Premier Alan Winde and MEC Albert Fritz on policing in Western Cape

Joint statement by Premier Alan Winde and Provincial Minister Albert Fritz: The National Minister of Police’s claims that the Western Cape gets most policing resources is an insult to our poorest communities

Yesterday, the National Ministry of Police issued a statement claiming that the Western Cape is the most resourced province in policing having the “lion’s share” of such support.

This statement is so misleading that our government has no other option than to respond and set out the facts. Failure to respond would allow the National Government to opt-out of delivering the actual policing resources which our communities still so urgently need, and which we have been demanding.

Any person who lives in the Western Cape’s crime hotspots knows all too well that there is not enough SAPS support to fight crime, despite the hard work of many officers on the ground. It is our poorest communities, mostly in the Cape Flats, which are left with inadequate police to population ratios because of a failure by the National Government to properly resource them.

This is not news to the Minister, his Ministry, or his Department, since we have been telling him for years through our constitutionally mandated Policing Needs and Priorities report.

We therefore call on the Minister of Police to do the right thing and to correct his statement. He should use this correction to instead commit to providing more policing resources to the SAPS in the Western Cape, especially to the crime hotspots in our poorest communities.

Minister Cele’s comments clearly demonstrate the importance of devolving policing powers closer to the people, so that actual needs are listened to and addressed by a capable provincial government. We stand ready to do so.

“SAPS officers are not being deployed on an equitable basis throughout the province”

If you use a 1 to 225 police to population ratio to determine appropriate resourcing as a goal, our poorest communities are grossly under-supported by the South African Police Service.

Information from SAPS included in a parliamentary reply on 25 September 2020 made this abundantly clear. The following list is just a handful of the stations, most of which are severely impacted by violent crime too.

Ravensmead 1:895

Hout Bay/ Imizamo Yethu 1:804

Grassy Park 1:800

Harare 1:731

Atlantis 1:715

Nyanga 1:682

Gugulethu 1:642

Philippi East 1:638

Kraaifontein 1:624

Langa 1:575

Elsies River 1:538

Mfuleni 1:531

Philippi 1:518

Manenberg 1:489

Khayelitsha 1:480

Macassar 1:448

The Equality Court found in 2018 that both the allocation of police human resources and the system used by SAPS to determine this allocation unfairly discriminates against poor people on the basis of race and poverty. To date, this has not been adequately remedied.

“WC SAPS detectives have an unacceptable caseload”

The Provincial Department of Community Safety’s SAPS detective assessment report released in 2019 revealed that there was a lack of training and under-resourcing of the detective services in the Western Cape.

An assessment was conducted on the Western Cape Detective Services at the 150 police stations between 1 July 2017 and 31 December 2017 to assess compliance with SAPS norms and practices.

The assessment found that 48% of detectives in the Western Cape have a caseload of over 200 dockets per person, which is 333% above the 50 – 60 norm. There is presently a shortage of 548 detectives in the province, of which 142 posts remain vacant.

Of the detectives eligible for training in the Western Cape:

91.7% have not received training in the Specialised Detective Learning Programme;

88.2% have not been trained to investigate fraud;

57% of detective commanders have not completed the requisite training; and

45.8% did not complete the Basic Detective Learning Programme.

“There is insufficient training provided to SAPS leading to cases being struck off the court role”

In terms of training for domestic violence cases, a study by the Department in 2020 showed that 67% of visible policing members did not undergo the Domestic Violence Act five-day training course. It was also found that 74% of detectives at the top 20 stations for reports on domestic violence had not undergone the same training.

The result of the poor training given to detectives is that 85% of cases monitored during the Docket Archive Store assessment project by the Department of Community Safety (2020) were struck off the court roll:

380 dockets did not arrive at court;

417 investigations were incomplete;

37 witnesses were absent in court; and

41 forensic reports were unavailable.

“The Forensic Science Laboratory is failing to process DNA for criminal cases”

There is an unacceptably high backlog in the processing of DNA samples, taken from alleged criminal acts. According to a parliamentary reply, this is impacting over 36 000 sexual offices cases in the Western Cape.

In 2019, the Department of Community Safety conducted a study finding that 43.5% of the sampled stations did not have any kits to conduct buccal sampling, which is essential for DNA analysis of evidence in cases. In total, 13% of the stations had between only one and five kits available.

Some stations also reported shortages of stock for Adult Sexual Kits, Paediatric Kits and Sexual Assault Kits; which are all necessary for DNA sampling in different cases. These shortages have existed for over two years.

SAPS members and stations report challenges around collecting samples from suspects, as stations do not have designated places where samples can be taken to ensure privacy; and because the environment is not sterilised, samples are often contaminated which negatively affects the evidence to secure a conviction.

During the period 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20, the Department of Community Safety’s Court Watching Brief Unit visited a number of courts to investigate why cases are struck from the court roll. It was found that the reported a number of cases, especially murder cases, were withdrawn because of the backlog at the National Forensic Sciences Laboratory.

“SAPS stations are not being properly resourced to address crime”

The Browns Farm Satellite Police Station, which serves parts of Nyanga and Phillipi, has not had electricity for two years, which has resulted in the office operating until 5pm only as officers are unable to do their work safely.

The Department of Community Safety also conducts regular oversight visits to SAPS stations. In 2020, 38 stations were visited and it was found that many of our police stations do not have access control in place, many of them have no holding or detention cells and have to use private offices to remand detainees, there are stations without Docket Archive stores and stores to manage exhibits, and there are stations which require significant maintenance.

As cited in the 2019/20 SAPS Annual Report, SAPS also uses outdated technology to respond to emergencies. The Province has one Radio Control Centre in Maitland, and it uses the APCO 16 Analogue Trunk Radio System which was discontinued in 2009, and for which no parts have been available since 2012.

In terms of physical resources, despite the increase in population in the province, the number of police stations have remained the same in recent times. The 2020/21 PNP report explains that SAPS has reported that they plan to build two new police stations in Tafelsig and Macassar, however, the Macassar Police Station has been in the planning and design stages for more than nine years, with no reasons provided by the SAPS for the delays. This is a community deeply affected by crime and sorely requires police service delivery.

“The vehicles allocated to our police stations are not fit for purpose”

During the 2018/19 financial year, the Provincial Department of Community Safety conducted a police station census project at 150 police stations in the province. It assessed the allocation of vehicles at a station level using data from 60 stations. It was found that 59% or 940 of the 1572 vehicles allocated to the 60 stations were in poor condition. Our officers cannot perform as needed if their vehicles are unreliable.

“Minister Cele needs to stop the electioneering, and rather commit to properly resource the poorest communities of the Western Cape”

The Western Cape Government, through the Provincial Safety Plan, has already launched over 1000 LEAPS officers to support the SAPS in crime hotpots and is focussing on violence prevention through the establishment of Area Based Teams in these communities. We are doing so, using an all-of-society approach and we have a great working relationship with the Provincial Police Commissioner. We are committed to doing whatever we can to support SAPS because we cannot allow the unacceptably high levels of violence to continue in our communities.

But statements such as these, which can only be explained by last-minute electioneering, only distract from the very serious under-resourcing issues that many areas in the province face. If the Minister of Police will not acknowledge them, we can only assume he is not planning to address them. This is concerning and must be rectified through a correction.

This only makes the case for greater devolution of policing powers to the provincial government stronger. We have heard our residents needs, and we are prepared to do something about it. If Minister Cele is not, he should give us the resources to do so, and we will get the job done.

Source: Government of South Africa

MEC Anroux Marais on commemorating World Mental Health Day

As we commemorate World Mental Health Day today, the Western Cape Government understands that the COVID-19 pandemic had and continues to have an impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of our citizens, as well as officials across the province.

It is for this reason, that the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) has taken the lead to coordinate programmes offering long term healing and counselling support to the citizenry, both formal and informal.

The DCAS action plan to respond to the available evidence is already well on its way and includes: consulting relevant government partners, civil society and business, through implementation strategies that include nudges and tweaks to build on successes we have had, projects and events and interventions, which focus on collective approaches and not only individual selfcare.

In keeping hope alive, while creating a social movement for wellbeing to safely move forward together, we have focused our energies on staff morale, advocacy campaigns, creating new narratives and meaning and training our teams delivering our services, programmes and assistance on the ground to the citizens in our care.

The DCAS has the social infrastructure in place through our service delivery footprint and valued partners. The time is now to leverage on existing programmes and campaigns by icons, leaders and influencers, inclusive of our local artists, sporting personalities and all those who call the Western Cape home. Creating new narratives and meaning through a Whole of Society and Whole of Government Approach is key to addressing the lasting social dangers of mass trauma as evidence shows consist in forgetting. When it goes unprocessed, undiscussed, perhaps actively repressed, a group’s social tissues remain disturbed and unhealed. Individual trauma builds up unrecognised and festers under the cracks. We are tackling this head on by stimulating public dialogue and creating positive narratives through:

New works of art – Theatre, music, dance, visual arts


Our network of Faith Based Organisations and NGO’s

And activations that keep hope alive

As we actively contribute to the Western Cape Government Recovery Plan, it is hoped that our valued partners and stakeholders will join in our wellbeing priority so together we can build social inclusivity and service. In this way, we then create an enabling environment for a culture of citizenship, service and community, with a focus on youth, safety and jobs. All of which is much needed in the national climate we now find ourselves.

One such partnership is that with the Cape Town Cycle Tour, esteemed as the world’s largest timed cycle race, which we are relieved can go ahead today after much delay and national uncertainty over the last few months.

Minister Marais said, “It is no coincidence that the Cape Town Cycle Tour returns on World Mental Health Day as sport, recreation and events of this nature does have a significant impact of on mental wellbeing. Studies suggest that sport achieves a number of impacts simultaneously, making it a highly cost-effective intervention. Many of the links between sport and different social impacts are common, including greater physical competence, cognitive skills, social skills, trust and reciprocity, and identification with social values. These help to counteract risk factors and stimulate favourable reaction to protective factors.

Wellbeing is the manifestation of the catalytic role that sport and cultural affairs plays in stimulating social impacts. Without a sense of wellbeing from participation, people would not sign up, play as frequently as they do and the Olympic and Paralympic Games null and void. There is evidence of a positive relationship between sport participation and subjective wellbeing. While wellbeing is connected to health, particularly mental health, it also links to anti-social behaviour, education and social capital.

Noting its social capacity benefits, we thank the Cape Town Cycle Tour for the many ways they assist in increasing this capacity in the Western Cape as they give back to the under resourced in leaps and bounds. If not in monetary funds, then through networking support making the dreams of our children and younger generations a reality. For this, they should be commended, particularly the resilience and selfless efforts of Dave Bellairs and his remarkable team who managed to present another world class event in a fraction of the time this year. Thank you is indeed an understatement”.

The Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, said: “We know that the pandemic has taken so much from all of us. Not only have we lost treasured family members, friends and colleagues, but many have also lost their jobs and sources of income. Major events, such as the Cape Town Cycle Tour, are absolutely critical in the rebuilding and reopening of our economy following the aftermath of the pandemic. Not only does it give us something to look forward to, but it also creates work opportunities. While this is one of the first cycle tours that I will not be participating in in a long time, I do have the great privilege this year of addressing my fellow cyclists and wishing you well as you make the journey. I wish you all the best of luck. Be safe and have a truly amazing ride.”

We must do all we can to empower those we serve to make healthier choices through becoming more inspired and involved. This indeed contributes to personal development and perceptions of wellbeing which, in turn, builds inherent capacity and motivation for change.

Source: Government of South Africa

Four die in head on collision on N2 freeway in Gqeberha

A fatal accident involving two motor vehicles claimed the lives of four people just after midnight on the N2 between Seaview and the Baywest turnoff.

It is alleged that on Sunday, 10 October 2021 at about 00:16 SAPS Kabega Park attended to an accident on the freeway in the direction of Gqeberha. A silver Ford Fiesta and a silver VW Polo were allegedly involved in a head on collision. The driver of the Ford Fiesta, Shano Zeelie (28) and the driver of the VW Polo, Raeeza Ahmed (19), her two passengers Moegamat Noor Fredericks (23) and Raeez Thompson (14) died on the scene while the third passenger was taken to hospital for treatment.

Circumstance surrounding the fatal crash is under investigation. A case of culpable homicide is opened.

Source: South African Police Service

Harare police arrest numerous suspects in one week

Police in Harare, Khayelitsha have in the course of the week exerted their authority on criminals since Monday 04 October 2021 until early hours of Saturday 09 October 2021.

As part of the Project 8 station, Harare SAPS conducted operations across their policing precinct in the efforts to ensure the safety of all the citizens. The operations that were conducted included vehicle check points (VCP), vehicle and foot patrols, random stop and search and execution of search warrants. During the operations a total of 51 arrests were effected over this period.

A total of nine suspects were arrested for illegal dealing in liquor, 10 for possession of drugs, three for dealing in drugs, nine were caught for drunk driving, nine for assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH), five for possession of dangerous weapon while one suspect was arrested for murder and one for possession of illegal firearm and ammunition respectively.

The operations continued last night where visible policing members concentrated on hotspots with blue light patrols preventing carjacking, house robberies as well as street robberies. During the operations suspects who had drugs and dangerous weapons in their possession were brought to book. A large quantity of dagga and few mandrax tablets and tik were confiscated while a substantial amount of liquor was confiscated from illegal liquor outlets.

In one instance police were on vehicle patrols with Law Enforcement on Thursday 07 October 2021 when they stopped and searched two suspicious males in 41 Block Makhaza at approximately 21:45. A Z88 pistol was found on a suspect, which had its serial number filed off and was loaded with two rounds. A 34-year-old suspect was arrested and charged for possession of prohibited firearm and ammunition. The suspect has made a court appearance in Khayelitsha Magistrate Court.

Police also brought to book a 22-year-old suspect who has been charged for allegedly stabbing to death a 30-year-old male victim on Monday 06 September 2021 at approximately 21:00. The incident allegedly occurred at corners of Steve Biko and Walter Sisulu Roads in Mandela Park. The victim passed away in a nearby hospital. The suspect has since been traced and was eventually arrested.

Police management applauded the dedication of the police members and commended the deployment of Law Enforcement officers in the area to reinforce police visibility.

Source: South African Police Service

Le Huawei Global Digital Power Summit 2021 ouvrira ses portes le 16 octobre à Dubaï

  • Le Huawei Global Digital Power Summit 2021 ouvrira ses portes le 16 octobre à Dubaï avec plus de 300 participants, dont des dirigeants de Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA), Group42, ACWA Power, du, Uptime Institute et Engie.
  • Huawei annoncera des actions conjointes dans toute la chaîne de l’industrie de l’énergie et des TIC pour libérer le potentiel d’énergie verte pour une société intelligente à faibles émissions de carbone.

DUBAÏ, EAU, 9 octobre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — En vue d’aider les organisations du monde entier à mieux se préparer à saisir les opportunités découlant d’un monde neutre en carbone, Huawei Digital Power a organisé le Global Digital Power Summit 2021. L’événement se tiendra à Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis, le 16 octobre. Le sommet reconnaît que la course au net zéro est lancée et que l’objectif de la neutralité carbone nécessite véritablement une coalition mondiale et des actions internationales. Le choix de Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis, pour accueillir le sommet reflète également l’importance de la région du Moyen-Orient pour le secteur mondial de l’énergie numérique de Huawei.

Huawei Global Digital Power Summit 2021 set to open on October 16 in Dubai

Plus tôt cette année, Huawei Digital Power Technologies a été créé pour accélérer la numérisation et la décarbonisation de l’énergie. L’entreprise vise à intégrer les technologies numériques et électroniques de puissance pour accélérer la production d’énergie propre, construire des transports, des sites et des centres de données écologiques, car elle se concentre sur la construction d’un avenir meilleur et plus vert.

Dans le monde post-COVID, la reprise de l’économie verte a retenu l’attention. Les dirigeants mondiaux sont en effet impatients de sortir les économies de la récession par une refonte visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à accroître la résilience des infrastructures et des collectivités. À ce jour, 137 pays signataires de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le climat — responsables de 80 % des émissions mondiales — se sont engagés à atteindre des objectifs de zéro émission nette. La clé de la neutralité carbone est le développement d’un nouveau système énergétique.

Axé sur les innovations numériques pour un monde sobre en carbone et intelligent, le sommet réunira des décideurs politiques de l’énergie, des professionnels de l’industrie des centres de données, des secteurs des TIC et des énergies renouvelables, ainsi que des dirigeants du monde entier pour discuter des défis que posent le développement durable et la transformation numérique, et d’en aborder les opportunités.

Lors du prochain sommet, Charles Yang, le nouveau président en charge du marketing, des ventes et des services mondiaux chez à Huawei Digital Power, donnera le coup d’envoi de l’événement, soulignant l’engagement de Huawei Digital Power à construire une société intelligente à faibles émissions de carbone. Charles Yang est nommé à ce nouveau poste après avoir été président de Huawei de la région du Moyen-Orient.

Une pléiade impressionnante de conférenciers d’acteurs mondiaux de l’industrie et de partenaires de Huawei, tels que Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA), Group42, ACWA Power, du, Uptime Institute et Engie, partageront leurs propres bonnes pratiques, des exemples de réussite et des cas d’utilisation pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique par la numérisation.

Il est indéniable qu’aucune entreprise ne peut réussir seule la transition énergétique. Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la construction d’un avenir durable et sobre en carbone exige des actions conjointes et la collaboration de l’ensemble de l’écosystème énergétique, commercial et gouvernemental. Ainsi, le sommet met en lumière la déclaration de l’appel à l’action soutenue par Huawei. Cette déclaration appelle les entreprises du secteur de l’énergie du monde entier de mettre en œuvre les mesures nécessaires en vue de s’orienter vers un avenir énergétique net zéro.

Pour la première fois, Huawei croit que chaque personne peut contribuer à un changement majeur et nous permettre d’atteindre l’objectif visé. Selon Huawei, il existe une opportunité, rare, de résoudre le paradoxe entre le progrès pour tous et un avenir durable pour notre planète. L’entreprise s’engage ainsi à travailler avec ses clients et partenaires pour construire des systèmes énergétiques intelligents et sobres en carbone.

Huawei Digital Power Contributes to the Successful Grid Connection of World's Largest PV Plant at China's Qinghai Province with its Smart PV Solution

Huawei proposera également une transmission en direct complète du sommet. Il est possible de s’inscrire à l’événement en ligne ici.

À propos de Huawei

Fondé en 1987, Huawei est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux d’infrastructures de technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) et d’appareils intelligents. Nous comptons plus de 197 000 employés et nous opérons dans plus de 170 pays et régions au service de plus de trois milliards de personnes dans le monde.

Notre vision et notre mission sont d’apporter le numérique à chaque personne, foyer et entreprise pour un monde entièrement connecté et intelligent. À cette fin, nous favoriserons une connectivité omniprésente et l’égalité d’accès aux réseaux ; nous apporterons l’intelligence artificielle et le Cloud aux quatre coins du monde pour fournir une puissance de calcul supérieure là où vous en avez besoin, quand vous en avez besoin ; nous créerons des plateformes numériques pour aider tous les secteurs et toutes les entreprises à devenir plus agiles, efficaces et dynamiques ; nous redéfinirons l’expérience utilisateur avec l’IA, en la rendant plus personnalisée pour les individus dans tous les aspects de leur vie, qu’ils soient à la maison, au bureau ou en déplacement. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur le site Web de Huawei à l’adresse suivante : Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur les réseaux sociaux :

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Alleged robber fatally wounded during an armed robbery at a jewellery store

The police in Kimberley are investigating an attempted business robbery and murder case following an armed robbery at a local jewellery store at the Monument Spar shopping complex today, 09 October 2021 at 10:15.

It is alleged that at approximately 10:15 four unknown men entered the store and presented themselves as customers.

They demanded jewellery and money from the owners and the shop assistants.

A struggle ensued inside the store and shots were fired injuring one of the male suspects who collapsed outside the store. The deceased was declared dead on the scene.

The police implemented the 72 Hour Activation plan to mobilize all the specialized police resources to apprehend and arrest the suspects.

Any person who has information regarding the incident can contact the Investigating officer, Sgt Modise Moshotloa at 082 302 0407 or via the MySAPS App. All information will be treated confidentially.

Source: South African Police Service