Manufacturers pleased with AllFashion Sourcing Exhibition

Clothing, textile, footwear and leather manufacturers who showcased their proudly South African products at the AllFashion Sourcing Exhibition in Cape Town this week have expressed satisfaction with the quality of meetings they held and leads they acquired during the show.

The group received support from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) to showcase their products at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (ICC) from 10-12 September 2024.

The Sales Manager of Genuine Connection Promotions, Elaine Köhne, described the experience as amazing and beneficial as it offered an opportunity to showcase their clothing line, gather market insight, connect with industry professionals and attract new business.

‘We managed to network, interact with visitors and other companies that were showcasing at the show,’ Köhne said.

‘We had good conversations and exchanged contacts which we will definitely follow up on. We will invite these new contacts to our premises for further engagements that c
ould lead to new business opportunities and partnerships. Importantly, the show gave us an opportunity to also see what is on the international market,’ she said.

According to the Project Manager of the South African Retail-Clothing Textile Footwear Leather Master Plan 2030 Master Plan Programme, Courtney Barnes, it was great to see local manufacturers showcasing their capabilities at the show.

She said what stood out from the master plan perspective was the variety of the local capabilities, although there is still a need to upscale and showcase more of the local capabilities with real capacity.

‘If we want retailers to localise, we need to show them that we have the supplier capabilities and capacity. The show is the first step and I am excited to see its offerings next year and to bring more local manufacturers to the table and have more international buyers to come and appreciate what South African manufacturers can do,’ Barnes said.

Sales Manager of Freudenberg Non-Wovens, a global manufacturer and i
nnovative pioneer in the field of technical textiles, nonwovens and fibre, Heidi Smith, expressed her gratification with the outcomes of the show.

She said the participation was remarkable, as it provided a platform for engagements with retail partners and current partners. According to her, they have started sending emails for the expansion of the engagements.

‘It was wonderful to engage with various partners and other designers coming to see what we do. It was more pleasing to engage with smaller designers and manufacturers who came to learn and understand how we are doing our business and what they can learn from us,’ Smith said.

She said the panel discussions on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) focusing on boosting intra-African trade through regional value chains in the textile and clothing industry, the journey to sustainability focusing on green manufacturing, ethical sourcing, among others, were beneficial.

The Director of Leather and Footwear at the dtic, Dr Jaywant Irkhede, congr
atulated the event organiser, Messe Frankfurt SA, for a world class event.

‘The dtic and Industrial Development Corporation officials attended to the needs of the international and local exhibitors, and visitors with the aim of developing investment leads. The event offered an opportunity for scaling up, to showcase and promote manufacturing capabilities of South Africa and Africa.

‘Parallel events at the show brought together international community of manufacturers, designers, retailers, buyers, educational institutions, associations, investors, financiers and service providers to the textile, apparel, footwear and fashion industry,’ Irkhede said.

Source: South African Government News Agency