Collaboration key to fighting crime: Sakaria

Ongwediva: Namibian Police Force Commander for the Oshana Region , Commissioner Naftal Lungameni Sakaria has emphasised the importance of building partnerships between the police and communities . Speaking during the Oshana police women network workshop in Ongwediva on Wednesday , Sakaria said engaging every individual is key to fighting crime collectively . “ Anything less than professionalism and respect will not be tolerated . Our role as law enforcement officers is to protect , serve and uphold the law and that responsibility comes with high expectations from the communities we serve ,” he said . He added that every action they take reflects not only on them as individuals , but on the entire institution of law enforcement . Further , Sakaria highlighted that they are faced with an issue of debt collectors coming to their offices wanting payment owed to them , saying that it should be made clear that the police are not debt collectors . “ In cases where community members make personal agreements – verbal
or written amongst themselves , it is important to understand that these are not matters for the police to handle ,” he said . He stressed that such issues should be addressed in the courts of debt collection companies that are registered and empowered to resolve these disputes . Deputy Commissioner Nangula Iifo , Head of the Women Network said that the crime rate is ever increasing and they should ensure that they adjust their mindset in order to have a better chance of fighting crime . Iifo noted that the nation genuinely is concerned about their welfare , therefore the police are obliged to ensure that the Namibian society is free of crime . The Oshana Women network unit was established to actively promote women ’ s roles in the force and foster an inclusive dialogue around female participation , leadership , empowerment , and freedom in a sector often dominated by men .

Source: The Namibia News Agency