TrueCommerce Reconhecido no Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2022 de Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks

— Empresa é reconhecida com base na sua Capacidade de Realização e Integralidade da Visão —

FLORHAM PARK, N.J., June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A TrueCommerce, fornecedora global de soluções de conectividade, integração e comércio unificado de parceiros comerciais, anunciou hoje que foi reconhecida pela Gartner Inc. como Challenger no Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks (Redes de Empresas de Cadeia de Suprimentos – MESCBNs) de maio de 2022.1 A avaliação teve como base critérios específicos que analisaram a integridade geral da visão e a capacidade de execução da empresa.

A Gartner define “multienterprise supply chain business networks” (MESCBNs) como plataformas holísticas e coesas que apoiam uma comunidade centrada no expedidor dos parceiros comerciais que precisam coordenar e executar processos comerciais com várias empresas. A Gartner considera as MESCBNs como tecnologia fundamental para organizações de maior maturidade, implementadas para coordenar, orquestrar, automatizar e transformar a cadeia de suprimentos estendida de uma organização dentro do ecossistema geral de negócios em que operam para impulsionar a colaboração e aumentar a competitividade.
As principais capacidades do mercado MESCBN incluem:

  • Conectividade de rede extensiva com suporte a ecossistemas e plataformas de tecnologia de parceiros de vários níveis e tipos
  • Informação centralizada/hub de dados e visualização
  • Aplicativos universais entre domínios
  • Principais aplicativos de execução da cadeia de suprimentos (centrados nas empresas e em várias empresas)
  • Aplicativos complementares da cadeia de suprimentos (planejamento ou finanças)
  • Inteligência incorporada

“Para nós, é emocionante garantir a posição de Challenger nesta pesquisa fundamental – quatro anos seguidos”, disse Mike Gross, SVP de Produto, TrueCommerce. “No último ano, fizemos investimentos significativos na nossa tecnologia e pessoas, expandindo nossa base de clientes em 40% como resultado. Também temos novas e empolgantes inovações de produtos em andamento, incluindo a utilização de APIs e a utilização do nosso adaptador universal para ampliar as integrações internas e externas, bem como a maior utilização de dados por meio de inteligência artificial/aprendizado de máquina.”

A TrueCommerce oferece um amplo conjunto de soluções e aplicativos de comércio unificado que conectam clientes, fornecedores, canais e sistemas. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as empresas a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

As soluções aproveitam a Rede de Comércio Global da TrueCommerce, que inclui mais de 160.000 empresas conectadas. Além da própria plataforma, o modelo de cadeia de suprimentos como serviço oferecido pela TrueCommerce inclui suporte personalizado, mapeamento de parceiros comerciais e monitoramento contínuo de conformidade.

As inovações tecnológicas e a estratégia de negócios da TrueCommerce trouxeram inúmeros prêmios no setor. Além de ser nomeada como Challenger novamente pela Gartner, a empresa foi reconhecida nos seguintes relatórios de analistas de destaque:

  • Líder no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide Multi-Enterprise Supply Chain Commerce Network, 2021
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide Product Information Management Applications, 2021
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide B2B Digital Commerce Platforms Vendor Assessment, 2020
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide B2C Digital Commerce Platforms Vendor Assessment, 2020

Baixe uma cópia gratuita do relatório Gartner Magic Quadrant aqui.

A Gartner não recomenda nenhum fornecedor produto ou serviço descrito nas suas pesquisas publicadas, e não recomenda que os usuários de tecnologia selecionem apenas os fornecedores com as classificações ou designações mais altas. As pesquisas publicadas da Gartner consistem na opinião da empresa de pesquisa da Gartner e não devem ser interpretadas como declarações de fato. A Gartner se isenta de todas as garantias, expressas ou implícitas, com relação a esta pesquisa, incluindo quaisquer garantias de comercialização ou adequação a uma finalidade específica.

A Gartner e o Magic Quadrant são marcas comerciais registradas e de serviço da Gartner, Inc. e/ou de suas afiliadas nos EUA e internacionalmente, e são usadas aqui sob permissão. Todos os direitos reservados.

Recursos Adicionais:

• Explore o TrueCommerce neste blog
• Siga o TrueCommerce em LinkedIn, Facebook e Twitter

Sobre a TrueCommerce

A TrueCommerce é a forma mais completa de conexão da sua empresa com toda a cadeia de suprimentos, com total integração, desde EDI, gerenciamento de estoque, até atendimento, fachadas digitais e mercados. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as organizações a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

A TrueCommerce Global Commerce Network viabiliza a conexão das empresas com mais de 160.000 varejistas, distribuidores e provedores de serviços de logística. Como provedora de serviços totalmente gerenciado, também gerenciamos a integração de novos parceiros comerciais, bem como a gestão contínua de mapeamento específico de parceiros, alterações de rotulagem e monitoramento de comunicações. É por isso que milhares de empresas – desde as startups até as da Fortune 100 global de vários setores – dependem de nós.

TrueCommerce: Negócios em todas as direções
Para mais informação, visite

TrueCommerce® é uma marca comercial registrada da True Commerce, Inc. Todas as outras marcas comerciais pertencem aos seus respectivos proprietários.

Contato com a Mídia
Yegor Kuznetsov
Diretor, Comunicações de Marketing

Fonte Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks”, Christian Titze, Brock Johns, 23 de maio de 2022

Truecommerce reconnue dans le Magic Quadrant™ 2022 de Gartner® pour les réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises

— La société est reconnue pour sa capacité d’exécution et l’exhaustivité de sa vision —

FLORHAM PARK, New Jersey, 02 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TrueCommerce, fournisseur mondial de solutions de connectivité, d’intégration et de commerce unifié pour les partenaires commerciaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir été reconnu par Gartner Inc. comme un Challenger dans le Magic Quadrant de mai 2022 pour les réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises (MESCBN).1 L’évaluation a été basée sur des critères spécifiques qui ont analysé l’exhaustivité de la vision et la capacité d’exécution globales de la société.

Gartner définit les « réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises » (MESCBN) comme des plateformes holistiques et cohésives qui soutiennent une communauté de partenaires commerciaux centrés sur les expéditeurs qui doivent coordonner et exécuter les processus commerciaux qui s’étendent à plusieurs entreprises. Gartner considère les MESCBN comme une technologie fondamentale pour les organisations plus matures, mise en œuvre pour coordonner, orchestrer, automatiser et transformer la chaîne logistique étendue d’une organisation au sein de l’écosystème commercial dans lequel elle opère pour stimuler la collaboration et améliorer la compétitivité.
Les principales capacités du marché MESCBN comprennent :

  • Connectivité réseau étendue avec prise en charge de plateformes technologiques et d’écosystèmes partenaires multiniveaux et multitypes
  • Pôle d’informations/données et visualisation centralisés
  • Applications universelles interdomaines
  • Applications d’exécution de la chaîne d’approvisionnement de base (centrées sur les entreprises et multi-entreprises)
  • Applications de chaîne d’approvisionnement supplémentaires (planification ou finance)
  • Intelligence intégrée

« Pour nous, il est passionnant d’obtenir la position de Challenger dans cette recherche fondamentale – quatre années consécutives », a commenté Mike Gross, vice-président principal des produits chez TrueCommerce. « Au cours de l’année écoulée, nous avons réalisé des investissements importants dans notre technologie et notre personnel, élargissant ainsi notre clientèle de 40 %. Nous avons également de nouvelles innovations de produits passionnantes en cours, y compris l’utilisation d’API et l’exploitation de notre adaptateur universel pour élargir les intégrations internes et externes ainsi que l’utilisation accrue des données par le biais de l’intelligence artificielle/de l’apprentissage automatique. »

TrueCommerce propose un large éventail de solutions et d’applications de commerce unifié qui connecte les clients, les fournisseurs, les canaux et les systèmes. Ces solutions révolutionnent la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Les solutions tirent parti du réseau de commerce mondial TrueCommerce, qui comprend plus de 160 000 entreprises connectées. Au-delà de la plateforme elle-même, le modèle de chaîne d’approvisionnement en tant que service proposé par TrueCommerce comprend une assistance personnalisée, une cartographie des partenaires commerciaux et une surveillance continue de la conformité.

Les innovations technologiques et la stratégie commerciale de TrueCommerce lui ont valu de nombreuses distinctions dans le secteur. En plus d’être de nouveau nommée Challenger par Gartner, la société a été reconnue dans les grands rapports d’analystes suivants :

  • Leader dans IDC MarketScape pour le réseau mondial de la chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises, 2021
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour les applications mondiales de gestion des informations sur les produits, 2021
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour l’évaluation des fournisseurs de plateformes de commerce numérique B2B dans le monde entier, 2020
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour l’évaluation des fournisseurs de plateformes de commerce numérique B2C dans le monde entier, 2020

Téléchargez un exemplaire gratuit du rapport Magic Quadrant de Gartner ici.

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Gartner n’approuve aucun fournisseur, produit ou service représenté dans ses publications de recherche et ne conseille pas aux utilisateurs de technologie de sélectionner uniquement les fournisseurs les mieux notés ou ayant obtenu une autre désignation. Les publications de recherche de Gartner représentent les opinions de l’institut de recherche de Gartner et ne doivent pas être interprétées comme des déclarations de faits. Gartner décline toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, concernant cette étude, y compris toute garantie de qualité marchande ou d’adéquation à un usage particulier.

GARTNER et Magic Quadrant sont des marques de service et commerciales déposées de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier et sont utilisées ici avec autorisation. Tous droits réservés.

Ressources complémentaires :

• Découvrez TrueCommerce sur ce blog
• Suivez TrueCommerce sur LinkedIn, Facebook et Twitter

À propos de TrueCommerce

TrueCommerce est le moyen le plus complet de connecter votre entreprise à la chaîne d’approvisionnement, en intégrant tout, de l’EDI à la gestion des stocks, en passant par le traitement des commandes, les vitrines et les marchés numériques. Nous avons révolutionné la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Le réseau commercial mondial TrueCommerce peut connecter les entreprises à plus de 160 000 détaillants, distributeurs et fournisseurs de services logistiques. Véritable fournisseur de services gérés, TrueCommerce gère également le processus d’intégration des nouveaux partenaires commerciaux, ainsi que la gestion courante des modifications de mappage et d’étiquetage spécifiques à chaque partenaire. C’est pourquoi des milliers d’entreprises, des startups aux entreprises du classement Fortune 100, dans différents secteurs, nous font confiance.

TrueCommerce : faites des affaires avec des moyens illimités !
Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

TrueCommerce® est une marque déposée de TrueCommerce, Inc. Toutes les autres marques commerciales sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.

Contact auprès des médias
Yegor Kuznetsov
Directeur des communications marketing

1 Source : Gartner, « Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks », Christian Titze, Brock Johns, 23 mai 2022 Announces New Leadership Amid Official Launch

Global IT sustainability nonprofit to be led by former IDC VP, names new board members from multiple Fortune 500 companies Board Photo Nasdaq Times Square

Nasdaq congratulates Delphix on its launch of

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, the new nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing global sustainability through technology leadership, today announced its new executive director and additional board members, following its successful inaugural board meeting May 24 in New York. is proud to name Kath Marston as its Executive Director and General Manager. Marston brings leadership development experience gained from serving as Group Vice President, Client Experience/Operations for IDC’s CIO Executive Council, having overseen a community of leading Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and top technologists across global organizations.

“I am extremely excited to lead this powerful agenda. Technology leaders can have a critical impact on global sustainability efforts, and our commitment to galvanizing these leaders to act is vital for the prosperity of businesses, humanity, and the entire planet,” Marston said.

Additionally, voted in seven members to its board of directors. Composed of influential CIOs, CTOs, and other CXOs from around the world.’s newest board members are:

They join existing board members:

On June 8th, will host its European launch in Paris to raise awareness and drive critical mandates forward at a global scale. Its next board meeting and executive summit will be held at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, on August 15th where multiple board members will accept CIO 100 Awards shortly thereafter.

Companies are increasingly committing to maximizing sustainability within their operations, and most companies will have developed a roadmap and formally pledged to make sustainability a corporate-wide goal by 2025*, according to research from IDC. They will fulfill these pledges by using the latest tools and software to monitor and reduce power consumption, which makes a set of sustainability standards for the IT field all the more urgent to establish.

By uniting IT leaders and experts from around the world to define best practices and standard metrics for the United Nations’ three pillars of sustainability, is committed to driving transparency and progress toward a sustainable future.

“Our objective is to expand global awareness through a dedicated community of worldwide thought leaders, create education and positive awareness actions, measurable improvement in terms of sustainability management and improvement across technology executives,” Marston said. “Our passion is to inspire and make a better world for the next generation and generations to come.”

About is a nonprofit organization focused on advancing global sustainability through technology leadership. Our mission is to define sustainable transformation programs by industry, author best practices and frameworks, set standards and certifications, provide education and training, and raise awareness for environmental and societal programs that make our organizations and the world sustainable for generations to come. Follow us on LinkedIn.

Delphix formed as a nonstock and nonprofit organization alongside CIOs from leading organizations around the world. is initially funded by Delphix (as founder and technical advisor) and by revenue generated from underwriters, alliances partnerships, event sponsorships and other program sponsors, such as research partners. Delphix support will be governed by a Business Management Agreement between Delphix and

Source: *IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Sustainability 2022 Predictions – Oct. 2021

Kathryn Alissa Marston
Executive Director and General Manager,
Phone: 1 (508) 808-3080

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Presidency responds to claims by Arthur Fraser

The Presidency has been made aware through a media statement that Mr Arthur Fraser has laid a complaint with the South African Police Service against President Cyril Ramaphosa.

President Ramaphosa is clear that there is no basis for the claims of criminal conduct that have been made against him in Mr Fraser’s statement.

The Presidency can confirm that a robbery took place at the President’s farm in Limpopo on or around 9 February 2020 in which proceeds from the sale of game were stolen.

The President was attending an African Union Summit in Addis Ababa at the time the incident occurred. On being advised of the robbery, President Ramaphosa reported the incident to the head of the Presidential Protection Unit of the South African Police Service for investigation.

President Ramaphosa stands ready to cooperate with any law enforcement investigation of these matters.

President Ramaphosa remains resolute in leading the fight against corruption, restoring the integrity and capability of public institutions and overcoming the legacy of state capture, and will not be deterred by disinformation campaigns.

Source: Government of South Africa

Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities launches Youth Month

The Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, its agency, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) in partnership with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture will launched Youth Month on Thursday, 02 June in Soweto.

The Media Launch began at Morris Isaacson High School which was then followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the Hector Peterson Memorial. Thereafter, a Media Conference was held at Uncle Tom’s Community Hall which allowed for the youth month calendar of events to be unpacked.

The 46th anniversary of 16 June 1976 will be commemorated under the theme: Promoting sustainable livelihoods and resilience of young people for a better tomorrow.

Present at the Launch was NYDA CEO Mr Waseem Carrim; June 16 Foundation Activist Mr Oupa Moloto; South African Youth Council President Mr Oagile Louw; NYDA Executive Chairperson Ms Asanda Luwaca and Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.

Addressing the media on the impact of recent events on youth, Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities; Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said: “The devastation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our livelihoods and social mobility.

We have also been faced with challenges of widespread unrest, increasing youth unemployment, raging fires in the Western Cape, the flooding in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, and the second pandemic of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF). The reality is that the youth continue to bear the brunt of structural inequalities that manifest in violent ways.”

Youth Month is dedicated exclusively to issues affecting the youth of South Africa, including but not limited to unemployment, Gender-Based –Violence and Femicide (GBVF) and mental health.

NYDA Executive Chairperson, Ms Asanda Luwaca spoke to the mainstreaming of youth development across all areas of government, private sector, business, and civil society.

Youth empowerment requires collective responsibility, and to achieve that, all sectors must report on their programmes incorporating youth development. “I am strongly of the view that, we no longer as a country have the luxury to just talk about youth development but have the collective responsibility to make sure that it is tangible,” said Ms Luwaca.

Addressing and responding to high youth unemployment in the country, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said: “We must harness the potential of our youthful population. This includes the political will by government and captains of industry to ensure an integration of youth across all strategic sectors of our society, especially the economy.”

Over the next four weeks, government will be involved in a number of events and dialogues with the youth to honour the sacrifices of the 1976 youth, while charting a path forward to tackle the present- day challenges facing them.

This year, June 16, will be celebrated in the Eastern Cape. His Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the keynote address.

We welcome government, civil society, business, and youth formations to share their activities in recognition of Youth Month on social media platforms and using the hashtag #YouthMonth2022.

Source: Government of South Africa

Police initiate a search after Israel Lefu Tau (76) was reported missing in Thabong

On the 24 May 2022 mentally challenged Israel Lefu Tau (76) left home without notifying anyone. He was last seen wearing a grey jacket, brown short sleeves shirt, brown shoes, a green beanie and His walking stick is blue in colour.

The incident was reported to Thabong Police Station and Missing File was registered to initiate the search of the elderly man.

Anyone with information leading to tracing the missing elderly man, Detective Warrant of Gerrie Nel of Thabong Serious and Violent Crimes can be contacted at cellphone number 082 806 8432 or alternatively the Police Crime Stop number 08600 10111.

Source: South African Police Service