Institutional Investor Launches 2023 Developed Europe & Emerging EMEA Executive Team Rankings

36 companies (Core, Large Cap & Small-Mid Cap) came first in at least five voting areas in their sectors in Developed Europe and 16 companies for Emerging EMEA

LONDON, Sept. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Institutional Investor Research (II Research) surveys are the leading provider of independent performance validation and market sentiment across 8 global capital markets. Executive Team surveys are an independent platform for investment and sell-side professionals to evaluate credibility, communication, financial stewardship and capital allocation of corporate leadership, the quality of IR across multiple activities and the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. The results from the survey, an in-depth capability and benchmark analysis, capture the feeling and trust levels of stakeholders in their equity assets.

This year saw 2,733 CEOs, CFOs, and IROs from 1,266 nominated companies receiving votes in the survey. Combined voters saw 1,872 voters from 851 voting companies. The number of votes increased by over 20% since 2022 for the Developed Europe survey and 46% for the Emerging EMEA survey.

2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Core results

281 companies and 503 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.

Eight companies clinched a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings in five voting areas for Best CEO, Best CFO, Best Investor Relations Professional, Best IR Company, Best Analyst/Investor Event, Best ESG Metrics, and Best Company Board in their respective sectors:

Al Rajhi Bank (Saudi Arabia, Financials), Coca-Cola Icecek (Turkey, Consumer), Haci Omer Sabanci Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (Greece, Technology, Media & Telecommunications), Lamda Development (Greece, Construction & Real Estate), MLP Saglik Hizmetleri (Turkey, Health Care & Pharmaceuticals), Mytilineos Holdings (Greece, Metals & Mining) and Petkim Petrokimya Holding (Turkey, Chemicals).

2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Large Cap results

95 companies and 197 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.

Six companies clinched a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings five of the seven aforementioned voting areas:

Al Rajhi Bank (Saudi Arabia, Financials), Emaar Properties (United Arab Emirates, Construction & Real Estate), Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (Greece, Technology, Media & Telecommunications), Koc Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Opap (Greece, Consumer) and Turk Hava Yollari (Turkey, Transportation).

2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Small & Midcap results

186 companies and 306 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.

Ten companies obtained a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings in five of the seven aforementioned voting areas:

Aegean Airlines (Greece, Transportation), Coca-Cola Icecek (Turkey, Consumer), Haci Omer Sabanci Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Lamda Development (Greece, Construction & Real Estate), MLP Saglik Hizmetleri (Turkey, Health Care & Pharmaceuticals), Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries (Greece, Oil & Gas), Mytilineos Holdings (Greece, Metals & Mining), Petkim Petrokimya Holding (Turkey, Chemicals), Piraeus Financial Holdings (Greece, Financials) and Turk Telekomunikasyon (Turkey, Technology Media & Telecommunications).

Amani Korayeim, Director for Europe and Emerging EMEA, says “The Institutional Investor rankings are recognised as an industry benchmark by its stakeholders and determine compensation packages and KPIs for IR teams that are empowered and valued by their leadership teams. Investor Relations is critical in shareholder value creation. In fact, good IR, often recognised through the Institutional Investor’s rankings, can deliver a competitive advantage, and help companies trade at a premium. Conversely, poor IR can lead to the company being traded at a discount, create greater volatility and higher cost of capital. The highest ranked companies in our surveys tend to measure and monitor the effectiveness of their IR activities very closely. These are the teams that take a strategic and deliberate approach to their market engagement, use underlying research data and perception intelligence to continually optimise their IR interaction to close the gap between their competition and lock in prospect targets through a more personalised and targeted outreach. Congratulations to all the top ranked companies this year, we are particularly excited about the new names and regions that are represented in what the market defines as Best in Class IR.”

For the full list of published winners, please visit

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To request further information on how you can access the underlying survey research to identify strength and opportunities in IR through a multi-dimensional comparative peer analysis, please contact [email protected]

Media contact

David Bowen, Director of Marketing, Institutional Investor Research [email protected]

About Institutional Investor Research

For over 50 years, Institutional Investor has been conducting independent research surveys with global investment professionals who evaluate and determine the best performing sell side service providers, asset managers and CEOs, CFOs, IROs and IR Programs across Europe, Emerging EMEA, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America. The research data independently captures evaluations of companies, investment professionals and executives from investment managers, banks, research providers and corporate issuers, to deliver detailed peer-to-peer comparative analyses every year; the feedback helps inform strategic decision making and improve resource and process management.

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Duck Creek Technologies Nomeia Nova Diretora de Finanças

Teresa M. Kim, executiva experiente em finanças de tecnologia irá supervisionar as funções financeiras e contábeis

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeação de Teresa M. Kim como Diretora de Finanças. Kim é líder financeira sênior talentosa com sólida experiência e histórico em computação em nuvem, plataformas de tecnologia e auditoria e consultoria “Big Four”. Ela ingressou na Duck Creek após uma carreira de 20 anos na Akamai Technologies (Akamai), empresa mundial de rede de distribuição de conteúdo e serviços em nuvem, onde recentemente foi vice-presidente (VP) de finanças do grupo de tecnologia em nuvem, supervisionando uma receita de mais de US $ 2 bilhões, ajudando a empresa a criar uma plataforma de escala de categoria internacional. Na Akamai ela também foi vice-presidente de finanças da divisão de mídia e operadoras, ajudando a liderar negociações estratégicas de contratos de clientes de mídia. Ela também ocupou o cargo de controladora assistente, supervisionando a contabilidade e operações globais, liderando uma grande equipe de 120 profissionais, criando centros financeiros de excelência na Índia e na Polônia.

Antes da Akamai, Kim atuou como auditora sênior da Ernst &Young (EY), apoiando clientes no setor de tecnologia, comunicações e entretenimento da EY. Ela iniciou sua carreira em funções de consultoria financeira na KPMG e na Economic Analysis Corporation antes de passar para a contabilidade pública.

“Teresa é uma líder dinâmica e ponderada, com forte perspicácia financeira, foco no cliente e experiência em operações de tecnologia de nuvem e plataforma. Com a Duck Creek dando continuidade à sua concentração no crescimento internacional e na maturidade SaaS, ela será uma tremenda adição para ajudar a direcionar nossa própria transformação estratégica e otimizar nossas operações financeiras”, disse Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek. “Este é um momento empolgante para todos nós da Duck Creek e estou confiante de que seu talento nos ajudará a continuar criando valor para nossos clientes, parceiros e partes interessadas.”

Kim acrescentou: “Estou muito feliz em me juntar à Duck Creek, pois ela fortalece sua posição de liderança no setor global de seguros. Me sinto honrada em ter a oportunidade de trabalhar em estreita colaboração com Mike e toda a equipe da Duck Creek durante um período de crescimento acelerado.”

Kim fez BA com foco em economia e especialização em estudos asiático-americanos na UCLA. Ela fez MBA e mestrado em contabilidade na Northeastern University. Kim está baseada na região metropolitana de Boston.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies
[email protected]

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Duck Creek Technologies annonce la nomination d’une nouvelle directrice financière

La société désigne Teresa M. Kim, cadre financière expérimentée en technologie, pour superviser les fonctions de finance et comptabilité

BOSTON, 11 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD, annonce la nomination de Teresa M. Kim au poste de directrice financière. Mme Kim est une cheffe de file majeure et accomplie dans le domaine des finances, possédant un historique et des antécédents solides en cloud-computing, en plateformes technologiques et en comptabilité publique des « Big Four ». Elle rejoint Duck Creek après 20 années passées chez Akamai Technologies (Akamai), une société de services cloud et un réseau de diffusion de contenu dans le monde entier, où elle était le plus récemment vice-présidente des finances dans son groupe de technologie cloud, supervisant plus de 2 milliards de dollars de recettes tout en aidant l’entreprise à bâtir une plateforme de classe mondiale évolutive. Lorsqu’elle travaillait chez Akamai, elle était aussi vice-présidente des finances dans sa division médias et supports, aidant à mener des négociations de contrats clients stratégiques dans le domaine des médias. Elle occupait auparavant une fonction de contrôleuse adjointe, supervisant la comptabilité et les opérations mondiales à la tête d’une grande équipe de 120 professionnels et bâtissant des centres financiers d’excellence en Inde et en Pologne.

Avant d’arriver chez Akamai, Kim a occupé la fonction d’auditrice supérieure pour Ernst & Young (EY), soutenant les clients d’EY dans le secteur de la technologie, des communications et du divertissement. Elle a débuté sa carrière à des postes de conseil financier chez KPMG et Economic Analysis Corporation avant de passer à la comptabilité publique.

« Teresa est une cheffe de file dynamique et réfléchie associant un puissant savoir-faire financier, une focalisation client importante et une grande expérience dans les opérations technologiques de plateforme et cloud. Alors que Duck Creek continue de se concentrer sur la croissance internationale et la maturité du SaaS, elle sera un atout prodigieux pour aider à diriger notre propre transformation stratégique et optimiser nos opérations financières », a déclaré Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek. « Il s’agit d’un moment palpitant pour nous tous, chez Duck Creek, et je suis persuadé que son talent nous aidera à continuer à créer de la valeur pour nos clients, nos partenaires et nos parties prenantes. »

Mme Kim a ajouté : « Je me réjouis de rejoindre Duck Creek alors que cette entreprise renforce sa position de leader dans le secteur mondial de l’assurance. Je suis honorée d’avoir l’opportunité de travailler en étroite collaboration avec Mike et toute l’équipe de Duck Creek au cours d’une période de croissance accélérée. »

Mme Kim a acquis sa licence en économie avec option études asio-américaines à l’UCLA. Elle a obtenu son MBA et un master de comptabilité à la Northeastern University. Mme Kim est basée dans le Grand Boston.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systèmes d’assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, mission et transparence sont les mots clés de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l’assurance devrait être au service des individus et des entreprises quand, où et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du marché sont disponibles séparément ou sous la forme d’une suite complète, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses réseaux sociaux pour connaître les toutes dernières informations – LinkedIn et Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies
[email protected]

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Next Ma/Gaisa Star search launched in capital

Namibian musician, Andreas Backos has said there is a need for sponsors, promotion and marketing of the Ma /Gaisa music genre so that it can be recognised locally and worldwide.

Backos, known by his stage name as ‘Ome Backos’, said this while speaking at the launch of the Next Ma /Gaisa Star Search Season 3, in the capital.

He said securing sponsors, promoting and marketing the genre is the main challenge currently and called on stakeholders including the National Arts Council of Namibia, companies, and individuals, to come on board to support the genre so that it can be marketed and sold internationally.

‘Improving Ma/Gaisa is not only for us but also for young aspiring artists in Namibia,’ he said.

Ma/Gaisa, a genre that originated in 2000, is a blend of Khoekhoe melodies with added instruments and was originally performed without instruments.

Today, Ma/Gaisa is sung with instruments such as a keyboard, which plays an important role.

At the same event, Namibia Society of Composers and Authors of Music Chief Executive Officer Albert Nikanor stated that it is critical to make the Ma/Gaisa genre available on many platforms.

He also expressed gratitude to SAN—Welwitschia Music Production for hosting the event.

The next Ma/Gaisa Star competition, as well as the grand finale, will take place in Swakopmund in the Erongo Region, depending on the sponsors and will benefit about 100 to 150 people in terms of employment for dancers, backing vocals, presenters, graphic designs, videos, camera crew, scriptwriters as well as artists.

The search for the next Ma/Gaisa star officially opened on Tuesday and is scheduled to end on 15 November.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Minister rejects report he covered up alleged corruption at NW Health Department

The Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, says he strongly rejects claims that he covered up alleged corruption in the North West Provincial Department of Health.

This is after News24 reported last week that Phaahla suspended Advocate Maile Ngake, who compiled an investigative report which found that the North West Health Department broke several laws when awarding 22 companies with security contracts in September 2019 to guard the province’s health facilities and offices.

The publication said Ngake’s report uncovered R1.2 billion in tender fraud, supporting arguments that the Minister was part of a “concerted corruption cover-up”.

The department said it considers the publication’s allegations “scurrilous, defamatory and devoid of any truth”, since the investigation was compiled before the Minister of Health was appointed on 5 August 2021.

“As such, the Minister has no knowledge of such a report and the happenings with regard to how the referred security tender was processed towards the appointment of the preferred bidder.

“It is wholly disingenuous for any person, including the said official, to attempt to link the Minister to these allegations, as they have no basis whatsoever.”

According to the department, the report was never presented to the Minister when he took over the leadership of the department and could have not acted over something that he was unaware of.

“The Minister did not respond to the allegations as requested by the journalist, as he was still inquiring internally about the existence of such referred report, which couldn’t be traced until recently.

“The report was finally traced and was for the attention of the Director-General, as all the administrative matters like this one fall within the scope of the Accounting Officer.

“For the record, the matter referred to in the article has since been dealt with by the North West Provincial Department in accordance with the court order, which reviewed and declared the awarding of the referred contract to be unlawful.”

The provincial department, according to the statement, has since assumed full responsibility for its programmes and activities after the termination of the Section 100 Administration.

“On the matter of suspension of the official, Advocate TM Ngake, in the department, it should be borne in mind that in terms of the Senior Management Handbook, the responsibility to discipline employees in a government department lies with the Director-General, who is the Accounting Officer.

“The Minister of Health, therefore, cannot suspend or take disciplinary action against an employee.

“Thus, the department categorically dismisses the allegation that Advocate Ngake has been suspended by the Minister of Health or even that his precautionary suspension has anything to do with a report that he may have authored.”

Source: South African Government News Agency

Heritage Month 2023

Heritage Month is celebrated annually in September. It is celebrated to mark South Africa’s diverse culture and heritage.

Government calls on all South Africans to use Heritage Month to foster greater social cohesion, nation building and a shared national identity.

The celebration of Heritage Month has created a conducive environment for all people to embrace and celebrate what was inherited or bequeathed to the nation by its forebears.

Source: South African Government News Agency