Employment and Labour expresses sympathy to the family of a 42-year-old woman who passed away after collapsing outside the Polokwane Labour Centre

Employment and Labour expresses sympathy to the family of a deceased – Limpopo

The Department of Employment and Labour in Limpopo has on 23 February 2023, noted with deep regret and sadness the passing of a 42-year-old woman after collapsing outside the Polokwane Labour Centre.

According to her husband, the deceased, whose identity cannot be revealed, left home at 5:00 a.m. to apply for Unemployment Insurance Fund. The husband stated that his wife was ill but insisted on travelling. Unfortunately, the woman collapsed outside the labour centre and was declared dead by paramedics.

The Department is extending its deepest sympathies to the family of the deceased.

“Our heartfelt condolences go out to you during this difficult time. May you find strength and comfort from God during this difficult time,” said Deputy Director of Labour Centre Operations in Polokwane, Mojalefa Ramogane.

He advised clients not to sleep in labour centres because it jeopardizes their safety. According to Ramogane, the Department has formed a Response Rapid Team to work tirelessly to ensure that clients do not sleep at labour centres.

The labour centre manager added that operations start at 07:30 am and until 16:00.

Ramogane said that this is the first incident to take place outside the Polokwane labour centre.

Source: Government of South Africa