Curia nomme Gerald Auer au poste de Chief Financial Officer

ALBANY, New York, 16 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, un organisme de premier plan spécialisé dans la recherche, le développement et la fabrication sous contrat dans le secteur pharmaceutique, annonce aujourd’hui la nomination de Gerald Auer au poste de Chief financial officer. Il rejoindra l’organisme à compter du 1er janvier 2024.

« Je suis ravi d’accueillir Gerald au sein de Curia à l’aube de cette nouvelle année », a confié Philip Macnabb, PDG de Curia. « Gerald possède une vaste expérience de la direction de divisions financières, avec d’impressionnants succès à son actif. Je suis convaincu qu’il sera un atout inestimable pour notre équipe et qu’il nous aidera à nous positionner pour une année vigoureuse en 2024. »

Gerald Auer occupait précédemment le poste de CFO chez Al Dahra, une société spécialisée dans l’agroalimentaire. Avant de rejoindre Al Dahra, Gerald Auer était CFO de la division EMEA CropScience de Bayer, une société de sciences de la vie spécialisée dans les soins de santé et l’agriculture, ainsi que CFO de Bayer Suisse. Il a passé plus de 20 ans chez Bayer et a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au sein du département financier, dirigeant des fonctions financières dans l’ensemble de l’organisation mondiale en Amérique du Nord et en Amérique latine, ainsi qu’en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. Gerald Auer a étudié à l’université de Marbourg, en Allemagne, où il a obtenu une maîtrise en administration des affaires.

Il réside actuellement à Bâle, en Suisse, avec sa famille, mais ils prévoient de s’installer à Raleigh, en Caroline du Nord, en 2024.

« Curia est une entreprise dynamique dans le domaine de la sous-traitance pharmaceutique (« CDMO ») dont la mission est d’améliorer la vie des patients », a déclaré Gerald Auer. « Je me réjouis de collaborer avec la talentueuse équipe de Curia afin de contribuer à la réalisation de cette mission pour nos clients et leurs patients. »

À propos de Curia

Curia est un organisme de premier plan spécialisé dans la recherche, le développement et la fabrication sous contrat dans le secteur pharmaceutique, dont la gamme de produits et services s’étend de la R & D à la fabrication commerciale pour le compte d’une clientèle pharmaceutique et biopharmaceutique. Curia emploie près de 4 000 employés répartis sur 27 centres implantés aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Asie. Ensemble, les collaborateurs de Curia transforment la curiosité en guérison. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

Coordonnées Curia :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9006002

Curia Nomeia Gerald Auer como Diretor Financeiro

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação, anunciou hoje a nomeação de Gerald Auer como Diretor Financeiro. Ele se juntará à organização em 1º de janeiro de 2024.

“Tenho o prazer de dar as boas-vindas a Gerald na Curia na entrada do novo ano”, disse o CEO da Curia, Philip Macnabb. “Gerald tem uma ampla experiência com divisões líderes em finanças e um histórico impressionante de sucesso. Estou confiante de que ele será um ativo inestimável para nossa equipe e nos ajudará a nos posicionar para um ano forte em 2024.”

Recentemente, Auer foi CFO da Al Dahra, empresa especializada em agronegócio. Antes de trabalhar na Al Dahra, Auer foi CFO da divisão de ciência agrícola da EMEA na Bayer, uma empresa de ciências da vida focada em saúde e agricultura, e CFO da Bayer Switzerland. Durante seus mais de 20 anos na Bayer ele ocupou vários cargos de liderança no seu departamento financeiro, liderando funções financeiras em toda a organização global na região da América do Norte e Latina, bem como na Europa, Oriente Médio e África. Auer estudou na Universidade de Marburg, na Alemanha, onde fez mestrado em administração de empresas.

Atualmente, ele reside com sua família na Basileia, Suíça, mas pretende se mudar para Raleigh, na Carolina do Norte, em 2024.

“A Curia é uma empresa dinâmica no espaço CDMO com uma missão inspiradora de melhorar a vida dos pacientes”, disse Auer. “Estou pronto para colaborar com a equipe talentosa da Curia para ajudá-la na sua missão para os nossos clientes e seus pacientes.”

Sobre a Curia

A Curia é uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação que fornece produtos e serviços de P&D por meio da fabricação comercial para clientes farmacêuticos e biofarmacêuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionários da Curia em 27 locais nos EUA, Europa e Ásia ajudam seus clientes a avançar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9006002

Otjiwarongo municipality CEO interview process cancelled

OTJIWARONGO: The Otjiwarongo local authority council on Thursday cancelled the interview process aimed at recruiting its substantive chief executive officer (CEO).

The position of CEO for the Otjiwarongo Municipality has been vacant since the departure of Moses Matyayi who joined the City of Windhoek in the same role at the end of July this year.

Otjiwarongo Mayor, Gottlieb Shivute in an interview with Nampa on Friday said the decision to cancel the interview process was influenced and taken due to ‘material omission’, a situation which was detected by the interview panel members.

‘The decision to cancel that process was taken at a special council meeting on Thursday due to some irregularities detected, and it was decided that a shortlisting committee be appointed to re-evaluate the 47 applications which were submitted for the position by candidates in July this year, where the shortlisting should be made,’ said Shivute.

Two applicants from the 47 will not be considered because one withdrew by writing to
the council and another by absconding from the psychometric assessment process, he said.

The mayor stated that the re-evaluation part of this recruitment process should be completed by the first week of January 2024, and the interviews should be conducted thereafter.

Otjiwarongo Municipality Strategic Executive for Community Development Services, Erickson Mwanyekange in the meantime is the acting CEO of the municipality.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Curia Appoints Gerald Auer as Chief Financial Officer

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced that Gerald Auer has been appointed as chief financial officer. He will join the organization effective Jan. 1, 2024.

“I am delighted to welcome Gerald to Curia as we head into the new year,” said Curia CEO Philip Macnabb. “Gerald brings extensive experience leading finance divisions with an impressive track record for success. I am confident that he will be an invaluable asset to our team and will help position us for a strong year in 2024.”

Auer most recently served as CFO at Al Dahra, a company specializing in agribusiness. Prior to his time at Al Dahra, Auer was CFO of the EMEA crop science division at Bayer, a life science company focused on health care and agriculture, and CFO of Bayer Switzerland. He spent more than 20 years at Bayer and held multiple leadership roles within its finance department, leading finance functions across the global organization in the North and Latin America region as well as Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Auer studied at the University of Marburg in Germany where he earned his master’s degree in business administration.

He currently resides in Basel, Switzerland with his family, but they plan to relocate to Raleigh, North Carolina in 2024.

“Curia is a dynamic company in the CDMO space with an inspirational mission to improve patients’ lives,” said Auer. “I look forward to collaborating with the talented team at Curia to help drive that mission for our customers and their patients.”

About Curia

Curia is a leading contract research, development, and manufacturing organization providing products and services from R&D through commercial manufacturing to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. Curia’s nearly 4,000 employees at 27 locations across the U.S., Europe, and Asia help its customers advance from curiosity to cure. Learn more at

Curia Contact Information:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8995447

Agribank, KfW sign N.dollar 400 million concessional agreement

WINDHOEK: The Agricultural Bank of Namibia (Agribank) and Germany’s Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KfW) Development Bank on Thursday entered into a historic agreement, signing a first concessional loan of over N.dollars 400 million.

Agribank and KfW in a joint statement said the collaboration aims to empower farmers operating in both communal and commercial areas, as well as other agricultural or food-processing micro, small and medium enterprises in Namibia.

‘Agribank will on-lend the funds for the target group of small-scale farmers as well as the MSMEs in primary agriculture and agro-processing. With access to need-based financial products, the target group is empowered to use funds to expand and develop their agriculture or food processing activities, thereby generating additional income and increasing food production and income in Namibia,’ the statement read.

The project promotes the establishment of productive and resource-conserving agriculture for sustainability reasons.

After signing the loan ag
reement, Agribank and the National Planning Commission and KfW Development Bank also signed a grant agreement of just over N.dollars 20 million in Agribank’s favour, the joint statement said.

During the signing ceremony, Head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy, Ulrike Metzger said it is known that there is a lack of access to credit financing in rural areas, especially for young farmers, women and farmers on communal land.

She noted that this prevents necessary investments to increase productivity and secure income for rural families.

‘Commercial banks can only grant loans with land titles as collateral, which cannot be presented on communal land,’ Metzger added.

Simultaneously, Agribank CEO Raphael Karuaihe said the day marks a momentous occasion – the signing ceremony of a crucial loan agreement that symbolises a significant chapter in the bank’s commitment to sustainable and long term funding for its lending activities.

‘Our vision is to contribute not only to the financial wellbeing of
our clients but also to the broader goal of environmentally conscious and sustainable practices in the agricultural sector,’ Karuaihe noted.
Source: Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)

Fisherman attacked by hippo at Marema village

RUNDU: A 48-year-old fisherman was attacked by a hippo at Marema village in the Kavango West Region on Thursday.

This was revealed by the Namibian Police Force in the region in the daily crime report issued Friday.

It is alleged that the fisherman, identified as Hausiku Japhet Haruwodi, was out fishing in his canoe when a hippo jolted the canoe.

He allegedly fell into the river, and the hippo attacked him, biting him on his arm and leg.

After the hippo left, Haruwodi was pulled out of the water by another fisherman who had been fishing nearby.

Haruwodi is receiving treatment at the Rundu State Hospital after being transferred from the Nankudu District Hospital.

In an unrelated incident, the police in the Kavango West Region are also investigating a case in which two teenagers aged 14 were allegedly raped and impregnated by two men, both known to them, at Ncuncuni village.

The teens allegedly visited a clinic around 06 to 07 December and the nurses there learned that the two girls were impregnated under
coercive circumstances.

The men have not yet been arrested, but police probes into the matters were opened.
Source: Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)