Fire destroys 72 reed houses at Aussenkehr

Members of the Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) at Aussenkehr are investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed about 72 reed houses on a grape farm . NamPol ’ s acting crime investigations coordinator for the || Kharas Region , Chief Inspector Jochobetha Angukku , in a crime report indicated that the fire broke out around 16h00 on Wednesday . “ It is alleged that a fire broke out at one of the reed houses . It spread to the nearby houses . The wind was blowing , which resulted in more houses catching fire . In total , 72 houses burned down ,” said the report . The victims lost documents , food , clothes , blankets and matrasses . The fire was extinguished by community members and police officers with water provided by the local grape companies . No serious injuries or fatalities were recorded . Police investigations continue

Source: The Namibia News Agency