Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC) honore deux décennies d’engagement sincère de la part de ses employés

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 30 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center est très fier de reconnaître le dévouement exceptionnel de ses employés diversifiés qui ont chacun contribué sur deux décennies à la noble mission que constituent les soins aux patients. Son Excellence, le Dr Majid Al-Fayad, directeur général, a personnellement rendu hommage à tous ces précurseurs lors de la quarante-quatrième édition de la cérémonie d’hommage aux pionniers, qui s’est tenue à Djeddah et à Riyad les 20 et 22 novembre, respectivement.

En remerciement de leur engagement inébranlable à fournir des soins de santé de qualité, l’hôpital a commémoré les moments importants consacrés à l’amélioration de l’expérience globale des patients. L’aboutissement de ces efforts a permis de confectionner un superbe patchwork d’expériences et de compétences sur lesquelles repose la solide réputation dont jouit le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aujourd’hui.

L’engagement inébranlable en matière de développement du personnel et d’instauration d’une culture organisationnelle solide est au cœur de cette réussite. L’hôpital accorde une importance particulière à son capital humain, conscient du rôle essentiel qu’il joue dans sa renommée mondiale. Cet engagement se traduit par la mise en œuvre de programmes et de services de qualité visant à améliorer l’environnement de travail et la productivité des employés.

Le succès de ces initiatives a été mis en évidence par une enquête interne, dans laquelle 78 % des participants recommandent l’environnement de travail et 81 % se déclarent satisfaits des services fournis par l’hôpital. La création d’un club destiné aux employés il y a plusieurs années illustre bien le dévouement du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center à l’égard de son personnel. Cette initiative favorise un environnement de travail positif, encourage les interactions sociales, le développement personnel et la participation à la vie de la communauté, tout en faisant en sorte que les individus se sentent valorisés, connectés et soutenus.

Preuve de l’engagement de l’hôpital en faveur d’un développement personnel et professionnel continu, le KFSH&RC organise régulièrement des ateliers, des séminaires et des sessions de discussion portant sur divers sujets tels que le leadership, la gestion du temps, la gestion du stress, la santé financière et l’évolution professionnelle. Ces formations visent à contribuer au perfectionnement potentiel des employés au sein de l’organisation.

Grâce à ces initiatives, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aspire à créer un environnement de travail susceptible d’attirer les meilleurs professionnels de santé en provenance des quatre coins du monde. Cet engagement s’inscrit pleinement dans ses objectifs stratégiques et soutient son parcours de près de cinq décennies visant à devenir un leader mondial dans la prestation de soins de santé spécialisés grâce à la recherche et à l’innovation.

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Presta Homenagem à Dedicação de Duas Décadas dos Seus Funcionários

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) tem o grande orgulho de reconhecer a excepcional dedicação da sua diversificada força de trabalho, com cada membro contribuindo há duas décadas para a nobre missão de cuidado do paciente. Sua Excelência, o CEO Dr. Majid Al-Fayad, prestou homenagem pessoalmente a esses funcionários pioneiros na quadragésima quarta edição da Cerimônia de Homenagem aos Pioneiros, realizada em Jeddah e Riad em 20 e 22 de novembro.

Ao demonstrar a apreciação pela dedicação inabalável aos cuidados de saúde, o hospital comemorou os momentos significativos dedicados a melhorar a experiência em geral do paciente. Todo esse esforço criou uma rica tela de experiência e habilidades, formando a base para o estimado status que o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center tem hoje.

O ponto central desse sucesso é o compromisso inabalável com o desenvolvimento dos funcionários e o cultivo de uma cultura organizacional robusta. O hospital dá especial ênfase ao seu capital humano, reconhecendo o seu papel fundamental para alcançar a sua proeminência global. Esse compromisso é evidente com a implementação de programas e serviços de qualidade voltados ao aprimoramento do ambiente de trabalho e da produtividade dos funcionários.

O sucesso dessas iniciativas é confirmado por uma pesquisa interna que revelou que 78% dos participantes recomendam o ambiente de trabalho e 81% expressam satisfação com os serviços prestados pelo hospital. A dedicação do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aos seus funcionários é exemplificada também pelo estabelecimento há muitos anos atrás de um clube social para funcionários. Esta iniciativa promove um ambiente de trabalho e uma interação social positiva, crescimento pessoal e participação da comunidade, para que os funcionários se sintam valorizados, conectados e apoiados.

Destacando o compromisso do hospital com o contínuo desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, o KFSH&RC organiza regularmente workshops, seminários e sessões de diálogo que abrangem vários tópicos, como liderança, gestão do tempo, gestão do estresse, bem-estar financeiro e progressão na carreira. Essas oportunidades educacionais visam contribuir para o crescimento potencial dos funcionários dentro da organização.

Com todas essas iniciativas, o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center busca criar um ambiente de trabalho atraente para os principais profissionais de saúde de todo o mundo. Esse compromisso, alinhado aos seus objetivos estratégicos, dá suporte à sua meta de quase cinco décadas de se tornar um líder global na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados por meio de pesquisa e inovação.

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Okotjitundu to Host Annual Football and Netball Tournament

Okotjitundu – The Okotjitundu football and netball tournament is set to take place this weekend at the restored Gustaf Ngondo Stadium in Okotjitundu, Okakarara Constituency. Tournament organizer Veitunga Viakondo, in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday, shared that the event, initiated in 2019, was interrupted in 2021 due to Covid-19. The tournament aims to nurture emerging talents and provide a platform for young athletes. Viakondo noted that the tournament has been instrumental in launching the careers of many Namibia Premier Football League players.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), Organized by a committee without official sponsors, the event represents a community effort to support sports development in Namibia. The tournament offers a total prize of N.dollars 30 000, with N.dollars 25 000 allocated to football and N.dollars 5 000 to the top four netball teams. Prizes include N.dollars 2 500 for the winning netball team, N.dollars 1 500 for the runner-up, and N.dollars 500 for semi-final losers. In football, the winner will receive N.dollars 11 500, the runner-up N.dollars 6 500, and N.dollars 3 500 for each semi-final loser. Viakondo invites teams from across the country to participate, with last year’s tournament won by the host team, Kwasa-Kwasa Eleven.

Keetmanshoop Stabbing Suspect Appears in Court

A 24-year-old woman, Juventa Fredericks, charged with the alleged murder of a 70-year-old man, made her first appearance in Keetmanshoop Magistrate’s Court on Thursday. Fredericks was arrested on Tuesday for reportedly stabbing the elderly man, Johannes Rooi, in an altercation.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), During the court proceedings, presided over by magistrate Unchen Konjore, Fredericks expressed her intention to seek legal representation through the Directorate of Legal Aid. The case has been postponed to 05 January 2024, allowing time for further police investigation and legal preparations. State representative Marlon Adams opposed bail due to the early stage of the investigation and potential interference with witnesses.

The magistrate informed Fredericks that she can file a formal bail application. For now, she remains in custody at the Keetmanshoop police holding cells until her next court appearance.

The incident occurred in Tseiblaagte residential area, where Rooi accused Fredericks of transferring money from his Nampost account using her grandmother’s cellphone. The argument escalated, leading to Rooi’s stabbing and subsequent death upon arrival at Keetmanshoop State Hospital. The police reported no known relationship between Fredericks and Rooi.

Fatal Brick Attack in Odibo Claims Teen’s Life

Odibo – Paulus Valombweleni Nghuuluka, an 18-year-old boy, died on Tuesday after a confrontation in Odibo village, Oshikango Constituency, Ohangwena Region. The incident, involving a brick attack, occurred on Monday. Ohangwena Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Crime Investigations Coordinator, Zacharia Amakali, confirmed the incident on Thursday.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), the altercation began when Nghuuluka attempted to disrupt a dice game near a shebeen, wielding a pocket knife. After being disarmed, Nghuuluka allegedly threw stones at the group, injuring the suspect’s brother. In retaliation, the suspect struck Nghuuluka with a brick, leading to fatal head injuries. Nghuuluka was transferred to Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries. The suspect has been arrested and is expected to appear in the Ohangwena Magistrate’s Court on Friday. Police are continuing their investigation into the matter.

Leonardville Faces Land Servicing Challenge

Leonardville, a village in the Omaheke Region, is grappling with the significant challenge of land allocation.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), village council chairperson Petra Witbooi. Witbooi revealed the growing demand for land, with numerous applications from institutions and individuals, including 300 from the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia and 91 from the Build Together program.

The village, on the verge of becoming a town, is facing hurdles including generational debts and the high cost of hiring technical expertise from outside. The presence of hard rocks and the lack of proper equipment further complicate the situation.

The council is actively seeking solutions beyond government support, anticipating the positive impact of new developments like uranium mining. This initiative is expected to generate employment, attract investors, enhance revenue collection, and improve housing and infrastructure.

Additionally, Leonardville owes over N.dollars 8 million to utility service providers NamWater and NamPower. Arrangements have been made to pay a portion of this debt monthly, with a commitment to pay NamPower N.dollars 300,000 on top of their regular bills, totaling around N.dollars 500,000 per month. Witbooi emphasized the absence of private companies in debt collection for the council.