Minister Patricia de Lille on passing of Irish tourist Greig Oliver

Tourism Minister Patricia de Lille extends her heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the Irish tourist, former rugby player and coach Greig Oliver who tragically lost his life in a paragliding accident in Cape Town on Monday, 3rd July 2023.

“We share in their grief and offer our full support at this difficult time,” de Lille said.

The 58-year-old Irish tourist had reportedly collided with another paraglider in the air above Sea Point Promenade. Despite the immediate emergency response by the National Sea Rescue Institute and Emergency Services, he was sadly declared deceased at the scene.

“South Africa offers a broad spectrum of adventure tourism activities, and we firmly believe in providing exhilarating, safe and memorable experiences to our visitors. This tragic incident is a reminder that we must fully support robust safety protocols and a strong regulatory environment to grow and develop South Africa as a destination in which adventurers feel safe and secure,” de Lille said.

Minister de Lille further reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to the highest levels of safety standards maintained by the adventure tourism sector in South Africa, commending the efforts of organisations such as SATSA which promote self-regulation in the adventure tourism sector.

“Through our collective efforts, industry stakeholders, adventure tourism operators and associations can strengthen our safety protocols and ensure the well-being of adventure tourists. I am committed to engaging with industry stakeholders to collaborate on any initiative that prioritises the welfare of our tourists,” de Lille concluded.

Source: Government of South Africa

Deputy Minister Alvin Botes attends NAM Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau in Azerbaijan, 5 to 6 Jul

Deputy Minister Alvin Botes leads South Africa’s delegation to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau (CoB) in Azerbaijan

Deputy Minister Alvin Botes leads South Africa’s delegation to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau (CoB) in Azerbaijan

The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Mr. Alvin Botes, will lead the South African delegation to the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Coordinating Bureau (CoB) to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 5 and 6 July 2023 under the theme: “NAM, United and steadfast in confronting emerging challenges”.

It is expected that the meeting will consider preparations for the upcoming 19th Summit Conference of the NAM Heads of State and Government to be held in Kampala, Uganda, from 15 to 20 January 2024. The meeting will review the Movement’s principled positions on global issues pertaining to development, human rights, peace and security, and the promotion and preservation of multilateralism, in line with the Charter of the United Nations and the Bandung Founding Principles of the NAM.

Inspired by its founding principles, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Movement has proven itself to be one of the most united and efficient multilateral platforms.

A meeting of the NAM Ministerial Committee on Palestine will also be convened during the NAM Ministerial Meeting of the CoB. South Africa is a member of the NAM Committee on Palestine, which has the mandate to coordinate the NAM’s activities in support of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

The Ministerial Meeting will conclude with the adoption of the outcome documents of the meeting, including the “Baku Political Declaration” and the “Political Declaration of the NAM Ministerial Committee on Palestine”.

With its 120 Member States, the NAM is the largest grouping of countries outside of the UN, making it an important role player in global and multilateral affairs, especially in the current global context where geo-political divisions are negatively impacting the interest of developing countries. Since its inception in 1961, the Movement has played a crucial and highly visible political role in representing the interests of developing countries, particularly in the eradication of colonialism, supporting struggles for liberation and self-determination, the pursuit of world peace, and the search for a more equitable and just global order.

Source: Government of South Africa

Minister Senzo Mchunu advises on Vaal River Pollution Intervention

In respect of an ongoing court application which was launched back in 2018, wherein the Minister of Water and Sanitation is cited as a Respondent, the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Johannesburg) has, as per the agreement between the parties, ordered that the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr Senzo Mchunu, to file an affidavit outlining all the measures taken to date by the Minister in respect of the Minister’s Vaal River Intervention in terms of Section 63 of the Water Services Act, 1997. The agreement was made an order of court and the notice thereof was given on the 26th of June 2023.

The main court application, which was filed by Save The Vaal Environment, a Non-Governmental Organisation, concerns “the discharge of raw or inadequately treated sewerage by Emfuleni Local Municipality from its wastewater care and management system into the Rietspruit River and/or the Klip River and/or the Vaal River and/or the Vaal River Catchment Area”. The matter has not been finally ruled on by the court.

The Section 63 Vaal Intervention, one of the Ministry’s priority projects in Gauteng, includes the upgrading of water infrastructure, refurbishment, operations and maintenance, sustainability, water conservation, water demand management, and advocacy within the Vaal area. This is meant to deal with urgent matters relating to security of supply and more urgently, matters relating to the pollution of the Vaal River, and enhancement of capacity for the embattled Emfuleni Local Municipality.

Rand Water, as the Implementing Agent, was formally appointed on the 5th of October 2021. Minister Mchunu will be filing a detailed affidavit, containing amongst others, progress updates on the various elements of the Intervention.

Source: Government of South Africa

Aztiq et Innobic annoncent le prix de vente secondaire des actions ordinaires de Lotus par l’AEMH

LONDRES et BANGKOK, Thaïlande, 03 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Aztiq Pharma Partners (« Aztiq »), une société de capital-investissement axée sur le secteur des sciences de la vie, et Innobic (Asia) Company Limited (« Innobic »), la branche sciences de la vie du conglomérat pétrolier et gazier thaïlandais PTT Public Company Limited (« PTT ») (collectivement, « les actionnaires »), ont annoncé aujourd’hui le prix fixé pour une vente de 25 095 850 actions de Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT ; « Lotus », « la société »), une société pharmaceutique multinationale, à 297 NT$ par action. La transaction sera réglée le 5 juillet 2023, sous réserve de satisfaction des procédures de règlement habituelles. La vente est exécutée par Alvogen Emerging Market Holdings Limited (« AEMH »), qui continuera de détenir 41 % des actions ordinaires de Lotus après la clôture de la transaction. En incluant les participations directes détenues par Innobic dans Lotus, les actionnaires continueront de détenir environ 47,7 % de la société.

Robert Wessman, fondateur d’Aztiq, a déclaré : « L’annonce d’aujourd’hui constitue une étape importante dans l’évolution de Lotus qui a commencé comme une entreprise dont l’activité était presque entièrement nationale. Aujourd’hui, la société est devenue une entreprise pharmaceutique mondiale disposant d’un vaste portefeuille de produits et dont la portée mondiale touche la quasi-totalité des régions du monde grâce aux activités d’exportation de la société ou via l’infrastructure commerciale propre de Lotus qui s’étend dans toute l’Asie. En tant que président, j’ai hâte de continuer à travailler avec l’équipe de direction éprouvée de Lotus qui a mené à bien cette transformation, afin de collaborer sur la stratégie et de développer l’entreprise à l’avenir. »

Dr Buranin Rattanasombat, directeur des Nouvelles activités et de l’Infrastructure de PTT, et président d’Innobic, a déclaré : « Cette transaction représente une étape importante pour Lotus, car elle augmente simultanément le flottant de l’action et diversifie la base d’actionnaires avec de solides investisseurs institutionnels. En tant qu’actionnaire de référence de Lotus, nos intérêts restent véritablement alignés sur ceux de la société et de ses précieux actionnaires. »

J.P. Morgan et Credit Suisse interviennent en tant qu’agents de placement pour la transaction.

À propos d’Aztiq

Aztiq est une société de capital-investissement visionnaire axée sur les soins de santé qui se consacre à la promotion de l’innovation et s’efforce de favoriser les changements positifs au sein de l’industrie. Dirigée par Robert Wessman et une équipe d’entrepreneurs chevronnés, Aztiq s’engage en termes d’identification, d’investissement et de développement de solutions de soins de santé révolutionnaires dans les domaines pharmaceutique et biotechnologique afin de relever les défis mondiaux en matière soins de santé. En tirant parti de l’expérience cumulée de cette équipe, Aztiq vise à améliorer les résultats pour les patients, à accroître l’accès à des soins de santé de qualité, et à créer un écosystème de soins de santé plus efficace et plus durable. Forte de ses succès avérés, Aztiq continue d’exercer un impact durable sur la santé et le bien-être des populations dans le monde entier. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur et suivez Aztiq sur LinkedIn.

À propos d’Innobic

Innobic (Asia) Company Limited est une filiale à 100 % de PTT, la plus grande entreprise énergétique de Thaïlande détenue majoritairement par le ministère thaïlandais des finances et cotée au Fortune Global 500. PTT est passé du statut de fournisseur d’énergie national à celui de conglomérat multinational, et a commencé à diversifier ses activités dans de nouveaux secteurs, et notamment dans les sciences de la vie, les énergies renouvelables, la chaîne de valeur de l’électricité et les nouvelles entreprises afin d’assurer la progression de sa nouvelle courbe en S. PTT a officiellement créé Innobic en décembre 2020 dans le but stratégique de générer une nouvelle empreinte dans les domaines des sciences de la vie pour le groupe PTT en se concentrant initialement sur les produits pharmaceutiques, et vise à faire d’Innobic une entreprise leader des sciences de la vie dans la région afin d’apporter le meilleur de la science et d’améliorer la qualité de vie des populations. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur

Demandes des médias :

Ming Li
[email protected]

Jaruchai Sutjarittam
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000828327

Aztiq e Innobic anunciam preço da venda secundária de ações ordinárias da Lotus pela AEMH

LONDRES e BANGKOK, Tailândia, July 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Aztiq Pharma Partners (“Aztiq”), uma empresa de private equity focada no setor de ciências da vida, e a Innobic (Asia) Company Limited (“Innobic”), o braço de ciências da vida do conglomerado tailandês de petróleo e gás PTT Public Company Limited (“PTT”) (coletivamente, “os acionistas”), anunciaram hoje o preço de uma venda de 25.095.850 ações da Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795: TT; “Lotus”, “a empresa”), uma empresa farmacêutica multinacional, a um preço de NT$ 297 por ação. A negociação será liquidada em 5 de julho de 2023, sujeita ao cumprimento dos procedimentos habituais de liquidação. A venda está sendo executada pela Alvogen Emerging Market Holdings Limited (“AEMH”), que continuará a deter 41% das ações ordinárias da Lotus após o fechamento da transação. Incluindo as participações diretas da Innobic na Lotus, os acionistas continuarão a deter aproximadamente 47,7% da empresa.

Robert Wessman, fundador da Aztiq, comentou: “O anúncio de hoje é um grande passo na evolução da Lotus, que começou como uma empresa cujos negócios eram quase inteiramente domésticos. A empresa hoje evoluiu para uma empresa farmacêutica global com um vasto portfólio de produtos e um alcance global que atinge quase todos os cantos do mundo através do negócio de exportação da empresa ou através da própria infraestrutura comercial da Lotus que se espalha por toda a Ásia. Como presidente, estou ansioso para continuar a trabalhar com a equipe de gestão consagrada da Lotus que liderou essa transformação para colaborar na estratégia e expandir o negócio no futuro.”

Dr. Buranin Rattanasombat, Diretor de Novos Negócios e Infraestrutura da PTT e Presidente da Innobic, comentou: “Esta transação é um passo significativo para a Lotus, pois aumenta simultaneamente a circulação das ações e diversifica a base de acionistas com fortes investidores institucionais. Como principal acionista da Lotus, nossos interesses permanecem verdadeiramente alinhados com os da empresa e de seus valiosos acionistas.”

O J.P. Morgan e o Credit Suisse estão atuando como agentes de colocação para o negócio.

Sobre a Aztiq

A Aztiq é uma empresa visionária de private equity focada em saúde dedicada a promover a inovação e impulsionar mudanças positivas no setor. Liderada por Robert Wessman e uma equipe de empreendedores veteranos, a Aztiq está comprometida em identificar, investir e nutrir soluções inovadoras de saúde em farmacêutica e biotecnologia para enfrentar os desafios globais de saúde. Ao aproveitar a experiência acumulada da equipe, a Aztiq visa melhorar os resultados dos pacientes, aumentar o acesso a cuidados de saúde de qualidade e criar um ecossistema de saúde mais eficiente e sustentável. Com um histórico comprovado de sucesso, a Aztiq continua a causar um impacto duradouro na saúde e no bem-estar das pessoas em todo o mundo. Para mais informações, visite e siga a Aztiq no LinkedIn.

Sobre a Innobic

A Innobic (Asia) Company Limited é uma subsidiária integral da PTT, a maior empresa de energia da Tailândia de propriedade majoritária do Ministério das Finanças da Tailândia e listada na Fortune Global 500. A PTT deixou de ser uma fornecedora nacional de energia para se tornar um conglomerado multinacional e começou a diversificar os negócios em novos setores, incluindo Ciências da Vida, Energias Renováveis, Cadeia de Valor de Eletricidade e Empreendimentos, para servir como sua nova curva S. Ela estabeleceu oficialmente a Innobic em dezembro de 2020 com o objetivo estratégico de construir uma nova presença nos campos de Ciências da Vida para o Grupo PTT, com foco inicial em produtos farmacêuticos, e visa fazer com que a Innobic se torne uma empresa líder em Ciências da Vida na região para trazer a melhor ciência e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Para mais informações, visite

Informações para a mídia:

Ming Li
[email protected]

Jaruchai Sutjarittam
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000828327

Zulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini: I am not poisoned, I am well

“I am not poisoned, I am well,” he said on a video released on Monday evening.

At the weekend, the king’s traditional prime minister said he had gone to neighbouring Eswatini for treatment.

Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi added that it followed the sudden death of one of the king’s senior advisers, also of suspected poisoning.

But in response, the king’s spokesperson, Prince Africa Zulu alleged there was “an orchestrated agenda and a desperate narrative to communicate defamatory and baseless claims of His Majesty’s ill-health”.

The dispute is a sign of how the relationship between King Misuzulu and Chief Buthelezi has fallen apart, reports the BBC’s Nomsa Maseko in Johannesburg.

But in a strongly worded statement on Tuesday, Chief Buthelezi said there was “certainly no growing rift” between him and the king. He did acknowledge that there were “disagreements on matters from time to time”, but this was “like any other family”.

Chief Buthelezi added that he had not “acted in malice by making the announcement about his health”.

In the video released on Monday, the king, looking well, explained that he had travelled to Eswatini for a regular medical health check – something that Chief Buthelezi continues to dispute saying that the king crossed the border to “urgently seek medical attention”.

“I’m happy, everything is well-functioning, there is no poison whatsoever. So please people, mostly to the Zulu people, the Zulu royal family also to remind everyone to please don’t listen to everything that people say,” the king said.

King Misuzulu was crowned in front of thousands of his subjects last October.

But a vicious power struggle has been raging within the royal family over the 48-year-old’s accession, while tensions have also recently surfaced between the monarch and Chief Buthelezi.

The Zulu king does not have formal political power and the monarch’s role within broader South African society is largely ceremonial, but he remains hugely influential with a yearly government-funded budget of several million dollars.

King Misuzulu’s accession to the throne was sooner than expected and he has been at the centre of palace intrigue.

His father died during the Covid pandemic in March 2021 of diabetes-related complications.

He was the Zulu nation’s longest-reigning monarch, having served on the throne for almost 50 years.

King Misuzulu’s mother, Queen Mantfombi Dlamini-Zulu, then became the regent, but she died a month later.

She was the sister of Eswatini’s King Mswati III – Africa’s only absolute monarch.

At the time, Chief Buthelezi dismissed rumours that she had been poisoned.

He had backed King Misuzulu’s accession to the throne after her death, but recent reports suggested that sharp differences had emerged between the two.

It followed a dispute over the chairmanship of the Ingonyama Trust Board, which manages vast tracts of land controlled by the monarch.

The king appointed Chief Thanduyise Mzimela as its chairman, but this was opposed by Chief Buthelezi who felt he was inexperienced for the post, according to local media.

Source: BBC