King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Apresenta Suas Inovações e Soluções de Saúde na Global Health Exhibition

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) está participando como parceiro de saúde estratégico na Global Health Exhibition 2023 de três dias, com início amanhã em Riade.

O hospital, no seu pavilhão da exposição que acompanha o fórum, mostrará suas inovações e soluções de saúde mais proeminentes no âmbito das suas direções estratégicas destinadas a fortalecer sua posição como pioneiro do conhecimento por meio da educação, pesquisa, inovação e prestação de cuidados de saúde com os mais altos níveis de qualidade e segurança.

Sua Excelência Dr. Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh, CEO do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, falou sobre o evento: O Reino da Arábia Saudita está trabalhando para consolidar a sua posição como líder global no campo da inovação, promovendo um ecossistema dinâmico que abraça as mais recentes tecnologias, apoiando o futuro dos cuidados de saúde e se estabelecendo como um destino mundial.

O Dr. Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh salientou que a participação do KFSH&RC na exposição está alinhada ao contexto do seu compromisso de promover a inovação no setor da saúde, do nível nacional ao global, e de apoiar tudo o que contribui para proporcionar os mais altos níveis de cuidados de saúde e a melhor experiência para o paciente.

O KFSH&RC apresenta aos visitantes da exposição suas várias inovações e soluções de saúde e seu impacto na melhoria dos resultados dos cuidados de saúde e da experiência do paciente, e na melhoria da eficiência operacional em vários campos médicos, incluindo a jornada do paciente, pesquisa biomédica espacial, medicina genômica, gerenciamento de capacidade, produção de medicamentos radio farmacêuticos e tratamento com células T (células CAR-T).

O KFSH&RC está pronto para exibir suas inovações, demonstrando sua liderança na pesquisa espacial biomédica. Isso é ressaltado pela sua liderança na supervisão de quatro experimentos de pesquisa em ciências celulares conduzidos no espaço, solidificando o papel pioneiro do hospital na promoção da inovação internacional. Além disso, o hospital apresentará seu programa de tratamento com reengenharia de células T para pacientes com câncer, um aprimoramento significativo no atendimento médico especializado dentro do Reino. Esse avanço também se traduz na redução dos encargos financeiros e de saúde, uma vez que os pacientes não são mais obrigados a procurar tratamento no exterior.

O KFSH&RC é considerado um dos mais proeminentes do mundo na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, um pioneiro em inovação e um centro avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. O hospital também trabalha no desenvolvimento tecnologias médicas e disseminação dos cuidados de saúde em todo o mundo em parceria com as principais instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, para alcançar um serviço de classe mundial nos campos clínico, de pesquisa e educacional.

Informações de Contato:
[email protected]

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition_02

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition_02

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) is presenting its pioneering journey and prospects in space biomedical research and its role in enhancing human health at the Global Health Exhibition, where KFSH&RC is also participating as a strategic healthcare partner.

At the Exhibition, KFSH&RC delves into its groundbreaking experience leading four research experiments in cell sciences in space. These experiments encompass testing the immune cell response to inflammation in space, monitoring the activity of thousands of genes in immune cells exposed to inflammation over time, and tracking the changes in the lifespan of ribonucleic acid (mRNA) between space and Earth. Additionally, the pavilion simulates the inflammatory response to drug treatment using an immune cell model to explore its potential applications for prevention and early treatment.

The aim of these research experiments, conducted in collaboration with the Saudi Space Authority, as part of the scientific mission of Saudi astronauts Rayyanah Barnawi and Ali Al-Qarni to the International Space Station (ISS), is to contribute to exploratory research and its applications in space medicine to enhance the safety of space explorers and utilize the knowledge gained for the benefit the patient community globally.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

The scientific experiments lasted for four days and were overseen by the research team led by Dr. Khaled Saad Abu Khubrah, Head of the Department of Molecular Biomedicine and Research at KFSH&RC, along with Dr. Wijdan Al-Ahmadi from KFSH&RC and Dr. Edward Hattie from the BioServe Space Technologies Center in Colorado, USA.

KFSH&RC is actively pursuing further research in space biomedical science to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of gravity deficiency and cosmic radiation on the human body. They aim to leverage the unique space environment, which provides opportunities for medical experiments that are not feasible on Earth. This includes studying how cells and tissues grow in microgravity conditions, potentially leading to groundbreaking discoveries in disease treatments and opening new avenues in space medicine.

KFSH&RC is globally renowned for its specialized healthcare services and its leadership in innovation. It stands as an advanced centre for medical research and education, aiming to advance medical technologies and raise the standard of healthcare worldwide through partnerships with prominent local, regional, and international institutions in clinical, research, and educational fields.

Contact information:
[email protected]

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Springboks win is a symbol of SA’s journey to nationhood

The Springboks’ nail biting victory over New Zealand carries far greater meaning and symbolism for South Africans than just a sporting achievement.

This is according to President Cyril Ramaphosa through his weekly newsletter on Monday.

The President described the win as historic at the Stade de France over the weekend and a reflection of South Africa’s own democratic journey.

“When South Africa first competed in the Rugby World Cup in 1995, our democracy was just a year old. Back then, there was just one black player on the team, the legendary Chester Williams. Of the squad that played in the past weekend’s final, just short of half were black players, including the team captain, Siya Kolisi.

“The journey of the Springboks to the historic victory in the 2023 Rugby World Cup is as much about our journey towards nationhood as it is about sporting excellence. It is as much about our quest to ensure that representation in all facets of public life, including sport, stands as a potent symbol of the cherished values upon which this country was founded,” he said.

President Ramaphosa said the fervent support for the ’Boks coming from all races and cultures shows that the team – whose history has been closely linked with the brutal Apartheid government – is embraced by South Africans everywhere.

“The fervent, colourful and touching displays of national pride from South Africans both at home and abroad during this tournament, show that perhaps as never before, the Springboks have well and truly been embraced by all races as their own.

“The viral clip of Springboks winger Makazole Mapimpi being cheered on by customers and store staff whilst out grocery shopping, and that of Eben ‘Elizabedi’ Etzebeth and RG Snyman dancing with South African fans near the Eiffel Tower in Paris are among my personal favourites.

“Witnessing so many South Africans don the national team’s colours and profess their support online and on other platforms speaks to the deep love for our country and to our ability to pull together even when the going gets tough,” he said.

The President reflected that South Africa’s “nationhood” has grown despite obstacles and uncertainty.

“At times such as this, when our country faces many problems that at times cause our spirits to flag, we are reminded that our South Africanness, our sense of community and belonging, and our very nationhood did not evolve overnight.

“It has taken considerable time to forge, and at times faced obstacles that threw us into uncertainty and doubt. But if the story of the transformation of South African rugby, a sport that was once the bastion of racial supremacy, is anything to go by – our country will continue to reap the benefits of change if we remain united and if we stay the course,” the President said.

He acknowledged that the country faces problems that “cannot be forgotten or wished away by a fleeting moment such as a sporting victory” but highlighted that the victory has united the country.

“It is our hope that it must also serve to inspire the younger generation to derive important life lessons about perseverance, teamwork, discipline and leadership. The interview that Siya Kolisi gave shortly after the team’s win on Saturday will be remembered as one of the most poignant and meaningful from a sports person in our country.

“He spoke about the different backgrounds of the team members and the difficulties they have had to overcome to reach this pinnacle of sporting achievement. You have to be South African to see, feel and experience the things we do,” he said.

“This Springbok squad is one of the best rugby teams in the history of the sport. But they are far more than that. They are also great ambassadors for our country and for the values that continue to drive our efforts to build a united, more equal and prosperous nation,” the President concluded.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Transport PPE contract reviewed and set aside

The Special Tribunal has set aside an R8 million personal protective equipment contract awarded by the Transport department in 2020.

The contract was awarded to the company, Ecko Green, to supply the taxi industry with personal protective equipment (PPE).

This as the Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) application to review and set aside a personal protective equipment PPE contract awarded by the Department of Transport in April 2020 was successful.

The SIU welcomed the tribunal’s judgment in a statement.

“An investigation by the SIU revealed that Ecko Green was not registered on the government’s Central Supplier Database (CSD) when it was awarded the contract. Ecko Green edited details of another company on CSD in April 2020 for the purpose of submitting bid documents to the department.

“The Special Tribunal ruled that the procurement process that led to the awarding of the contract to Ecko Green is declared irregular and unlawful. Ecko Green was awarded a PPE contract despite not being on the department’s supplier database and its name was given to the department by a senior SANTACO [South African National Taxi Council] official.

“The company was ordered to pay the department R1 701 000 plus interest, within 30 days from the date of the order. This amount represents profit derived from the PPE contract,” the SIU said in a statement on Sunday.

The investigation also found that Ecko Green allegedly made a R220 000 payment to a company linked to then SANTACO chief executive officer Nkululeko Buthelezi.

“Buthelezi is the one who handed a list of suppliers to the transport department, which included Ecko Green. When questioned about the payment, Ecko Green director Sharon Bhimjee claimed that the funds were for ‘rendered advisory services’ by Buthelezi and were not associated with the Ecko Green contract.

“[Special Tribunal Judge Lebogang Modiba] stated that had Ecko Green declared its relationship with Buthelezi and disclosed the conflict of interest to the department, Ecko Green would have been excluded from the bidding process. Ecko Green’s failure to disclose Bhimjee’s business associate’s relationship with Buthelezi is grossly irregular, Judge Modiba found,” the SIU said.

Source: South African Government News Agency