WHR Global Releases Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report

WHR Global Shapes Clients’ Policies to Ensure Benefits Offerings Are Competitive in the Market

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced the release of its international 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report called “Ask an Expert!”

At WHR, our mission is to provide clients with superior relocation services, and to do so, we need to be in tune with the global cost of living. To accomplish this, we created the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report, a comprehensive guide to understanding the true cost of living, not just in one city, but in many cities worldwide.

“Drawing from my own personal experience as a former expat residing in Switzerland, and a former relocation coordinator, I bring a deep understanding of the challenges and intricacies of international relocation,” said Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager at WHR. “This benchmark report and firsthand knowledge equips WHR with the ability to provide valuable insights and guidance to mobility teams, enabling them to navigate the complexities of global assignments more effectively.”

The Report includes 8.8 million price submissions from 11,000 cities, and prices benchmarked by country include rental prices for 1 & 3 bedrooms both inside and outside of city centers, common utilities costs per month, local transportation, and more. Understanding the ground realities of cost of living helps relocation teams create scalable solutions and helps businesses have more productive moves, making the transition for employees smoother than ever.

The Report allows businesses to “check the pulse” of their allowances and per diems, whether they choose to administer fixed amounts globally, or variable by location. If global mobility teams find that the allowances and per diems offered to their employees are lower than the average for that country, contact WHR today for a free consultation, including a breakdown of the benchmark report by city.

Global mobility teams may use this Report, which covers 99 countries, to benchmark the following:

  • Monthly housing allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly utilities allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly transportation allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Transportation per diems for preview and home finding trips, and
  • Meal per diems for preview and home finding trips.

Whether you are a relocation manager or a business leader, investing in the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report today can help you make the most informed decisions for your relocation budget and employee benefits policies.

See more data and download the complete 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report “Ask an Expert” here.

The Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark is intended for informational purposes only.

About WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in the United States, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward® and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com/, or follow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

WHR Global publie un rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités, « Ask an Expert » 2023

WHR Global façonne les politiques de ses clients pour s’assurer que les prestations offertes soient compétitives sur le marché

MILWAUKEE, 17 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), un leader dans le secteur mondial de la mutation des employés, a annoncé la publication de son Rapport comparatif international sur les allocations et indemnités du nom de « Ask an Expert » 2023 !

Chez WHR, notre mission est de fournir à nos clients des services de mutation de qualité supérieure, et pour ce faire, nous devons être en phase avec le coût de la vie à l’échelle mondiale. Afin d’y parvenir, nous avons créé le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023. Il s’agit d’un guide complet pour comprendre le véritable coût de la vie, pas seulement dans une ville, mais aussi dans de nombreuses villes du monde entier.

« Fort de ma propre expérience d’ancien expatrié ayant résidé en Suisse, et en tant qu’ancien coordinateur de mutations, j’apporte une compréhension approfondie des défis et complexités de la mutation internationale », a déclaré Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratégiques chez WHR. « Ce rapport comparatif et ces connaissances de première main permettent à WHR de fournir des informations et des conseils précieux aux équipes chargées de la mobilité afin de gérer plus efficacement les complexités des missions internationales. »

Le rapport comprend 8,8 millions de soumissions de prix provenant de 11 000 villes, et les prix comparés par pays incluent les prix de location pour 1 et 3 chambres à coucher à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des centres-villes, les coûts des services utilitaires publics généraux par mois, les transports locaux et plus encore. Comprendre les réalités du coût de la vie aide les équipes de mutation à créer des solutions modulables et permet aux entreprises de prendre des décisions plus productives, fluidifiant plus que jamais le changement pour les employés.

Le rapport permet aux entreprises de comparer et contrôler leurs allocations et indemnités, qu’elles choisissent d’administrer des montants fixes à l’échelle mondiale ou variables selon les lieux. Si des équipes de mobilité internationale constatent que les allocations et indemnités offertes à leurs employés sont inférieures à la moyenne du pays en question, nous les invitons à contacter WHR dès à présent pour une consultation gratuite, comprenant un détail du rapport comparatif par ville.

Les équipes de mobilité internationale peuvent utiliser ce rapport, qui couvre 99 pays, pour comparer les éléments suivants :

  • Allocations mensuelles de logement pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de services utilitaires publics pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de transport pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Indemnités de transport pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d’un logement, et
  • Indemnités de repas pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d’un logement.

Que vous soyez responsable de la mutation ou chef d’entreprise, investir dans le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023 dès aujourd’hui peut vous aider à prendre les décisions les plus éclairées pour votre budget de mutation et vos politiques d’avantages sociaux pour le personnel.

Pour plus de données et télécharger l’intégralité du Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023, rendez-vous ici.

Le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023 est uniquement destiné à informer.

À propos de WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) est une société privée de gestion des mutations à l’échelle mondiale, axée sur le client, qui se distingue par la meilleure prestation de services de sa catégorie et par une technologie de pointe dont elle est propriétaire. WHR possède des bureaux aux États-Unis, en Suisse et à Singapour. Avec son taux de rétention de la clientèle de 100 % au cours des dix dernières années, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale. WHR vit grâce à sa vision et sa passion pour son crédo Advancing Lives Forward® et son principe de simplifier ce qui est complexe. Pour en savoir plus sur WHR, veuillez consulter le site https://www.whrg.com/, ou nous suivre sur LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contact :
Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratégiques
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

WHR Global Publica Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023

A WHR Global molda as políticas dos clientes para garantir que as ofertas de benefícios sejam competitivas no mercado

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global (WHR), líder da indústria global de realocação de funcionários, anunciou a publicação do “Ask the Expert” (Pergunta ao Especialista), Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023.

A missão da WHR é fornecer aos clientes serviços de realocação superiores e, para isso, precisamos estar em sintonia com o custo de vida global. Para isso, criamos o Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023, um guia abrangente para entender o verdadeiro custo de vida, não apenas em uma cidade, mas em muitas cidades do mundo.

“Com base na minha experiência pessoal como ex-expatriado residente na Suíça e ex-coordenador de relocação, trago um profundo entendimento dos desafios e complexidades da realocação internacional”, disse Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratégicas da WHR. “Este relatório de referência e conhecimento em primeira mão equipa a WHR com a capacidade de fornecer informações e orientações valiosas para as equipes de mobilidade, permitindo que elas naveguem nas complexidades das atribuições globais com mais eficiência.”

O Relatório inclui 8,8 milhões de preços em 11.000 cidades. Os benchmarks the preços por país incluem preços de aluguel de unidades de 1 e 3 quartos dentro e fora dos centros das cidades, custo mensal de serviços públicos comuns, transporte local e muito mais. Com o conhecimento das realidades básicas do custo de vida as equipes de realocação podem criar soluções escaláveis, ajudando as empresas a fazer mudanças mais produtivas, facilitando muito a realocação do funcionário.

O Relatório permite que as empresas “confiram a opinião” sobre seus auxílios e diárias, independentemente de optarem pela administração de valores fixos globais ou variáveis locais. Caso as equipes de mobilidade global achem que os auxílios e diárias oferecidos aos seus funcionários são inferiores à média do país, contate a WHR hoje para uma consulta gratuita, inclusive detalhes do relatório de benchmark por cidade.

As equipes de mobilidade global podem usar este Relatório, que abrange 99 países, para comparar o seguinte:

  • Auxílios mensais de moradia para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Auxílios mensais de utilidades públicas para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Auxílios mensais de transporte para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Diárias de transporte para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia, e
  • Diárias de refeições para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia.

Seja você um gerente de realocação ou um líder de negócios, o investimento no Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023 hoje pode ajudá-lo a tomar as decisões mais informadas para o seu orçamento de realocação e políticas de benefícios para funcionários.

Para mais detalhes e fazer o download completo, clique em 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report “Ask an Expert”.

O benchmark Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023, destina-se apenas a fins informativos.

Sobre a WHR Global

A WHR Global (WHR) é uma empresa global de gestão de relocação privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestação de serviços e tecnologia proprietária de ponta. A WHR tem escritórios nos Estados Unidos, Suíça e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de retenção de clientes de 100% na última década, o WHR continua a se posicionar como líder confiável na relocação global de funcionários. A WHR vive por sua visão e paixão por Advancing Lives Forward™ e Making the Complex Simple. Para mais informação sobre a WHR, visite https://www.whrg.com/, ou siga-nos no LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratégicas
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

Durban’s clean-up campaign gains momentum

The Durban Metro Police have intensified their crime prevention clean-up campaign in a quest to get rid of drug dens and reduce crime in the city.

According to eThekwini Municipality the campaign, launched by Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda in January, has seen a decline in drug dens and the illegal occupation of railway lines by drug addicts.

Project leader, Superintendent Anand Maharaj, said the campaign has rejuvenated their efforts, and resulted in a highly successful multi-stakeholder initiative.

Maharaj said the programme initially started 10 years ago with a handful of stakeholders, however, as time progressed the campaign gradually lost momentum.

“With the alarming spike in criminal activities, Mayor Kaunda called on the Metro Police to leave no stone unturned to ensure we reduce crime [and] that was the nudge we needed to restart the initiative,” Maharaj said.

Metro Police Spokesperson, Colonel Boysie Zungu, commended Maharaj and his team for their work to combat crime in the city centre, noting their efforts to bring criminals to book and to ensure the wellbeing of residents.

“Superintendent Anand’s team has reported a decline in the illegal occupation of railway lines by drug users. From about 1 000 occupants there are only about 150 now. This added pressure has started to have an impact as the illegal occupants were suspected to play a major role in crime,” Zungu said.

Zungu also commended the stakeholders, including the South African Police Services, Urban Improvement Precinct, Safer Cities, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa and iTrump, for their role in the clean-up campaign.

Meanwhile, Mayor Kaunda said another new business has opened its doors, adding to the growing luxury restaurant and entertainment scene in the city.

Kaunda was speaking at the official opening of the Signature Restaurant at Oceans Mall in uMhlanga on Friday.

Kaunda said the opening of Signature Restaurant, which is founded by Desmond Mabuza, shows the confidence that investors continue to have on the city.

“We wish to congratulate the Mabuza family for this wonderful achievement of bringing a 5-star restaurant to our city. Durban is the only place to have a Signature Restaurant outside of Morningside in Sandton. We have no doubt that this restaurant will enrich our culinary experience and enhance the tourism experience,” Kaunda said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Law enforcement continues crackdown on Eskom fraud and corruption

More than 2 000 cases and arrests have been made in cases linked to criminality at Eskom.

This was announced by Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, during a media briefing on Monday.

“Over the period from April 2022 to date, there are 2 147 Eskom cases that have been reported to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and about 1 586 of these are under investigation. Since that period…126 arrests have been made.

“In addition to the technical solutions that we are seeking to resolve the issues at Eskom, we are also focused on addressing some of the underlying problems which have been issues of fraud, corruption and security,” he said.

Ramokgopa explained that law enforcement is hard at work, not only patrolling Eskom power stations but also investigating criminal activity linked to the power utility.

“A unit is located and embedded at Eskom and they also get to interact with various police stations that are attached to the various power stations.

“They do make regular visits not just to power stations but also to coal yards because they are trying to understand the anatomy of these criminal activities. They also go to second hand dealers just to ensure that people can account for their activities,” he said.

The Minister further stated that thousands of scrap yard dealers – where stolen Eskom copper cables can be sold – have been visited in thr crackdown on copper cable theft.

“They have visited about 15 043 scrap metal dealers. They have done compliance inspections so that we are able to undermine and cut the arteries of these syndicates and allow Eskom to do its work going forward,” he said.

The Minister emphasised that the work done by law enforcement, coupled with the recovery of some R93 million for Eskom coffers, carries a tangible impact not only for the power utility, but also citizens.

“We have tried to provide a physical value of what has been recovered but there’s a greater value that, from a security point of view, is intangible but from a technical point of view, is tangible.

“If we could be able to illustrate that some of the megawatts recovered are as a result of the work of our colleagues in the intelligence and security agency, the megawatts would far exceed the R93 million.

“Those would be the additional megawatts that are made available to the South African economy,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Eskom working to resolve intensified load shedding

Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, has apologised to the nation for Stage 6 load shedding that was implemented on Thursday.

The Minister was speaking during a media briefing on Monday.

Eskom implemented Stage 6 load shedding last week following breakdowns and delays in returning to service of generating units.

“I want to express our sincere and profuse apology for having taken you through a very difficult stage of intensive load shedding.

“Firstly, load shedding is unacceptable. The second part is that going to higher stages of load shedding, especially Stage 6, should not become the norm. If anything, that should constitute an extraordinary occurrence. The intensity of load shedding that goes beyond Stage 4 is something that should be unacceptable and it’s something that, to the degree that we can… we will do everything to avoid,” he said.

On the upside, the Minister said at least two units are already expected back online, which will add some 1 305MW onto the grid. Furthermore, later this week, at least 12 generating units are also expected back to boost the grid by some 5 438MW.

Ramokgopa said the implementation of Stage 6 – following at least three weeks of sustained improved performance by Eskom power stations – is a manifestation of earlier warnings that the power grid remains under severe pressure.

“[This is] a reconfirmation of the fact that the grid remains vulnerable and susceptible to plummeting of availability of megawatts… although we have seen a significant amount of reprieve over the 21 days.

“What we have always known was that we should be able to get to a stage where we are able to build resilience, reliability of these units and also create an additional buffer so that as when these units fail… there’s sufficient reserve margin that will allow us an opportunity not to engage in any stage of load shedding and/or any intensification of load shedding,” he said.

Ramokgopa explained that Eskom’s power stations are particularly vulnerable to boiler tube leaks, which cause unplanned outages for generation units.

“That’s the persistent failure that we are experiencing across all the power stations. It’s an area of technical shortfall that requires all of our attention. It has to do sometimes with the quality of coal.

“In our conversation with Eskom’s technical team, we said that we must just focus on this and in my other conversations with leading universities in the country… we tried to see if we can get people who studied this so that we are able to help the situation.

“This is our albatross and the majority of boiler tube leaks and the majority of the units that had failed and gone out are as a result of boiler tube leaks,” Ramokgopa said.

The Minister reiterated government’s commitment and plan to deal decisively with load shedding.

“Our task is twofold. The first is that in the shortest possible space of time, end load shedding and then make it possible to create additional capacity and a buffer so that as we enter the next winter season, we’ve got sufficient generating capacity to be able to meet those winter conditions.

“In the long run, for us to be able to build resilience and energy sovereignty for the country, we need to create additional generating capacity that will support the projected growth in the country,” Ramokgopa said.

Source: South African Government News Agency