Mbumba appoints three new ambassadors

Keetmanshoop: President Nangolo Mbumba on Tuesday appointed three ambassadors who will represent Namibia in Brazil , Senegal and Botswana respectively . Selma Nghinamundova is the new ambassador to Brazil , replacing Mbapeua Muvangua . Richard Tsandib is the new ambassador to Senegal , replacing former ambassador Elvis Shiweda , while Elizabeth Kakukuru is the new high commissioner to Botswana . Mbumba said Namibia ’ s national interests and the wellbeing of its people should be at the forefront of all their activities , and what they do as ambassadors should translate into tangible benefits for the Namibian people and contribute to the country ‘ s developmental agenda . “ Our foreign policy is an extension of our domestic policy and the social and economic wellbeing of all our people is paramount . You should be cognisant at all times of the socio – economic challenges in our country and how we are trying to address them ,” said the president . He said the new ambassadors have , through the oath they have ta
ken , made a public commitment to uphold and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Namibia . “ You have made a vow to promote , protect and place Namibia ’ s national interest above all else . I expect you , as my representatives , to inform your host countries truthfully and regularly about economic opportunities and other developments in Namibia . I expect you to maintain good character and integrity , consistently upholding the honour , dignity and good reputation of Namibia ,” Mbumba said . The president further said he expects Namibia to gain more trading partners , noting that they must endeavour to find niche markets for local products , as well as to work towards improving the country ’ s image and global competitiveness rankings . “ I also charge you to serve all Namibian nationals that you will be encountering in your host countries to the best of your abilities and with utmost courtesy ,” he urged .

Source: The Namibia News Agency