Burkina: Lallé canton contributes 2,765,000 FCFA to the peace effort
Ouagadougou: The customary chiefs of the canton of Lallé brought Thursday to Koudougou, the sum of 2,765,000 FCFA as a contribution to the peace effort.
Ouagadougou: The customary chiefs of the canton of Lallé brought Thursday to Koudougou, the sum of 2,765,000 FCFA as a contribution to the peace effort.
Ouagadougou: L’équipe des anciennes gloires et commerçants a remporté la finale de la 15e édition de la coupe interservices face à l’équipe de la Santé,
Ouagadougou: Malian Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maïga denounced on Thursday an ongoing international media campaign against the entrenchment of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).
Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson has welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement to turn South Africa into a construction site through increased infrastructure investment
Ouagadougou: The village of Taon, located in the commune of Niou, has had a new mosque built since Friday July 5, 2024, thanks to the
Ouagadougou: The President of the African Development Bank Group, Mr. Akinwumi Adesina, said the world is in great need of leaders who are resolutely committed
Ouagadougou: The Transitional National Assembly (ALT) adopted on Thursday the new mining code with major innovations including the obligation for mining companies to open their
Minister of Minerals and Petroleum, Gwede Mantashe, says gas and oil exploration is critical for the future of South Africa’s economy.
The Minister was speaking