International ozone layer day celebrated at Gobabis

The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer was celebrated at Gobabis on Friday.

International ozone layer day is celebrated on 16 September every year, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1994, and it has been celebrated in Namibia since 1996.

During the event, Omaheke Region Governor Pijoo Nganate thanked the stakeholders for being part of ensuring that Namibia remains compliant to international protocol by observing such important days.

“I wish to commend all stakeholders for their unwavering support and concerted efforts in making this protocol a success. I also would like to extend our gratitude to all our Customs and Excise officers within and across our borders for their efforts in combatting illegal trade of ozone layer-depleting substances and ensuring that our country remains compliant to their protocol obligations,” he said.

Nganate further acknowledged vocational training centres for their effort in imparting alternative technological knowledge to the informal and formal industries respectively.

Ruben Fransisco, Acting General Manager of Information Communication Technology at the Namibian Training Authority, in his speech highlighted the importance of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to safeguard the ozone layers.

“It serves as a reminder of the challenges that persist and the responsibilities we bear to secure a sustainable future for our planet. The collaboration between technical institution the Gobabis Vocational Training Centre and the heating, ventilation, and cooling industry is a testimony to our commitment to innovation and sustainable practices,” he said.

Fransisco furthermore said when different institutions work together they can harness the power of technology, research and education to drive positive changes.

“Our shared mission is to develop and implement environmentally-friendly heating, ventilation and cooling solutions that not only enhance human comfort but also minimise the depletion of the ozone layer and reduce our carbon footprint,” he indicated.

Fransisco emphasised the importance of education and awareness, as their institution’s role of research and development and beyond.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Geingob remembers late Hishongwa for his political role

Late Ambassador Hadino Hishongwa was a hero, kind-hearted, loving, trustworthy and a mentor who left indelible footprints as a diplomat for Swapo in West Africa, the former West Germany, Australia and the Nordic countries during the 1970s.

These were the words of President Hage Geingob to describe the late Hishongwa at a memorial service held in his honour at Onekwaya in the Endola Constituency of the Ohangwena Region on Friday.

Geingob in a speech read on his behalf by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, said through his commitment and sterling efforts, Swapo was able to receive Volvo vehicles from Sweden which enabled the party to be mobile and therefore aided their Liberation Struggle greatly.

Later on, in the 1980s, he opened a Swapo Office in Austria and the Pacific countries as the Swapo Chief Representative after which he returned to Angola and was again appointed as Swapo’s secretary for youth in 1987.

“Even though at this stage he was 44 years old and no longer technically a youth, Swapo trusted him because he was a tried, tested, loyal and disciplined cadre who was committed and best suited to advancing the issues of the party youth cadres,” he said.

Hishongwa’s widow Ester Nghishiiko-Hishongwa described her late husband as a hardworking person, who entertained no laziness in any form or shape.

Nghishiiko-Hishongwa stated that hard work for her late husband was like a hobby, and any time he decided to do something he would stand up and do it.

“He was a man of great stamina, and when he starts doing something, he will press on until he accomplishes it even if it means it was not perfectly done,” she added.

Nghishiiko-Hishongwa indicated that her late husband was among those who restored the Oukwanyama Kingdom.

Meanwhile, mourners after mourners described Hishongwa as a gift not only to his family but the Namibian people at large, an educator and inspiration to many people.

Hishongwa served as the Swapo Chief Representative to the Nordic countries, West and East Africa, Swapo Organiser for Returning Exiles, for Youth and Elections and Foreign Secretary of the National Union of Namibian Workers.

He also served in Namibia’s Executive as Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport, Deputy Minister of Labour and Human Resources Development and has been a member of the National Assembly for 15 years.

Following his retirement from public office, Hishongwa went on to serve the community as Senior Headman of Omhedi District in the Oukwanyama Traditional Authority until his passing aged 80 on 01 September 2023.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

FreedomPay annonce un partenariat stratégique avec PAX Technology, Inc. pour des solutions de commerce mondial améliorées

Cette collaboration dévoile une expérience client supérieure agrémentée d’avantages fidélité et de services à valeur ajoutée pour des millions de clients dans le monde


FreedomPay, plateforme technologique de commerce privilégiée des industries mondiales comprenant l’hôtellerie, l’hébergement, la vente au détail et plus encore, annonce aujourd’hui sa collaboration avec PAX Technology, Inc., l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement électroniques de la planète.

À compter du deuxième trimestre 2024, FreedomPay lancera des appareils PAX Technology offrant une expérience de validation de commande se montrant à la fois sûre, fluide et unifiée pour les consommateurs tout en permettant aux marchands de bénéficier des capacités d’analyse des données et des programmes de fidélité avantageux de FreedomPay. Ce partenariat renforce l’engagement de FreedomPay à favoriser un écosystème ouvert et accessible pour ses partenaires sectoriels et marchands.

« FreedomPay se dédie à offrir une expérience client sans égale en priorisant la vitesse, la sécurité et la personnalisation », a déclaré Chris Kronenthal, président de FreedomPay. « En faisant équipe avec PAX Technology, les marchands du monde entier peuvent désormais offrir une expérience commerciale de niveau supérieur. »

Ce partenariat annonce une nouvelle ère d’excellence commerciale pour les marchands et consommateurs du monde entier. Grâce à l’inclusion d’une connectivité sans fil 4G de pointe, les marchands pourront désormais profiter de transactions rapides et fluides. Les appareils tout-en-un de PAX Technology, intégrant à la fois point de vente et paiements, rationalisent les opérations et simplifient l’expérience de validation de commande.

« Cette collaboration avec FreedomPay associe une technologie commerciale de pointe avec des solutions matérielles d’acceptation des paiements faisant figure de leaders du secteur, favorisant le commerce mondial en permettant des transactions faciles et sûres tant pour les consommateurs que pour les entreprises », a commenté Andy Chau, président et directeur général de PAX Technology, Inc. « Notre ligne de terminaux Android constituera une solution de paiement extrêmement flexible pour FreedomPay et ses clients. »

À propos de FreedomPay
La plateforme Next Level Commerce™ de FreedomPay transforme les systèmes et processus de paiement existants pour les faire passer à la pointe de la technologie et permet aux marchands de dévoiler la puissance des paiements. En tant que premier choix pour bon nombre des plus grandes entreprises du monde dans les domaines de la vente au détail, de l’hôtellerie, de l’hébergement, des jeux, des sports et du divertissement, des services alimentaires, de l’éducation, des soins de santé et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a été spécialement conçue pour fournir des performances solides dans l’environnement extrêmement complexe du commerce mondial.

La société maintient un environnement de sécurité de classe mondiale et a été la première à obtenir la validation convoitée du Conseil des normes de sécurité de l’industrie des cartes de paiement (PCI) par rapport à la norme de cryptage point à point (P2PE/EMV) en Amérique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matière de paiements, de sécurité, d’identité et d’analyse de données sont disponibles en magasin, en ligne et sur mobile et sont prises en charge par l’adoption rapide des API. La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay primée fonctionne sur une seule et unique pile technologique unifiée sur plusieurs continents, permettant ainsi aux entreprises d’offrir une expérience innovante de niveau supérieur à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos de PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. est l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement électroniques au monde, comptant 70 millions de terminaux situés dans plus de 120 pays. En tant que fabricants mondiaux de premier plan dans le domaine, nous sommes déterminés à proposer des solutions de paiement innovantes, sûres et de haute qualité aux entreprises, de toutes tailles, à travers la planète. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site

Contact :
Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies pour FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8922545

CNN Travel recognises Dominica as one of the best Caribbean islands

Roseau, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Cable News Network (CNN) Travel has nominated the Commonwealth of Dominica as one of the nine best islands in the Caribbean!

All nine countries were categorised based on what they were known for catering to a variety of tourists’ reasons for travelling to the Caribbean. Dominica, also widely referred to as the ‘Nature Isle of the Caribbean’, boasts intricate features that make it one of the ultimate destinations for tourists and visitors alike.

CNN Travel classified all nine countries according to the following criteria:

   1. Dominica: For lush natural beauty

   2. North and Middle Caicos: For the unspoiled Caribbean

   3. Curaçao: For ‘city’ life

   4. Saba: For white-knuckle aviation thrill

   5. Antigua: For diverse beaches

   6. Barbados: For great cuisine and rum

   7. St Barts: For over-the-top luxury

   8. Puerto Rico: For music and dance

   9. Martinique: For a taste of France in the Caribbean

CNN Travel highlighted the lush natural island as it is home to natural rainforests, luxurious eco-friendly resorts and sustainable and eco-tourism practices around the Nature Isle. Coulibri Ridge, is one of Dominica’s eco-resorts that has been featured on Conde Nast Traveller and prides itself on its sustainable accommodation standards.

Tourists can complement their visit by booking accommodation in any of the luxurious resorts with natural outdoor adventures. Some factors that supported this recognition are as follows:

Untamed nature 

It is renowned for its lush rainforests, pristine rivers, and abundant waterfalls. The island’s rugged terrain includes the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which showcases volcanic peaks, hot springs, and the famous Boiling Lake.

Morne Trois Pitons National Park 

The Morne Trois Pitons National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its stunning natural beauty and unique geological features. Spanning approximately 68,000 acres, this park encompasses a diverse range of ecosystems, making it a biodiverse hotspot in the Caribbean.

The national park is dominated by volcanic activity, the park displays dramatic features like Boiling Lake, the world’s second-largest hot spring, and the Valley of Desolation, known for its fumaroles and bubbling mud pots.

There are several breathtaking waterfalls, including Trafalgar Falls and Middleham Falls, offering visitors the opportunity to swim in refreshing pools and enjoy the lush surroundings.

There is a rich biodiversity and home to various rare and endemic species of plants and animals, including the Sisserou parrot, which is the country’s national bird. It plays a crucial role in conservation efforts, protecting endangered species and preserving Dominica’s natural heritage.

Morne Trois Pitons offers a network of well-maintained hiking trails, allowing visitors to explore its natural wonders, such as the challenging trek to the Boiling Lake or the accessible Emerald Pool trail.

The park is also culturally significant, with historical remains of indigenous Kalinago settlements, adding an anthropological dimension to its natural beauty.

Boiling Lake 

The Boiling Lake is a geothermal wonder situated within Morne Trois Pitons National Park, formed by the collapse of a fumarole, a vent for volcanic gases. It is one of only a few known boiling lakes in the world.

The lake’s most distinctive feature is its constantly churning and bubbling waters, caused by the intense heat beneath. The water temperature ranges from 180 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit (82 to 92 degrees Celsius), making it too hot for a traditional swim.

The lake is one of the largest of its kind globally, spanning approximately 200 feet (61 meters) in diameter. Its depth is estimated to be over 200 feet, although exact measurements are challenging due to the constantly changing water levels.

The Boiling Lake is a testament to Dominica’s volcanic activity. It is nestled within a volcanic crater and surrounded by a lush rainforest, highlighting the island’s geological diversity.

Accessible only by a challenging hike, the journey to the Boiling Lake takes trekkers through dense forests, sulphur springs, and breathtaking viewpoints, making it a popular destination for adventurous hikers and nature enthusiasts.

Soufriere-Scott’s Head Marine Reserve 

The Soufriere-Scott’s Head Marine Reserve (SSMR) pristine and ecologically significant protected area alongside the west coast of Dominica. One of the most remarkable aspects of this reserve is its diverse marine ecosystem. The nutrient-rich waters support an array of marine species, including vibrant coral reefs, sponges, and an impressive variety of fish species. Divers and snorkelers can witness the colourful underwater world with species like parrotfish, angelfish, and seahorses.

Dominica’s volcanic origins are evident in the underwater landscape of the SSMR. Submerged volcanic craters, drop-offs, and underwater vents create a dramatic and dynamic seascape. The Soufriere volcano, which gives the area its name, is a prominent feature. The reserve also boasts underwater hot springs and geothermal activity, creating unique geological formations.

The reserve is located at the southern tip of the island, where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. The rugged coastline and cliffs of Scott’s Head Peninsula provide stunning vistas and hiking trails for those seeking a terrestrial adventure.

The marine reserve offers world-class diving opportunities, with sites like ‘Champagne Reef’ where underwater geothermal vents release streams of bubbles, resembling champagne. This phenomenon creates an otherworldly diving experience.

The reserve’s coastal and mangrove areas are important habitats for various bird species, including migratory birds, making it a haven for birdwatchers. It is protected by strict conservation regulations, including no-fishing zones, to preserve its natural beauty and biodiversity.

There is a cultural importance to the local community, as Scott’s Head Village is a fishing hub and a gateway for exploring the marine reserve. The reserve’s beauty extends beyond its underwater wonders, with numerous hiking trails, waterfalls, and birdwatching opportunities.


Secretary of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme
Commonwealth of Dominica
001 (767) 266 3919
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8922488

Le directeur des ventes chez AI-Media est ravi de présenter une innovation en matière de sous-titrage lors du prochain salon professionnel IBC sur la diffusion

BROOKLYN, État de New York, 14 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI-Media, le chef de file des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous-titrage en direct s’axant sur la technologie, a le plaisir d’annoncer sa présence au salon IBC 2023, qui doit avoir lieu du 15 au 18 septembre à Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas. L’événement promet d’être un rassemblement d’experts de l’industrie, de leaders d’opinion et d’entreprises innovantes dans le secteur de la diffusion et des technologies médiatiques.

En tant que leader mondial du sous-titrage pour l’industrie de la diffusion, AI-Media est fière de faire partie de cet événement d’une grande influence. Notre directeur des ventes, James Ward, dirigera notre délégation et représentera notre engagement envers l’excellence dans la fourniture de solutions de pointe à nos clients et partenaires.

James Ward, directeur des ventes d’AI-Media, a déclaré :

« Nous sommes ravis de faire une nouvelle fois partie du salon IBC. Ce salon professionnel est une plateforme exceptionnelle qui nous permet de présenter nos dernières innovations et de démontrer comment nous continuons à repousser les frontières du possible dans l’industrie de la diffusion. Nous sommes impatients d’échanger avec des leaders de l’industrie, des clients et des partenaires, et de partager notre vision de l’avenir de la diffusion. »

AI-Media va présenter plusieurs solutions de diffusion clés lors de l’événement, LEXI étant la pierre angulaire de notre solution de sous-titrage automatique en direct optimisée par l’IA. LEXI fournit systématiquement des taux de précision supérieurs à 98 %, identifie les changements de locuteur, utilise l’IA pour garantir que les sous-titres n’interrompent pas le contenu à l’écran, et tout cela pour une fraction du coût des sous-titres d’origine humaine. Cet outil innovant est en train de révolutionner le sous-titrage en temps réel, apportant une solution rentable qui a été adoptée par les plus grands diffuseurs du monde. AI-Media organisera des démonstrations en direct sur le stand pour présenter cette technologie révolutionnaire en action.

Le Kit d’outils de sous-titrage LEXI optimisé par l’IA récemment lancé sera également présenté lors du salon IBC2023, avec six solutions clés, chacune conçue pour répondre aux différents besoins du sous-titrage. Le Kit d’outils LEXI transforme la création de contenu et le sous-titrage, en proposant des solutions de bout en bout complètes pour les sociétés de médias, les diffuseurs, les producteurs d’événements, les établissements d’enseignement et les créateurs de contenu dans le monde entier. Les diffuseurs peuvent associer et assortir les éléments du Kit d’outils en fonction de leurs besoins professionnels, en ayant accès à des solutions qui comprennent le sous-titrage, la traduction, l’archivage et la recherche, ainsi que la reprise après sinistre.

Avec la production de vidéo IP à l’avant-garde de l’innovation dans le paysage de la diffusion, les diffuseurs peuvent compter sur la solution ALTA d’AI-Media pour leur encodage de sous-titres compatibles IP. ALTA adhère aux normes de diffusion mondiales, notamment les entrées SMPTE-2110 et MPEG-TS, et peut produire des sous-titres 2110-40, DVB, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext et SMPTE 2038. ALTA peut s’adapter à n’importe quel flux de production car elle peut être déployée en tant que machine virtuelle autonome, AMI prête à l’emploi ou serveur physique clé en main. En plus de gérer sans effort six langues par instance, ALTA prend également en charge l’insertion de signaux publicitaires à l’aide de marqueurs SCTE-35 et SCTE-104. Avec ALTA, AI-Media aide les diffuseurs à élever leurs diffusions vidéo par IP vers de nouveaux sommets en termes de portée et d’accessibilité. Notre stand présentera également notre gamme d’encodeurs matériels SDI, notamment notre encodeur de sous-titres Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 RU, désormais synonyme de norme de la diffusion pour les encodeurs SDI.

Nous sommes également impatients de fournir aux clients un aperçu anticipé de notre solution LEXI Translate améliorée, qui constitue le niveau supérieur d’accessibilité linguistique au sein de notre Kit d’outils LEXI. Cette version bientôt disponible offre une précision inégalée de traduction en temps réel, ce qui permet aux diffuseurs de distribuer le contenu à une audience plus vaste que jamais auparavant.

Rejoignez AI-Media lors du salon IBC 2023, du 15 au 18 septembre, au Centre de conventions et d’expositions RAI Amsterdam, stand n° 5.C31. Les participants sont encouragés à réserver une rencontre avec l’équipe AI-Media qui leur fera découvrir notre gamme de solutions de sous-titrage pour la diffusion de bout en bout.

À propos d’AI-Media

Fondée en Australie en 2003, la société technologique AI-Media est un leader mondial des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous-titrage enregistrés et en direct. La société aide les principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organismes gouvernementaux du monde à assurer des sous-titrages de haute précision, sécurisés et rentables via sa solution de sous-titrage automatique LEXI optimisée par l’IA. Des sous-titres LEXI sont livrés sur des millions d’écran à travers le monde grâce à la gamme d’encodeurs de sous-titrage d’AI-Media et à son réseau iCap Cloud – le réseau de livraison de sous-titres le plus grand et le plus sécurisé au monde. À l’échelle mondiale, AI-Media livre plus de 8 millions de minutes de contenu multimédia en direct et enregistré chaque mois. AI-Media est cotée à la bourse australienne (ASX : AIM). Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur le site

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Contact auprès des médias :
Fiona Habben
Responsable sénior du marketing mondial
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8922473

Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media Animado em Mostrar a Inovação de Legendagem na Próxima IBC Broadcast Tradeshow

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI-Media, líder em soluções de legendagem, legendagem oculta, transcrição e tradução ao vivo com base em tecnologia, tem o prazer de anunciar sua presença na IBC Broadcast Tradeshow a ser realizada entre 15 e 18 de setembro em Amsterdã, Países Baixos. O evento promete ser um encontro de especialistas, líderes de pensamento e empresas inovadoras do setor de tecnologia de transmissão e mídia.

Como líder global em legendagem e legendagem oculta para a indústria de transmissão, a AI-Media tem orgulho de fazer parte deste evento influente. Nosso Diretor de Vendas, James Ward, liderará nossa delegação e representará o nosso compromisso com a excelência no fornecimento de soluções de ponta para nossos clientes e parceiros.

O Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media, James Ward, disse:

É um grande prazer fazer parte da IBC Broadcast Tradeshow mais uma vez. Esta feira é uma plataforma excepcional para mostrarmos nossas últimas inovações e demonstrarmos como continuamos a expandir os limites do que é possível no setor de transmissão. Estamos empolgados em nos envolver com líderes, clientes e parceiros do setor e compartilhar nossa visão para o futuro da transmissão.”

A AI-Media mostrará várias soluções-chave de transmissão no evento, com a nossa base fundamental, nossa solução de legendagem automática ao vivo com tecnologia AI – LEXI. A LEXI oferece consistentemente taxas de precisão de mais de 98%, identifica alterações no falante, usa IA para garantir que as legendas não interrompam o conteúdo na tela e tudo por uma fração do custo da legendagem humana. Esta ferramenta inovadora está revolucionando a legendagem em tempo real, fornecendo uma solução econômica que está sendo adotada pelas principais emissoras do mundo. A AI-Media fará demonstrações ao vivo no estande mostrando essa tecnologia inovadora em ação.

O recém-lançado LEXI Captioning Tool Kit, alimentado por IA, também será apresentado na IBC2023, com seis soluções principais, todas projetadas para atender as diferentes necessidades da legendagem. O LEXI Tool Kit transforma a criação e legendagem de conteúdo, oferecendo soluções completas de ponta a ponta para empresas de mídia, emissoras, produtores de eventos, instituições educacionais e criadores de conteúdo em todo o mundo. As emissoras podem misturar e combinar os componentes do Tool Kit para atender às necessidades dos seus negócios, acessando soluções, incluindo legendagem, tradução, arquivamento e pesquisa, e recuperação de desastres.

Com a produção de vídeo IP na vanguarda da inovação no cenário de transmissão, as emissoras podem procurar a solução ALTA da AI-Media para codificação de legendagem e legendagem oculta compatível com IP. A ALTA é compatível com padrões de transmissão globais, incluindo SMPTE-2110, entradas MPEG-TS e com saída 2110-40, legendas DVB, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext e SMPTE 2038. Implantável como uma máquina virtual autônoma, uma AMI pré-definida ou um servidor físico pronto para uso, a ALTA pode se encaixar em qualquer fluxo de trabalho de produção. Além de lidar sem esforço com seis idiomas por instância, a ALTA também é compatível com inserção de dicas de publicidade com SCTE-35 e SCTE-104. Com a ALTA, a AI-Media está ajudando as emissoras a elevar suas transmissões de vídeo IP a novos patamares de alcance e acessibilidade. Também estará disponível no estande nossa linha de codificadores de hardware SDI, incluindo nosso codificador de legenda RU Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 – agora sinônimo de padrão de transmissão para codificadores SDI.

Também estamos muito contentes de fornecer aos clientes uma visão antecipada da nossa solução LEXI Translate atualizada, o próximo nível de acessibilidade de idiomas do nosso LEXI Tool Kit. Esta versão, a ser lançada em breve, tem uma precisão inigualável na tradução em tempo real, permitindo que as emissoras distribuam conteúdo para um público mais amplo do que nunca.

Junte-se à AI-Media na IBC 2023, de 15 a 18 de setembro, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Estande #5.C31. Os participantes podem marcar uma reunião com a equipe da AI-Media para descobrir sua gama de soluções de legendagem de transmissão.

Sobre a AI-Media

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI-Media é líder global de soluções de legendagem transcrição e tradução ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais do mundo a garantir alta precisão, segurança e custo-benefício por meio da sua solução de legendagem automática LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI são entregues a milhões de telas em todo o mundo através da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI-Media e sua iCap Cloud Network – a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI-Media entrega mais de 8 milhões de minutos de mídia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI-Media é negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrália (ASX: AIM). Para mais informação, visite

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Contato com a Mídia:
Fiona Habben
Gerente Sênior de Marketing – Global
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8922473