Indonesia Embassy in Namibia to host cultural event

WINDHOEK: The Indonesian Embassy in Namibia is hosting its first – ever cultural event in Windhoek , on 26 September 2024 to showcase the country ‘ s way of life and further strengthen its bilateral relations with Namibia . Addressing a press conference here Friday , Head of Education , Social and Cultural Affairs at the Embassy , Kurnya Kusuma Dewy said the free event titled ‘ Harmony of Nusantara : The Colours of Indonesia ‘ will see participation of traditional dances from various regions of Indonesia as well as music performances featuring Namibian artists . She explained that the two nations have a long – standing relationship of 31 years , however , the cultural knowledge of each country is still very limited . ‘ It will be easier for us to enter the people of Namibia by introducing more of Indonesia through the cultural stage . We hope that in the future we have more people – to – people contact and so we could have more Namibians knowing about Indonesia and in the future enhance economic relations as
well as strengthen political relations ,’ she said . She indicated that about 140 Indonesians are living in Namibia , mostly employed as seafarers , teachers , and at the embassy . Dewy noted that the attendees should make reservations to enter the event . At the same event , First Secretary for Economic Affairs at the embassy , Ari Hadiman indicated that the two countries ‘ trade bilateral relations include amongst others , the import of Namibian date fruits and the export of certain fish species to Namibia . ‘ Annually Indonesia imports dates from Namibia because Indonesia is one of the Muslim population countries and we buy dates for our consumption during the Ramadan time and fortunately the harvesting of dates is suitable with the Ramadan time ,’ he explained . He noted that more than five Namibian companies have registered to participate in the 39th Trade Expo Indonesia in October 2024 which is considered the largest business – to – business expo in Indonesia and a trusted platform for international buy
ers to find export products and services with competitive pricing and reliable quality .

Source: The Namibia News Agency