do Melhor Bar do Mundo, Paradiso em Barcelona) e Ago Perrone (do Connaught Bar de Londres) que foram jurados do evento e anfitriões de experiências especiais de “Classe Mundial” em alguns dos locais mais emblemáticos da vida noturna da cidade.

A competição também deu início ao World Class Cocktail Festival com incríveis colaborações de bar em toda a cidade, incluindo Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan e Guilhotina Bar.

O The World Class Cocktail Festival se estende por mais de 1.000 locais em todo o Brasil, proporcionando a centenas de milhares de amantes de coquetéis experiências únicas com Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN e Don Julio.

O World Class deste ano também contou com o Fórum da Indústria, uma oportunidade de envolver, educar e inspirar a comunidade de bartending com seminários e painéis de discussão com jurados e convidados do World Class – os destaques incluíram: “From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them”, com a vencedora do World Class 2017, Kaitlyn Stewart e a Gerente Global de Cultura de Reserva da Diageo, Giuliana Pe Benito e “Behind the Scenes of the World ‘s Best Bars” com proprietários de bares, incluindo Monica Berg, Thiago Benares e Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Diretora Global da Diageo World Class, disse: “Dar seguimento ao World Class do ano passado em Sydney foi um grande desafio, mas as equipes do World Class de todo o mundo, a equipe do Brasil e, é claro, nossos incríveis 54 concorrentes, levaram o desafio a sério e venceram com muito orgulho. O nível de energia aqui é incrível e depois de tantos meses de planejamento, é uma grande emoção ver tudo funcionado tão bem. É muito emocionante ver uma cidade brilhar com ótimas bebidas e ótimas experiências.

“Jacob realmente levou esta competição para o próximo nível – ele se destacou em as áreas e o feedback dos jurados foi incrível. Jacob mereceu o prêmio e mal posso esperar para trabalhar com ele nos próximos 12 meses – ele vai longe.”

Desde a sua estreia em 2009, o Diageo World Class tem tido um papel significativo na inspiração das melhores bebidas e na transformação da cultura de coquetéis em todo o mundo. Ele apoia mais de 450.000 bartenders em todo o mundo por meio de treinamento e educação.

Para obter mais informações sobre o World Class e para se manter atualizado com as últimas bebidas, tendências e treinamento, visite www.diageobaracademy.com/en_zz/world-class-/ e siga @WorldClass no Instagram.

Sarah Deller
[email protected]

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COAS inaugurates remodeled 71 ST Brigade Training wing in Kaduna

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, on Friday, inaugurated the newly remodeled 71 Supply and Transport (ST) Training Wing at Ribadu Cantonment, Kaduna.

This is contained in a statement by the Director, Army Public Relations, Brig.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, on Thursday in Abuja.

Nwachukwu said the training wing, comprising lecture hall, drivers training class, offices, catering demonstration hall refectory and students’ lavatories, was reconstructed and remodeled for the enhancement of training of students of the school.

Speaking at the ceremony, the COAS expressed satisfaction with the execution of the project and commended the initiative and commitment of the project executor, Col. Wasiu Bakare, who has been redeployed to 70 ST Command as Commander.

Lagbaja expressed optimism that the training facility would deliver quality training to trainees and urged the commander, staff and trainees to ensure adequate maintenance of the facility.

The COAS said the remodeled facility was in consonance with his Command Philosophy to “Transform the Nigerian Army into a well trained, equipped and highly motivated force towards achieving its constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment”.

He commended Bakare for showing exemplary leadership, commitment and prudence in resource management while carrying out the project.

Lagbaja, therefore, directed all General Officers Commanding (GOC) to provide transport assets to ST Brigades Training Wings in their Divisions, for optimal performance.

In his remarks, the GOC 1 Division, Maj.-Gen. Valentine Okoro, expressed gratitude to the COAS for enhancing training in the army in line with his command philosophy.

Okoro added that 71 ST Brigade was keeping pace with ongoing evolutionary training in the Nigerian Army.

He assured the COAS that the facility would be put to good use by training personnel that will deploy acquired skills to deliver quality essential services in support of ongoing operations in the Division’ areas of responsibility.

Bakare, who is he project executor, thanked the COAS for providing a conducive and stimulating learning environment for 71 ST Brigade.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Rotary club gifts Abuja community residents food, medicare

No fewer than 100 residents of Kobi Seriki, a suburb of Abuja, on Saturday received free medical services, food and household items from the Rotary Club of Asokoro as part of its humanitarian services.

The outreach was under projects Declutter to Empower, Feed the Family and Medical Outreach implemented by the club.

The residents, which included People With Disability (PWD), were given food and household items which included rice, beans, yams, noddles, corn, bed foam, pots, fan, shoes, cloths, baby items among others.

The President of the club, Dr Adesuwa Agbontaen, said that Kobi community was adopted to provide care, support and other interventions by the club.

He explained that the gesture was part of what Rotary International does which is providing humanitarian services that help and give succor to people.

“Our team for this year is ‘Create Hope in the World” and this is one way to create hope; we know that right now there is so much hopelessness, difficulties, economic problems and hunger in the land.

“In anyway we can ameliorate it, in any way we can bring smile to faces of people is what we are doing today.

“We hope that at the end of this exercise, some people will be happier, some will feel better and that is why we are here today,” he said.

Also speaking, a member of the club, Mr Olalekan Odutayo, said that over the years, the club had sank a bow hole powered by electricity in the community.

He said that the club had built two blocks of four classrooms in the primary school in the community and was preparing to rehabilitate dilapidated classrooms.

Odutayo said that the tripartite projects of declutter to empower, feed the family and medical outreach are annual projects carried out in the community by the club.

He said that the club is also partnering with Asokoro General Hospital to sponsor cataract eye surgery for patients in the community.

In separate interviews with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) the excited beneficiaries who spoke were full of gratitudes to the club.

They prayed God for the expansion of the club and blessings on its members for reaching out to them at a time of need.

Mr Lazarus Turaki, a beneficiary of Feed the Family Project said that he was happy to be part of the programme

He prayed for more strength for the members of the club to continue the good works that are doing in the community.

Miss Beauty Rafael, a beneficiary of Declutter to Empower said that she received baby cloths and food stuff.

She said that she is hoping to birth a baby boy soon saying that the baby cloths were a sign that her boy is on the way.

Mrs Faith Emmanuel, who also got food items and cloths, commended the club for their humanitarian services.

She prayed God for many more successful years for the clubs and wishing the club expansion and growth.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria @63: Kano deputy governor sues for unity, peace

The Kano State Deputy Governor Aminu Gwarzo, has congratulated Nigerians on the occasion of the country’s 63rd independence anniversary.

In a statement by his Press Secretary, Ibrahim Shuaibu, Gwarzo said that the anniversary was a time to reflect on the country’s journey since independence and celebrate its achievements.

The Deputy Governor also urged Nigerians to work together to build a better future for the country.

“As we celebrate this anniversary, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought for our freedom. Let us also remember the challenges that we face as a nation and work together to overcome them.

“I believe that Nigeria has a bright future ahead of it. We are a blessed nation with abundant resources and talented people. Let us work together to build a country where everyone can thrive,” he said.

Gwarzo also used the opportunity to call on Nigerians to be united and embrace peace.

He said that the country can only achieve its full potential if Nigerians are united and work together.

“I urge all Nigerians to embrace peace and unity. Let us put aside our differences and work together to build a better future for our country” Gwarzo said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FCT ‘one chance’ victim: FCCPC opens investigation over alleged healthcare neglect

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) says it has opened investigation into an alleged healthcare neglect by Maitama District Hospital, Abuja, which led to the death of one Ms Greatness Olorunfemi.

FCCPC, in a statement by its Executive Vice Chairman, Mr Babatunde Irukera, on Saturday, said the investigation was to find out if Olorunfemi’s death was on account of failure implicated in the commission’s Patients’ Bill of Rights (PBoR).

Irukera said the investigation was also to know other enforceable legal instruments regarding attention and care to patients generally, especially in emergency situations where victims of criminal conduct required medical attention.

He said the commission welcomed the statement of the Office of FCT Secretary for Health Services and Environment, announcing a transparent broad investigation including a Coroner’s Inquest into the matter.

”FCCPC commiserates with Ms. Greatness Olorunfemi’s family, friends and associates who are affected by this tragic loss.

”There are disputed accounts of whether she received appropriate care, or delay pending production of a police report, or was brought in Dead on Arrival (DoA).

The commission has opened an investigation accordingly.

”Particular concern is if Olorunfemi died on account of failures implicated in the commission’s Patients’ Bill of Rights (PBoR) or other enforceable legal instruments regarding attention and care to patients generally.

”More specifically, in emergency situations where victims of criminal conduct require attention.

”Considering the facility concerned is a government institution and the commission’s determination to progress a limited inquiry into the consumer protection aspects of the events, the commission immediately engaged relevant stakeholders,”he said.

The executive vice chairman said the commission was looking forward to participating, supporting and collaborating with the FCT administration in the investigation.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Olorunfemi was reportedly thrown from a moving vehicle along the Maitama-Kubwa highway.

She was said to be a member of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Network.

Moyosoluwa Oladayo, the YALI Network Abuja coordinator, said the deceased died due to delay by healthcare workers at the Maitama District Hospital.

“There is a viral video of her when she was thrown out of the vehicle.

She was unconscious and was reportedly taken to Maitama District Hospital where they kept asking for a Police report till she gave up twenty minutes later,” she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria