Defence Minister wants expansion of defence cooperation on military equipment, training with India

The Minister of Defence, Alhaji Mohammed Badaru, on Wednesday, called for the expansion of the existing defence cooperation on military equipment and training between Nigeria and India

This is contained in a statement in Abuja by Mr Henshew Ogubike, Director, Press and Public Relations in the Ministry.

Badaru spoke when he received the High Commissioner of India to Nigeria, Balasubramanian, at the Ship House, in Abuja.

He said that Nigeria and India had excellent bilateral relations and there was the need to expand defence cooperation on military equipment and trainings between the two countries.

He added that the Federal Government was willing to deepen defence collaboration with the Government of India, adding that there was a joint consultative meeting that would be convened between between Nigeria and India on Nov. 30.

Badaru said that the meeting would afford both the countries with an opportunity to discuss and finalise the proposed collaboration.

Earlier, Balasubramanian said that there was an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Nigeria on Defence cooperation and that the Government of India would further strengthen the relationship.

The high commissioner said that India and the Nigerian Navy had successfully cooperated in fighting piracy at the Gulf of Guinea. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria